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Start NowUntil his retirement, Dr. Craig Canby has been the Associate Dean for Academic Curriculum and Medical Programs as well as a Professor of Anatomy at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Des Moines University, Iowa, USA.
He obtained his PhD in Anatomy at the University of Iowa. For his achievements in teaching and research, he received various awards such as the DPT Class of 2008 Teaching Excellence Award and the prestigious Hancher-Finkbine Medallion.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Canby teaches courses on Anatomy.
Dr. Thad E. Wilson is a Professor and Director of Education in the Department of Physiology at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, USA.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Not only is he an experienced lecturer with many years of teaching experience, but he has also developed and improved medical curriculums, and served in leadership roles directing Medical Physiology and various organ system courses.
Due to his achievements, Dr. Wilson has been awarded multiple institutional and national medical school teaching awards.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Wilson teaches courses on Physiology.
Dr. Carlo Raj is a Physician and Lecturer at Becker’s Healthcare, in Illinois, USA, and the CEO and founder of Indus Intellect Virtual MedEd, a medical education consulting company.
He obtained his MD from Medical University of the Americas (MUA) and is an international lecturer and public speaker.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Raj teaches courses on Pathology.
Dr. Pravin Shukle is a board certified specialist in internal medicine and currently works as an Independent Medical Practice Professional in Ontario, Canada.
He graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 1994.
Dr. Shukle is an avid speaker and performs over 150 special lectures across the nation each year with various audiences ranging from the general public, to nurses, to physicians, to medical specialists.
Within Lecturio, he teaches courses on Pharmacology.
Dr. Rhonda Lawes is a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE), and an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma College of Nursing in Oklahoma, USA.
She obtained her PhD in Educational Psychology from Oklahoma State University in 2016.
Due to her achievements, she has earned numerous teaching awards. She teaches nursing students how to use the science of cognitive learning to maximize their study effectiveness.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Lawes is the Director of Nursing Education Programs, and teaches courses on Pharmacology (Nursing), Medical Surgical Nursing and Pathophysiology.
Dr. Jasmine Clark is a Lecturer of Microbiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University, Georgia, USA.
She obtained her Doctoral Degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Emory University’s Laney Graduate School in 2013. Currently, she is a Senior Clinical Instructor in Nursing in Atlanta.
Due to her experience, in the academic year 2020-2021, she was part of the GA Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Clark teaches courses on Nursing, specifically Physiology.
5 Stars |
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83 |
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38 |
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72 |
Dr. Shukle consistently delivers highly educational presentations, regardless of the topic. He effectively relates his content to real-world clinical practice, providing useful context for his audience. Additionally, Dr. Shukle has a knack for incorporating well-placed humor into his presentations, which I find refreshing. Anyone who has had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Shukle as a preceptor or mentor should consider themselves fortunate.
It made it so much easier for me to understand and go through this topic
The lesson is well conducted and clear and structured to facilitate understanding and memorization
Emphasis on how to apply the lecture information to your own clinical practice is extremely helpful.
User reviews
5 Stars |
546 |
4 Stars |
83 |
3 Stars |
49 |
2 Stars |
38 |
1 Star |
72 |
Dr. Shukle consistently delivers highly educational presentations, regardless of the topic. He effectively relates his content to real-world clinical practice, providing useful context for his audience. Additionally, Dr. Shukle has a knack for incorporating well-placed humor into his presentations, which I find refreshing. Anyone who has had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Shukle as a preceptor or mentor should consider themselves fortunate.
It made it so much easier for me to understand and go through this topic
The lesson is well conducted and clear and structured to facilitate understanding and memorization
Emphasis on how to apply the lecture information to your own clinical practice is extremely helpful.
Super difficult to follow! Leaves many important concepts left for you to review and find on your own.
excelent, cuando el dr raj realiza la exposición de los temas me permite entender mas por sus expresiones y su manera de explicar que no se limita a solo leer las diapositivas
buena presentación, el expositor explica con mejores palabras y no lee solo las diapositivas
not enough detail to understand the topic. Renders and slides could also use work for this whole section, they arent sufficient to give an understanding of the section and understand structures of the brain in relation to each other.
Me gusta la conferencia porque es muy precisa Define términos sencillos de entender y permite diferenciar los tipos de vértigo La forma en la que el expositor se expresa es muy amigables
very good made and explains and focus just on the important
It's a very consolidated review. Please also add the definitions of some medical terms. Thank you. :)
Where is pathophysio, the arrangements of these lessons are bad .i cant even understand and Osmosis is better
The lessons are not detaield just like the lessons i found online, i paid almost 300$ for this? are u kidding me? This is very bad lesson , lecturing, I dont even understand a little bit.
star star star star star star star star star star star star star star
I was able to learn a lot of things about alcohol human behaviour, and so on. Also the lecturer toke his time to explain into details
Straightforward, explanative, and helpful It would be enhanced with the inclusion of labeled real anatomical structures to supplement learning and retention.
Although this video provides helpful information essential to medicine, the video edit with another graphic, illustration, and animated image plus speaker threw me off.
Dr. Raj's lectures are always key to understanding the pathophysiology of every disease. Really high-yield!
honestly, it almost looks like it was explained in the most unclear way I ever hear. on&off centers, no explanation on the laters of the retina, where did the signal send further by bipolar cells and maybe a little bit on the pathway could be nice probably a little bit more thinking need to be done here in order to makes it easier to understand
not clear enough, should be improved. slides can be more schematic or include mnenomics or at least make it more interesting by adding more facts
Se requiere mas infromación, incluyendo aquellas paralisis qu ese pueden dar por un tumor.
Una imagen con todos los nombres de los aspectos que menciona, podria mejoar la explicación. Gracias.
It helped me a lot to understand this topic better
I like the way the discussions are done. I don’t feel overwhelmed by medical terminologies.
this was so good and understandable thank you so much!
le falta un poco más de información, pero como algo general está bien.
Great series with great details on the NUMEROUS drugs of the CNS. Memorable and easy to add to a study regimen.
Newer drug great to see some information on it. Excellent lecture series as a whole
CNS Pharmacology is a hard and confuse matter but Dr. Shukle presents it clearly and for good comprehention. I tecognize is necesary to see the videos at least twice, but is the best lecture I have see.
covers the topic clearly using an example i have seen in many question banks and practice exams
clear and exactly what is needed from subfalcine herniation. continue to provide these great lectures!
exactly what needs to be understood about intracranial pressure. clear and easily understood
covered the nerve complete and goes great with the anatomy lectures
covered very well contains the information needed for step in med school
covered cn three concisely and goes perfectly with anatomy videos
Great job covering the cranial nerve here and it goes well with the visual pathway video
Well explained that will help me with my presentation. happy
Thank you Doctor Wilson for your simple and understandable lecture.
I highly recommend the CNS pharmacology course by Lecturio. It is useful to review the main concepts of the subject.
Excellent review of topic, covers essential points and gives key factors of treatment
Gives a thorough review of the head and neck material
1.To improve my clinical studies 2. Medicine require every day study and practice. 3 Public health development. Lecturio provides the best Medicine ???? carrier for all Medicine students and other health professionals. Anyone can be my Lecturer
Dr Carlo Raj always makes me interested in listening to the lectures at all time. He is always Clear. thank You Dr. Raj
helpful for learning about the differences between antidepressants, and giving insights into MOA, which he makes less intimidating for someone to learn
Thank you for such great explanation, you made this lecture easy.
I love how Prof. Lawes make easy to understand complexes concepts.
Very useful, especially for those who are currently studying, and the pictures are clear, I wish that such videos were available earlier during my studies at the college
Simple and concise explanation. Covered all necessary aspects without elaborating too much on details.
lack of structure just got messy. it can be done in a much better way to follow the different pathways
I like the in-depth explanation and easy to understand.
I love the breakdown of each vocabulary and the repetitive repetition lets me know that it is essential to understand how it works.
Easy language Good foundation to build on Time efficient Easy to brush upon
I never understood this until I watched this video, thank you
Simplified and succint! Prof. Lawes style of lecturing is fun and easy to comprehend.
This video is pretty helpful to let me understand how the PNS medicine use for body
the way how the professor explain the topic is very easy to learn
It's amazing, I really like explanations and how doctors express themselves
Rhonda is my favorite instructor- she makes it personally memorable.
I feel that I can continue in medical school, He prepare like the Light at the end of the tunnel!
The speech style is a little robotic? Maybe this would be better as an audio book.
Understanding that it is an introduction, so I would not expect a lot of details, assuming that there will be other videos that go more in depth. I like the update provided a little more information on Arnold Chiari than other lectures. I would have liked some animation to help illustrate.
Great Lecture! Thanks Doctor Canby. I was finally able to understand how this cranial nerve works.
I like dr. Craig Canby’s understanding methods. And his simple, Clare English tone! Graphic of Lecturio.com and details of your level in chapter and subject at all play to make I continue watching!
Just reading from the slide not explaining anything at all. Could really use some illustrations to differentiate the different types of brain herniation.
I like it but sometimes app is getting struck majorly.
Great summarized information in neurophysiology! Very well taught and very professional!
excellent, makes it very simple. gives you a great overview, even if your class goes into more detail.
The videos and intermediate questions are amazing and very helpful
These pharm videos are essential to understanding medications. You don’t get enough in class because profs have so much to cover. You may find yourself just memorizing things when you really need to UNDERSTAND how these drugs work and then memorizing is much easier and you have a way to reason though exam questions to find the correct response. Went from an 84 on my first pharm exam without Lecturio to a 94 on my second with Lecturio. So happy I took the time to use this extra resource. You get back way more than the time you spend watching the videos Prof Lawes if the prof you wish you had! LO!. Highly recommend!!
Excellent speaker. He makes very difficult content manageable by having nice explanations at a good, slow pace.
Dr Shukle explained the topics in a concise and very informative manner
Best out there,these are short and precise .Full of information that we need
It’s not bad but compared to other sources seems like it is missing some info
Professor Lawes explains lesson very through, clearly and interesting. She exactly hits the important areas students need to learn and does that very smoothly
Excellent info, covers all area which is required. I have learned the much.
I like it because its very useful to review specific contents, and is divided in a very good way
The circle of Willis was not explained. The video basically just says the vertebral arteries and internal carotids give rise to the circle of Willis. What about all the other branches?
Very nice explanation but please include more assessment. Besides objective questions, include subjective questions and give answers and ask the individual to self evaluate! A very helpful and intuitive way i think. Please implement at the earliest
Clear and simple. Explained in good sequence. Thank very You.
The content and the development of the lectures are excellent. Dr. Shukle is a great teacher.
Simple and consice lectures. Please Consider more clinical co relation.
Very nice presentation of the concept with such efficient & proficient delivery
Wow!...great stuff Nice mnemonic you have got for us sir.
Wonderful Pharma lecture, clear and easy to understand. Concepts and principle were well elucidated
Me ha gustado mucho la síntesis del tema y como lo ha explicado. Gracias
Wonderful Professor! Love the humor and colorful presentations. Thank you!
Really love the explanations provided and the images. Thank you!
Really great lectures, images, and humor! Love Lecturio! Thank you!
super clear, thank you very much. especially the graphics are pretty good, very explaining. lecturer explains well too.
This was very helpful, pretty neat and clear explanation. Thank you very much.
Love Lecturio! The teaching and pictures are awesome! Thank you!
The sound quality is not good at some points in this video! please fix this issue...
Well explained. I love the way that professor Lawes teaches. She immerses herself with us in these scenarios and that helps us to understand them.
There are thousands of what that one could teach a student about orientation but professor Lawes does it in a way that gets your attention she lives with us these scenarios and that is what make these videos so well made
Very good explanation. All the definitions are broken down, which makes it easy to understand.
It was everything I needed. Although I'd suggest that the videos be arranged sequentially that way it is a tad bit easier on the brain.
I so wish she did all the videos! Its so hard to watch the other presenters- i get lost in the information and don't understand as well :( Rhonda is so clear and gives appropriate examples along the way to aid in a much better absorption and understanding of the information.
Great info and explanation on benzo's and barbiturates. I now have a better understanding.
great lecture. I dont see why it is not highly rated. Thanks you
I don't think he teaches in a way to grab students' attention. Long and dull.
Rhonda Lawes is a great educator, I love her lectures
like as'e ddf ka0-wfjpA WEFJ- QW EG JFPWIO
Thank You! Very helpful and useful. Simplified way of explaining a complicated topic
I'm just curious whether this professor recites what he is reading and points out what's on the diagrams.
Professor Canby is very thorough and presents a detailed explanation and caption of the head and neck anatomy along with some helpful mnemonics
The professor was very thorough and at the same time understandable….
It has been but pure, clear and Concise..the way Dr Canby goes about to illustrate the slides especially for the fact that this aspect of the human anatomy is very complex to understand.. I have already recommended a lot of my friends to lecturio and they were all glad I did.
the presenter is not helping me learn. he needs more emphasis on the topic. Make it fun
Vey well summarized and complete. I was having difficulties to learn it, but with the Lecturio’s videos I understood it the first time.
Hi Lecturio Team, Yes, I like it a lot neurophysiology by doctor Thad Wilson. Great presentation and explanation. In my view, the neurophysiology is one of the vital key of the medicine by knowing it and combining knowledge and skills with anatomy, pathophysiology and surgery you could figure out pathology in terms of when you facing patients with traumatic injury . In contrast when you seeing infected patient with contagious viruses, bacteria and fungi and so on, of course you need to immediately think about combining knowledge and skills of microbiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology and biochemistry. Yes, all courses are given so well presented. Yes . I certainly enjoyed it Lecturio as it has all components of courses which are important for every doctor who wants to excel their skills. Many thanks indeed for the course organizers, Showing on cadaver will be even better to get precise knowledge and skills.
When I pass my neurology block next week, I’ll be sure to come back and thank Dr. Raj. If it weren’t for him, I’d still be lost and confused.
Every lecture should be done like that ! Thank you very much doctor !
This classes are not bad but sometimes are difficult to understand
I like Dr Raj. He is so funny and manages to make me remember many things!
I like how the lecturer simplified the topic( eg. simple and precise words, simple examples), this is helpful for international RN like me since English is not my first language.
The complexity of the subject makes it a nightmare to study a reference book or attend a lecture with someone who didn't know what they were doing. Dr. Canby saves so much time and explains the divisions and detailed classifications of the spinal cord with such ease it is impressive. I came across this app a month away from my finals because I didn't understand most of the neurosciences subjects. Trust me, I understood Neurosciences (including neuroanatomy from this course) in just a month way better than all my attempts during the previous 6 months. Very well done course! It integrates the mapping with clinical correlations on the spot and makes everything easy to memorize.
Presentation was really good . Extraordinary presentation needs a flow . It should be like a story . Like a natural history for any disease and more about evolution in case of treatment or intervention . Though the presentation had everything and was easy to understand but still from the student ( my ) point of view it was difficult to assimilate . Over all it was a fantastic lecture .
I like this Guy I am the Last Hope Yes Yeah Si SIp
Content is very high yielding but the lecturer is slow to respond to qns
Well presented and focus of clinical relevance. Short and concise.
Hello Dear Doctor Canby. Brilliant explanation . And the demonstration is outstanding thanks for your time and effort !!! It is very important topic as well as we need to know a lot about brain in order to treat correctly and precisely rest of the body . I think 12 CN are given really well as well as cerebral cortex . I Interested in more about spinal fluid and how to improve content of the spinal fluid as we know it does give all the necessary nutrients to the brain . Some people have sudden seizures I wandered if possible to predict by taking and analysing their spinal fluid content! To avoid patient from seizure ! As every seizure gives really hard time to a patient and consequences are negatively affect to the brain cells of the individual . So better prophylaxis than cure. And I believe there is more effective ways to treat brain disease by knowing the pathogenesis of brain disorders . Many thanks for the great course about cerebral cortex. Kind regards, Dr. Gulbanu Akimgaliyevna.
I'm a first year medical student and the lectures that we have had on the autonomics have not been clear or understandable at all. The set of lecture materials and the lectures that Lecture has provided has GREATLY increased my understanding and made my exam prep much easier.
Love it , thorough start . But I am locked out and asking me to sign up for premium again. Took quiz and out.
Rhonda breaks down complex concepts into practical, meaningful bits of information.
It is the best class on brain structures I've had to date. However, what this and all the other reviews lack is better terms to more deliberately, precisely and succinctly REMIND the students of where each structure is and it's function EACH TIME it is discussed. The brain has ALOT of structures and respective functions that need to be understood and memorized. So that type of repetition would just be really helpful.
really good app to study , you can download the lectures and study anywhere anytime
On point, efficient and easy to comprehend. Fantastic presentation by the professor. My experience comes from an african medical school with professors who spend 2 hours explaining major concepts that I end up spending extra time trying to understand. For example, the action potential video explained the concept for me in less than 10 minutes in comparison to the 1 hour irl lecture that led me nowhere.
Amazing explanation with the proffessor Good research on many topics
Great lecture just like all of his lectures. He is always very engaging.
point to points clinical oriented lecture. clear cut explanation of topic.
Explanations are simple, comprehensive and concise. I would recommend this to students who are struggling with Anatomy during med school days. I was able to appreciate Anatomy more through the lectures in Lecturio.
Since there was a confusion regarding the actions of ocular muscles versus the cardinal gazes of movement when examining the intactness of ocular muscles, the video regarding this topic should be updated. And examples of exam questions pertaining between the difference of the two should be given. But overall, it was a good review!
correctly pronouncing drugs is important especially when people pay for their education.
So much informative Learning hard concept super easy ways The professor teaches like too much professionally and its high yield
excellent list about the factors that increase the risk of haemorrhagic stroke. Good explanation.
I love your lectures. I learn so much. So good at teaching. Thanks.
Alot of the explanations could be simplified. Also the course was taught with a presumption that the student had prior knowledge of this system.
excellent lecture. very clear explanation, with diagrams annotations. good memory aide.
Excellent explanation of the descending tracts. Good review and diagrams.
there was insufficient information in lecture and its hard to understand him
Your program is perfectly designed for medical students I used it for one day and i really liked it unfortunately due to my financial issues I wasn’t able to continue it but I recommend it for all you guys to take advantage of it
neuro physiology if u mean diabetic coma,it is good I have gone thr the lecture
Wow, talk about mastery of the material, loved it. Jasmine was very knowledgeable and her way of teaching was easy to understand
I don't think anyone had explained pharmacology in such a way that I understood, the way Dr Shukle did. Best course
Thank you so much for creating such an amazing educational site. I loved it so much that I sent it to several of my nurse practitioner classmates. We all use this site weekly to reinforce graduate level learning on anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. The concepts taught are easy to understand, provide wonderful tips and tricks to remember the information taught and the quizzes are great too. I will definitely be using this site again before taking my boards. Best resource ever!
Rhonda is a great lecturer! She is very clear and keeps me very focused and interested. Great video!
I chose it because of its high impact, It explains subjects in an easy to comprehend way. I will recommend it to any prospective medical student I know.
requires explanation as to why the different segments have varying degrees of white and grey matter and changes in the shape of the horn.
I'm so disappointed about this lecture. I feel it just described briefly about head and neck. It didn't describe about bone of head and neck, muscle,....
A series of very useful and didactic lessons, amazing! Thank you so much Dr. Canby.
Good explanation and some tricks like for beta blockers also helps
Very poorly presented and connected. The lectures dont have any fluidity as a whole , and just slide reading is there. A different lecturer should teach pharmacology
The pathways of the nerve should be discussed, intracranial and extracranial.
doesnt contain all the information necessary for this topic to be fully understood
Excellent lecture, thank you for letting me learn NSAIDs in an easy and memorable way!
Oh yes indeed Greatly given 12 CN a I thoroughly enjoyed it Please don’t surprise if I revise I must make sure my pronunciation is correct While I am studying of course spelling is brilliant I try to memorise it as as a foreign graduate these courses extremely helpful!!! Many thanks for your great design!!
Brilliantly done! This course is so useful Unbelievable good!!! As I am a foreign graduate I had to re listen to make sure I lent correct pronunciation!! A very well done and I can’t thank enough for design patterns and overall greatness!
very good diagrams, would have liked to see an even deeper dive into ciliary muscle in relation on zonule fibers and how they are inverse to each other,
It cover what i needed, Well elaboration and summary notes Sure,recommend
I could easily understand the theory with diagram and make notes
This course makes the topics easy to follow, understand and learn. Thank you!
yes another great topic i absolutely enjoyed it . Many thanks indeed.
like it, though I didn't have a pre idea of neurophysiology but i found it realy easy to understand. I like the way of delivering the important messages by the professor; i.e changing his tone of voice, making it louder or... onething that I felt, was missing was Using a pointer, which I didn't know why he was not using.
Genica Quilatan I like how Dr Canby discusses the main points. I wish him more power and I hope he continues to do this. Helps us a lot!
Very helpful for my tests and exams. The explanation is excellent!
Brilliant tutorial. It has main points are highlighted and a very useful.
Thank you very much. I like this whole review program.
Love lecturing videos! I find them very helpful as they cover the information of each topic in basic terms. I love that you can speed them up, pause them, and rewatch them for your convenience. The post video quizzes also help me stay engaged with the content I’m learning. I have noticed my grades improving after watching lecturing videos before my exams.
Nice review of the spinal cord's anatomy, helped me a lot during my studies for my clinical neurology exam
Very refreshing enthusiasm and great analogies! Great information, thank you so much!
he is just excellent shame, I can't recommend anybody else except him.
explaining slow and efficiently with great questions in the end
Poorly information of the basal ganglia and the system of the basal ganglia was not set up very well
Very well done and to the point. I like that Dr. Shukle incorporates the major medications he uses (and how it’s used) in his practice. A lot of pharm sources don’t filter the essentials as great as this. Good as a first exposure or as a review.
I do like it very much its straight forward . He has shown all the main points . Many thanks indeed.
I liked it very much, thanks for sharing your knowledge
It is clear, well explained and very useful. Totally recommended.
Really good explanations on every topic. Makes learning less stressful
Easy to understand. Loved the colors used to distinguish sympathetic from parasympathetic, that really helped.
It's has really been great and productive except I had to go check Neuroanatomy because I am not yet well conversant with Neuroanatomy. I don't know how I can really grasp it! Anyway I really recommend it to anyone in love with science, particularly medical knowledge. Thanks to the team that made the lectures interesting! More importantly, thanks for the 7 days access, I could not afford to pay. I humbled and indebted by the kind hearts!
I use it a lot because sometimes its difficult to understand everything when they explain to me in the university so it an extra help
Dr Raj is literally one of the best lecturers i know of
Great stuff! Used lecturio before and after my exam. They have been constantly improving
Already taken the step but these are great review lectures to keep the knowledge fresh. Appreciate the lectures Dr Raj!
Very simplified and nice explanation. I learn new information with pleasure due to this great teacher.
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation.
Thank you so much for interesting lectures and amazingly helpful information
Thank you very much for your interesting lectures and simple explanation
Dr. Raj is fun to listen to I love his excitement and personal stories.
Thank you for a very interesting lectures. Very easy to understand with your explanation
It was really Informative, well explained, enthusiastic, just great!!! Keep up the good work
Really appreciate Rhonda. Very thorough and cares about the way information is given. Thank you.
Hi All components of both head and neck anatomy were clearly presented especially cervical triangles whichi was pretty updated.
I have an exam, This presentation gave me a summary of what I have studied
Concise questions w/ concise answers. Good for a quick review after study.
Good way of teaching ..that gaba a receptor diagram..jst awsm
Precisely influencial style during all parts so definitely would be a key effect on exams
I really understood everything like if it was a brief summary of terms
He is so amazing Lecturer,, These videos are very useful
you made everything easy and clear. It helps me to get better understanding. thank you
thank you for letting me understand this lecture. I really struggled to understand it. But, after this video, everything is perfect and clear.
Love her interactive teaching style. Her enthusiasm of the information presented draws your attention.
It is a beat extensive especially covering the anti-seizure medications and their side effects . Touching basic principles in the therapeutics including in pregnancy
i like the way she teaches. she makes a lot of eye contact .
She is alway delivering the best on every topic. I love it. Thanks Rhonda.
Simple, clear and with clinical correlations. Thank you, Dr. Craig.
The presenter is knowledgeable about the subject and presents the topic in an easy to understand and interesting manner!
well explained. its concise and not overcomplicated. has everything you need and is well taught
The content is amazing except when talking about "Clasp Knife" and "Cog Wheel" rigidity I would also recommend pointing at picture especially when talking about "lewis body" Thank you
Teaches very well, makes everything easy and simple to understand.
The confidence from Dr. Canby as many other Lecturio Presenters reassures the average student. I am particularly satisfied with the way the Lecturio courses are designed and presented. I highly rate this course because it is up to my expectation. If a student doesn't learn anatomy from this course he/she won't learn anywhere else.
good video really lked it the language was qut e easy to understand
Rhonda Lawes is the best Instructor. She makes the content so interesting and engaging!!
There is lots of stuff to memorize which is good and a bit overwhelmed. I think it is because I'm kinda more familiar wih CNS than PNS after a few years of working as a nurse in my home country. It was a great review. Rhonda is born to be a teacher. She is awesome! One thing that I would mention is that it would be nicer if every lecture in PNS has quiz.
everything is explained really well. everyone makes mistakes and so despite the one mistake it is really informative and consice. Dr Raj's videos are really good
It is clear and well structured. Especially the pathways are now clear to me.
I love the way the content is broken down into sub-systems.
I chose this rating because you deserve it! Thank you, everything is great!
Good and clear lecture! If you need to get an overview of the CSF, works well
This was most helpful and extremely interesting. Hats off for explaining such a tough topic in an exceptionally innovative and engrossing manner.
I choose this rating to emphasize how I feel about the course,I do like it so much,it's helping me to understand most of the staff I will accept next year when I start nursing course.
i like the videos very much because of the clear presentations
I want to get certificate or diploma in nursing school diploma why you don’t have online free
Not very clear Attending having language barrier Felt like he was reading it off and didn’t have good grasp.
I'm very grateful for these lectures, they are fascinating and short, everything we need for the exam!
it is self explanatory and so understandable , i like this a lot
I love The way he teaches! I feel In love with this site and even purchased it for a year bc I’m in nursing school and this breaks it down in a way that is receivable for me
Simple and clear explanations with great slides - I was able to digest this easily, thank you!
Head and neck anatomy is presented concisely, very helpful and clear, easy to understand and remember.
Thank you for this lecture! It helps me to get better understanding about the topic
The lectures are informative and concise, which makes revision and remembering key details easier. The quizzes help test my knowledge and memory which help me pinpoint where my knowledge is lacking or my strong points.
Great, I loved the slides and how he explained them! I'm happy to take this lecture
It contains the keypoints. Neuroanatomy is hard because it´s specific and has lots of terms. Dr. Craig is making them simple and understandable!
it well explained, all the points are clear and organized and easy to understand . thank you for making the material easy to observe.
Concepts explained in a logical manner great for revision and exam preparations.
Excellent overview. The clinical considerations were also very beneficial. Thank you Dr Canby.
The lecture was clear and simple, and quite easy to understand. I especially liked when the lecturer posed the question and gave us the option of pausing the video to think and answer it. It made the class interactive and stimulated active learning.
very good, complete and simple to understand, i liked this lectures a lot.
It is Well Explained . Due to previous, video and lectures , i have watched before . I consider this the best . And it is well explained , very short and understandable .
Im so happy that I start use this app. Every day I have many useful and new information in med. Its really needed on clinical practice. My grades have become better. Thank you so much for work that you do.
uhh uhh uhh uhh uhhh uhhh uhhh uhhh this is so disturbing
Very precise and short not too lengthy! Very good explanations
Dr. Raj’s lectures have been very helpful to me in understanding complex concepts. Thank you
I understand stroke syndromes for the first time without feeling that it was a very complex concept
i like how he explained topic and also answered the questions
Great instructor, he is extremely thorough, efficient, and gives high yield information.
Very good platform for medicos and doctors and professonals also
Very easy to understand. Linked and explained all the major concepts very well.
Good overview and complete presentation. Easily understood all the information.
hello there, I like very much thank you. good luck amazing
This lecture has solved all my problems about spinal cord.
it is very clear, precise, clinical oriented. Also the exposure of the subject is very high quality.
This lecture was really easy to follow and contained a lot of relevant information. I definitely have a clearer picture and understand more now.
Very good lectures, funny and didatic, i liked it a lot. Thanks doctor.
I like it very much because it’s easy to recall. It’s perfect to refresh my brain, Thank you so much Ronda.
I liked it because he explained all very interesting and detailed
I wish if we have more details full review for everything we study it but this is really cool , but not enough info for me I'm talking about the info and details other than that I really like the why presented super helpful
I can easily understand every words that the speaker is saying unlike to my prof ,Thankyou I understand sliding filament theory so much.
He doesn't explain enough the pyramidal tracts and the extrapyramidal tracts.
Good clinical relevance and good explanation of their course and source. Very complete and short.
The speaker does not explain anything. He just names random stuff and says it is important.
Great easy to digest lectures that provide highly relevant understanding of each topic. Totally worth it!
Not clear. Not pointing at images. To many updates and glitches.
I enjoyed learning about this very much. I also liked how Dr. Carlo Raj explained everything. I am not a medical student, but I am a high school student and hope to learn a lot more about neurology
Well done. It was easy to comprehend. This will help me greatly for my exams.
Buetiful app for refreshing the course quickly. I would recommend it to all my colleagues
Everything is very clear and well-structured. I love it. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone else studying medicine.
The best lecturio lesson of nervous system and brain ever!
I've be re reading my Pharmacology text all night trying to get the words to sink in. In desperation I began googling Cholinergic and Adrenergic Receptors - and I stumbled across Lecturio and this video. Absolutely incredible!!! The way the knowledge is broken down into easy to understand components is an answered prayer. You just gained a customer.
I love his presentation style and details regarding the topic. He keep you engaged and information is retained the first time.
i was reading the reviews and there is a big mistake, this lecture it's a resume, it can't be your only source of information, so don't cry about it and use it with your books.
Very very easy and limpid discussion for not only medical students but also for all biological faculty students. Thank you dear sir, Thad Wilson, PhD
amazing and well-thought lecture. explains extremely long pages of gray's anatomy within minutes. it is so much easier to read anatomy and go through studying it and memorizing instead of taking precious time to understand what the author wanted to say...
A good overview of the topic that in my opinion covers the main ideas regarding the basal ganglia along with a good clinical correlation.
Clear and Concise. Very Nice. On different point, it was hard to find using search. Perhaps add the "contre" "contrecoup" "coup" but not "chicken coup" as search terms might help other others find this gold.
Very helpful. I think it will be better with more clinical case.
I have enjoyed hearing these videos, the explanation which have been offered looking for me very interesting to walking through on view to understanding it.
because the lecture is short and brief it is also not time consuming
I had a course in neurophysiology a few years ago. This course in neurophysiology is an excellent reminder, and it is not as deep as the course I had (good thing).
it was great.the pacing of the lecturer was okay it gives me time to imagine the structures since this is anatomy (pure memorization).Thank you
Le he dado 5 estrellas a esta conferencia porque es una conferencia que realmente se lo merece, explica muy bien el tema y he aprendido bastante acerca de este tema muchas gracias profesor
Dr. Craig Canby has been very, very helpfil in aiding me with Neuroanatomy! Cheers! Thank you for your hard work!
excellent teacher with effiecient teaching methods. Lecturio is very helpful generally
V less details as compared to the need of entrance exam
Many Of The Topics Are Not Covered For Example Osteology Of Bones Of Skull Cranium And Viscerocranium Too Arteries Anatomy of Eye,Ear And Tongue And So On
Excellent clear presentation and distillation of essential principles and details in neurophysiology of multiple highly complex systems.
Dr Carlo Raj has a unique way of telling you the important stuff. Also the summary in the end of every great
The cerebral cortex is very well illustrated with succinct descriptions of the lobes and the vital areas of the diencephalic components are explained to my satisfaction,the neural circuitry is appreciated.
This is a great site to help reinforce the knowledge you already know and it’s a tool for teaching subjects you don’t know.
Very good informative simple clear direct to the point contain everything
This course helps me broaden my knowledge and I can put what I have learned into practice right after learning this lecture! Easy to grasp the ideas of the course!
Anatomy lectures are very well explained and hence I am delighted and very appreciative,the diagrams are very clear.
He explains things really well, the repititon means I remember what he is saying, and his jokes do aswell. very clear and concise.
Found this video very helpful. I finally understand how these lesions affect our vision. Thanks
it broadened my literary horizons! The concentrated course is about the cerebral cortex playing an integral part in our body!
If you are going to go into haemorrhages and this is Anatomy the different layers of the meninges should at least be mentioned.
Content is simple and concise. Well organized and repetitive for easy consolidation
Hard topic, but the systematic approach is very helpful. He is a great at pointing out the relevant information about each of the topics. Everytime I see he is the teacher I know I'll not be losing my time.
Most of the topics are explained well. Although there are still many topics which needed to have more content and the overall integration of all the brain structures and functions is lacking.
The teacher seems passionate and sounds knowledgeable He teaches in an understandable manner.
she is quite clear... and engaging as well... can't wait for more of these videos i enjoy it ... # Kenyan - African student Nurse
Overall very great lecture videos, but it could be better if more questions are given after each video because I think 2 or 3 questions are not enough.
This series of tutorial videos are great and really helpful for nursing students, It's fantastic and I like them pretty much. However, it could be better if each video can goes longer and give a more detailed explanation of some medications which treat a particular disease like how this drug works and how it react in human body to achieve their function.
I liked the course wholly and i would recommend it for my friends
I liked the way that's you are giving the informations I really like it and I hope you open all the lectures Thanks
The lecture was simple. However, way too concise. Not all tracts covered and levels could have being discussed a little more. But my basics got clear.Can use as a reference to study spinal cord in depth
this is such an amazing, succinct playlist which is really exclusive and pretty different from what I have learnt in my university
Great lecture! straight to the point and extremely informative. thank you so much for so many amazing teachers.
good explanation of the components in the facial nerve. Thanks
Manifold information was expressed pretty clearly, making me grasp almost the necessary knowledge of Intracranial hemorrhage.
I have a difficult time understanding Dr. Raj' speech in these videos Charcot-Marie-Tooth was covered in little detail but was in an NBME question
Barely any information presented, very disappointing. I wish there was more explanation and more information about the treatment. A lot of things just arent getting mentioned
Lecture was excellent! very clear and simple. I enjoyed it. Thanks so much Dr Raj.
I love the pace and flow of the lectures... great diagrams and very clear presentation... great addition to the study plan!
it is simple and clear. I can able to understand easily
Carlo Raj is so good at explaining and keeping you alert and focused. He asks questions and is very funny! I learned a lot about the things that didn't stick in my normal classes. Super good course!!
I like it a lot, simplified. I think you could explain a bit more
Excellent thank you. Thank you Dr. Craig, this video is very helpful.
very good initiative. very useful. 3d animation is very impressive. good luck.
It could have been more detailed and a bit more tied in with the basic neuro.
Overall it's good. Need more in depth videos on each drugs in anesthesia
Dr. Shukle Does an excellent job with explaining difficult topic. Easy to follow
the lecturer gives a lecture with easy way and make us understand well the points
I really like it. It’s clearer than a lot of textbooks making it easier and quicker to understand. Professor Canby does a great job at explaining.
The instructor was very good and the subject was made understandable by her.
The video was very down to earth and easy to understand. Thank you
Elegí esta calificación porque me permite estudiar más rápido y lo entiendo muy bien. Me gustó porque explican a detalle cada estructura expuesta. Recomiendo este curso a todos los estudiantes de medicina humana.
Great material and the table was just super fantastic. I would appreciate the Lecturio team makes an update to this video, describing the general clinical presentation of meningitis, that will be a big booster.
I love the combo of humour and medicine, it makes it sink in easily. Thanks once again Dr Raj for such a great lecture. I am just loving neuropathology with you, I hope I could be a guru like you :)
VERY good lecture, thanks for such an essential break down of this topic, I am loving this topic.
As usual highly rated. I love your lectures and the whole Lecturio team. Keep the good work up. Thank you
No matter what, I appreciate Dr. Raj, I have been watching his videos and I have watched more than a bunch of his videos. I want to say a big thank to you and the whole Lecturio team :) thank you for such a wonderful system and teacher who is making learning Medicine easier and clearer. Thanks a bunch
ddnt explain well at all. ddnt explain the exact location of the gray horns or anything.
Everything told was in a different way that I liked the most.It clears all my major doubts arise from reading books related to head and neck anatomy.There is no better app than this.
In Portugal, almost all exams are clinical cases, and it's awesome one we can find problems like this lecture and detail explanation on the answers. Great lecture
Prof. Well done sir, you've done a great job, I'll keep watching your videos
Excellent diagrams with pictures. Diagrams were labelled, clear and simple explanations for new students. Quiz was amazing as it reinforced content that was learnt.
Great , it is very interesting and I like how it's been taught
I think it could have been better. I think that was too basic
good good good good lecture it was really helpful nice teaching
great videos i enjoyed this neurological lecture series, she is a good teacher
Lectures are very well structured. I like Rhonda's style of lecturing, I find it encouraging, very clear, easy to follow and interesting. Thank you Rhonda. I'm not able to give you any improvement ideas as I just stared using Lecturio and find it very good.
Lecturio explains these lessons in a simple way that make them very easy for me to understand when I study these chapters..
The notes were very precise, this made them readily understood. The quizzes at the end of each lesson serves to cement the vital information covered in the lectures.
I liked the naurophysiology course very much. Cant wait to see the results of my test
I love every thing about this lecture : specifically the sequences of ideas and i recommend 1st-year medical students to watch this one
Lots of facts and information missing, goals for therapy not mentioned
Did not cover key concepts, such as the general function of the basal ganglia in modulating movement etc.
I like it. Very explanatory and practical. I'm medical student but I gained so much learning about nursing courses too since nursing is more of practicals
it was very well explained and easy to understand Thanks
I’d like too see more images incorporated in this course to allow visual learning!
I like it very much. He explained the topic easy. I love neurosurgery but in emergency there are a lot of patients with headache.
l liked it so much. its well explained and the time taken to explain is good..
Short, clear, specific, connected with cases, and speed of information is adequate.
I understand the point of an "introductory" lecture, but this is well below subpar. I needed detailed explanations of the various types of Spinal Cord injuries. I looked at the other video in the "series", but this is well below that of what I expect from a clinical neurology section.
I enjoyed it very much but there always seem to be more long hard words. Above all, i did enjoy learning about brain injuries, but i just hope i dont over think it when i see one of my relatives going on about how their head hurts haha.
Is easy to understand. Her slides are awesome and I loved the images of the eye muscles
it is a good a good teacher that explain and transmit you the information using the easiest way possible i liked it very much
Covers a lot of content accurately but concisely. Good speed and great use of diagrams. Admittedly, if I didn't know much about inner ear anatomy to start with, it would not have been detailed enough as a lot of concepts were not explained such as the semicircular canals, the utricle and saccule and the scala vestibuli and tympani.
Just not a good way to teach this topic! Sure the math thing works but tells you nothing except it works. Useless trick in my opinion.
good coverage of all headaches, well explained, satisfied very much so
It was really good and really well explained so thank you It was fun to learn
I feel the anatomy lectures are rather "static" like simply reading the narrative or bulletin points to the audience. Instead, I think the anatomy lectures, especially as we are not learning by a cadaver to gain the tactile feedbacks, might be better designed in a more inviting/ interactive way. Bringing in more pathological relevance, e.g. showing schema/ video/ autopsy would be largely helpful. Or to the minimum, highlighting the knowledge of "high yield" and compare them on an anatomic picture/schema may also improve the learning experience of these topics. I like many Lecturio lectures nonetheless, but I think anatomy, and especially the neural anatomy lectures has a lot of space to improve in such way. Thanks.
We more details. For example , the pathway of each nerve, The various branches and many more.
Very good Please give another day for free primium So that we can know more
As you know cerebral cortex anatomy and it’s all dependent component seeming to be a bit complex, so it’s explanation kind to be evaluated by an outstanding specialist as like him, his lectures are attractive and effecient, so as conclusion good subjects even more complex and good teacher make it easy to understand the different anatomic problems.
Excellent. It would be good to have some cadaver explanatory session to create a more realistic view. Well tutored.
Excellent. Very explanatory and simplified. It's easy to comprehend. Maybe more questions would help.
The vestibular section is not well detailed to enable quick reference. There was not much reference to the vestibular ganglion in the initial lectures which will better explain the vestibular system.
Dr Canby, you have made the neurologic pathophysiology so much easier for me.. Thanks
no explanation in this all cn videos plzz elaborate olzz
Some of Dr Raj's lectures are excellent, but this is one of the frequent examples of his strange mannerisms obstructing a clear explanation.
I really appreciate it is perfect! thank you so much lecturio ! Living in France
Essentially well wonderfully it is perfect help with any bady who is medical person aood afort for basic concept
It’s got high yield information for my exams and my clinical practice.
Clear and concise lecture. Way to follow. Additional articles available if you need extra detail. Using video format suits me a I can pause and replay when I miss something.
I like his lectures because Dr. Pravin Shukle explains everything in a great way, very clear explanations and he has a wonderful command in English.
its a simple and very fast review about the cranial nerves
Some key topics not explained:- Triangles of neck,muscles of mastication,temporal and infratemporal fossa , osteology of skull,muscles of face,submandibular gland,parotid gland
Great professor! Thank you for your lectures! it is short, informative, and NOT boring!
Excellent presentation. Good content Illustrations are very good Font size of the letters should be higher
It 's very comprehensive . It's easy to assimilated and to memorize.
Easy and comprehensible. I like the slides that are very simple.
It really helped me to understand this chapter in my book
This lecture helped me a lot to understand what going on there!
I like it, but I think he need to explain more about CVA and anatomical relation . Some times I find it difficult to understand the accent.
I don't want to sound unkind, but this is not good. Not enough exact facts and description of the conditions, too many unnecessary phrases that don't help me connect with Dr. Raj and what he is trying to teach me. This was a waste of my precious time.
I like that is the most precise information that you might need for solving clinical cases later in practice
Horners Syndrome is very importn and there is any more lectures about it
I like your lectures Raj! Always helping me a lot, thank you
I'm glad you fixed the mistakes in the classes so we can fully trust lecturio.
Very good table explained and I appreciate the extra details added to it.
I need more in depths information - maybe I’m not familiar with lectures
I watched it to reinforce and know a little bit more about stroke besides the information that I already read in books or articles, because in lecturio I got more facts that I don't find anywhere else. And I would recommend it to my friends in med school since you can watch the videos or answer the quiz before you read about some topic or after, so you feel sure about what you know.
Great instructor! She explains everything well and she is very knowledgeable
Dr Canby's fluent presentation is the first reason, also the simple connections between the anatomy and clinical correlation are very important to me.
Good enough to concisely make the key points stands out.
Really engaging, easy to remember But number of question is still little
Great work! A methodical walk through of a subject that can be confusing.
Really grateful my brain works well with Dr. Raj's teaching style He always drops in links to other topics & things you should be thinking about when delivering his lectures
Great teacher and Lecturio is a good course to prepare your medical exam . Love lit
Very nice presentation and easy to learn platform Which make preparations for USMLE enjoyable
Very nice presentation and easy to learn platform Which make preparations for USMLE enjoyable
I loved it it had the essentials I needed to understand my class.i haven't encountered any challenges yet.
Dr. Pravin explains everything in a very simple way. I really enjoy his lectures!
Dr. Raj nails it, easy and quick, to the point, nothing unnecessary, thank you!!!
I am able to write my exams only listening to your videos. And your Qbank is very very useful for me...
The subtitles do not go according to the doctor's explanation
Dr. Canby starts from the very very basics and builds it up to the level you need to know as a general practitioner. He also adds the clinical relevance to the parts which makes it very interesting!
Absolutely amazing source of learning Head and Neck Anatomy, would definitely recommend this to everyone and anyone in medical field
Not impressive. Just reading the slides and dull expressions. half of his word are unable to be listened
Yes Informative, but to short at times and not many anatomical details in my opinion To improve: More visuals from cranial fossa And more details about the anatomy But I enjoyed the clinical info.
I just finished my first year of medical school and I’m reviewing over the summer. These videos are concise and to the point. I like how the questions are directly following. Very helpful, I wish I knew about it during school as well
Dull lecture that is presented badly with no useful insights. As another reviewer pointed out, it isn't worth watching Craig's content, you are better off going to Youtube for better content.
I think that you are lacking a lot of information. Only the basics are seen. But the complex issues are not mentioned or not described at all. If I compare these anatomical videos with other subjects, I have to admit that the quality is way worse than average.
Not sure what the other reviewers mean by a one star review. This is a very straightforward lecture and easy to understand. The math makes intuitive sense if you sit and think about it for a second. I don't see how this was rated 1 star.
I love the lectures. The only question I ask is that at the end of the reading lectures the questions of them I don’t know what the answers are. Is there a link for them? Is there more questions of each topic?
The slow and steady way of explaining every single detail is really appreciable
Very concise and clear. He is an excellent teacher. Still confused about mononeuritis multiplex
I enjoy Dr Carl a lot, great and clear and more so easy to understand. Makes medicine a lot more fun
It`s almost nothing in this lecture. We need some raports and traiects of the nerves.
No explica la anatomia de este nervio, solo estan consideraciones clinicas
Honestly, I really start to regret purchasing Lecturio. It feels like most of the professors don't know what they are talking about and are just reading q text that's in front of them. I went to youtube and searched for cerebellum and found free videos that are way better than this..
The doctor reads from the slides. Not good at explaining difficult concept.
I don't understand anything in this lecture. The math might be a way for memorizing the pathway but does not help me to understand how the pathway really works.
This course delivered a lot of information and useful techniques with regards to the analysis of CSF to determine the cause of meningitis and the rundown of most of the clinical presentations of these disorders. I also enjoyed having the summary at the end of each video to give an overview to each condition and the main points to remember about each. The actual pathophysiological teaching leaves much to be desired as do the slides themselves. Dr Raj is good at delivering things in an interesting way when he has the right slides. These ones are just text most of the time which makes things much less interesting. It would also be nice to get more of an insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms of each disease both macro and micro
Not too explanative.. Your articles are more informative thaymn your videos
Content of the lectures were useful especially when breaking down the components of each nerve. However, much of the lectures consisted of reading from slides which is entirely pointless as i can do that myself. It would also have been handy to include clinical testing techniques for each nerve as these will be important tests for us as doctors
Dr. Raj lectures are always funny This lecture is short, provides key points, easy to remember Excellent explanation for the anatomical-clinical correlation
Breakdown and delivery of the information was much better than many other lectures in this part of the curriculum. However, the lecturer seemed confused and delivered information in a confusing way towards the end. I also noticed that one of the tables in the slides changes suddenly to read something different and this confuses things further. Overall a lecture capable of delivering useful information in a concise way.
Tone, delivery, ease of comprehension for complex material - perfect. Thank you
I like the slow and convincing way of teaching and obviously this is so good
Nucleus must be introduced and explain the complete course of the nerve .
Just what I have been looking for since I decided to go into the medical field. Just perfect for all my needs. Thanks
Well explained. The failure was to be so explicit without a lot of explanation.
It makes very easy to understand a topic that I has been for me to grasp
This lectur have all about anterior and posterior triangle in an easy way.
The lecturer made the laminae look simple and memorable and definitely gotta be watched by peers since it gives a simple breaking down of presentation that makes it more easier to store it up.
I personally didn't found these lectures much informative, the speed of the professor is extremely slow plus the slides provided in it has more than 55 pages lot of times for a single lecture instead of compiling it in a good way. Must work with the slides provided in the download items. The lecture would be useful if it would have engaged the whole thing clinically like which le forte fracture will be associated with rhinorrhea, etc.
i liked the clinical correlations and the emergency incisions which was clearly explained.
Lecture on this topic was clear and easy to follow. Terminology was and the appropriate to promote understanding and retention.
the information was presented really well I found the information to be presented very well I wish the lecture had more detail but it was really good lecture.
Solo falta que también sea en español :`) para que la dinámica sirva para los países de habla hispana
I like how he explained about the lecture. He explained it very well and because of that I learned
Not detailed at all! Especially when compared to other lectures. Was lacking a lot of anatomical learning points
Great explained classes, they are short and cover all subjects
Es una muy buena clase, el tema se entiende muy bien.
Provided no useful explanations on the topic and I ended up looking for information on google to understand it myself. To much joking around and too little professionalism.
first time I watched this, I didnt understand anything, now when I am watching it the second time I understood a bit, explanation is good, just takes time to digest!
I easily understood the topics which i found difficult in class. Dr. Shukle did not only give examples of prototypical drugs for each class but he also explained how they function by giving scenarios which are easy to remember.
Muy bueno, pausado. Buen resumen, ademas evaluación continua del aprendizaje.
good job loved it easy abdsorbing and can understand english very well
great explanation and quiz is the best part of the lectures
Excellent lecture with very clear points that are made and in excellent chronological order. A fantastic way to get a brief overview and a great way to engrain the topics touched upon in the article.
Very nice explanation Easy approach Perfect timing Thank you Professor
This is nice a clear and well paced lecture. It's easy to understand. Thanks.
I think you could have gone in a little more in depth into the structure of photoreceptors. There were also a few other cells, such as the horizontal cells which backpack onto parts of the visual pathway-this knowledge is essential to understanding concepts of contrast. overall i do think it was a good lecture, but a little more depth into the vitreous humour and the aquous humour would have also helped
first thank you Dr. shukle for this lectures. amazing lectures great explanation . it covers all important topics for ANS
Dr. shukle is a pharmacology god to me . His lectures have saved me . I can finally say that I love pharma . His lectures are on point .
thanks, it is very clear, helpful and understandable for everyone.
I think is very useful and everyone can understand the information... Great!
All lectures are easy to understand, memorize and quizzes are helpful. Keep up the good work.
good summary and clear presentation with those details are often missed in other review lectures. Good job.
The organisation of the layers of the meninges and outer regions of the cranium were well put together, but the diagram regarding in the infoldings (falx cerebrum...etc) was poor. I could find way better diagrams with a simple search onto google
Excellent overview. Dr. Canby is one of my favorite lecturers for his clarity and straight-to-the-point lectures.
Simple was easy to understand Quiz help to assess oneself
It was really helpful, I would recommend this as an auxilary tool to follow up with your text books and class notes.
Rere and nice topic with a considerable difficulty which is lectured here with high accuracy and clarity
Good presentation, very accurately illustrsatrd and useful for all medical and theraptic ppurpose
This sirgical technique is taught wih prompt accracy , a nice discription.
A realistic approach for educate all medical professionals . Acurate and elabotate , made it suitable for medical needs
really an exlent way of art of teaching and presentation which is highly reguired for proper orientation and clear understanding
Nice presentation with required accuracy and elaborative that makes it vefy easily understandabe for any one
As for the lectures that i ve watched on lecturio, this is below standard, however,with those that i have watched so far pharmacology and pathology are 100% just listening to the their lectures is enough, but here anatomy is 20%. One will reaaly have to rely on class lectures , notes, power points etc. Really, poor.
seriously these series of lectures are the absolute worst. no explanation at all, no physiopathology, no images...just a pathologist who seems to be severely under qualified to teach a comprehensive clinical neurology lecture , reading a bunch of bullet points off the most lazily prepared power point presentation. seriously strating to wonder what the point of lecturio is. I do the q bank right after the lectures and literally nothing that is asked is mentioned in these lectures.
If you want a quick review of the cortex and it's irrigation this is a perfect lecture. If you need detailed information you should review this topics in a book.
Im sorry Dr Raj, I really enjoyed your cardiology series, but the neurology is subpar to put it politely. zero detail, just a bunch of bullet points and basic stuff a first year pre-med student already knows. no detail as to the pathophysiology, treatment or any of that. If I have to go back to biochem or neuroanatomy for all that then what's the point of this series?
Image quality is a little issue here otherwise all fine and lectures are great
I really enjoyed watching this lecture versus having to listen to hours of lecture on these topics.
Need to go into much more details ! Way too generalustic, where are the roots, ganglions, names of branches???
Gracias a su clase pude comprender mejor lo que leí en mi libro de textos, ademas me ayudo a complementar mis conocimientos adquiridos en clases.
Me gusto todo, simplemente que en la pregunta que dice cuales son los músculos que desvían el ojo hacia abajo me dio como incorrecta cuando puse que eran el oblícuo sup y el recto inferior.
Good job! Craig. You give important points in the review of the topics, you make it easy to understand. Regards from Mexico.
explained well - its good for quick review I found it very helpful
explicita y concreta. me dio lo que necesitaba. los graficos estan geniales
Lets his need top "put on a show" get in the way of explaining things. Could perhaps benefit from some diazepam before lecturing.
nice concise summary of lecture and topic. I enjoyed it very much and it kept me attentive!.
The course doesn't include various topics like temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae, temporomandibular joint, origin and insertion of muscles of neck, parotid region, submandibular region, pharynx (the pharynx covered in abdomen doesn't cover much details), blood supply and lymphatic drainage of head and neck, etc
Love you sir amazing is really good way of teaching..
Very clear and concise definitions of stroke vs TIA. I appreciate that Dr. Raj underlines the importance of TIA treatment as a risk factor for a stroke.
Dr Shukle explains all subjects with a lot of knowledge, and very easy to understand. Thank you, Lili B.
The edition of the video is very confused, I Didn´t know if the correct answer was A or C.
great job, thank you for the details! if there are updates, it is much appreciated
Great explanation, easy to follow. It helped me a lot to understand how hearing works.
falta detallar el origen aparente, el origen real, mas detalles de los nucleos donde se encuentra
Thank you very much, that was clear and to the point
La traducción, no es tan buena; pero ha sido un tiempo bien invertido por su explicación.
The lecturer is mostly reading the slides. The qbank could also be implemented with explanations about the alternatives.
I would recommend this lecture to the osteopathic students snd colleagues
Excellent synthesis about cranial nerves and the most important clinical correlations
Good video to see and really simple to understand and not confusing, really helpful for anatomy's lab and for life.
Explained is a simpified way for easy understanding Word Word Word Word
Great review of the 12 cranial nerves. Presented the material in a much more organized fashion than any of my medical school lectures did.
Very nice and clear explanations. Dr. Canby takes a very complicated topic and makes it easy to understand and remember. Thank you!
This broke down very difficult concepts regarding the ANS and the parasympathetic and sympathetic that I have been struggling to learn for MONTHS! I used my whiteboard to diagram as the lecturer taught and it finally stuck.
Me encanta sus clases son mas explicitas y entiendo mejor cada paso para realizar los procedimientos
Simple and objective. lliked the ritm and the basic aspect
Bcz it's very helpfull and the teaching method is very good.
This was a nice, comprehensive summary of main points in vision with an appropriate amount of detail. The posted response from Dr. Wilson clarifying the role of bipolar cells is much appreciated too
me dio la idea general de como enfocar el diagnostico de ACV
queria puntos claves en el diagnostico y tratamiento, ademas de una vista panoramica antes de entrar al tema a estudiarlo por completo y me ha servido demasiado. muchas gracias
Thank you, dr. Wilson! Your lecture here is very much appreciated. You made it clear the important facts and process of synapses and neurons.
Excellent exhibitor, clear, concise in addition to excellent content very useful
great presentation, it covers the basic stuff about Ventricular system.
I chose this because it is very useful and understanding to the medical students and the professionals. I became more fluent in subjects like anatomy and emergency. I chose this because it is very useful and understanding to the medical students and the professionals. I became more fluent in subjects like anatomy and emergency. What I really liked about this course is that it has the specific information you need to understand the world of medicine, be a good doctor and face the problems that we could have. I would recommend this because it is so useful What I really liked about this course is that it has the specific information you need to understand the world of medicine, be a good doctor and face the problems that we could have. I would recommend this because it is so useful and clearly at the explication.
This is a very good lecture for everyone, not just people studying medicine.
it is very clear and easy to understand, beginners will not get lost.
Acoje adecuadamente cada tema y tiene un orden logico en las presentaciones. EN general pienso que pueden hacer las [resentciones mas didacticas, con mas imagines, graficas, animaciones etc.. a medida que va avanzando el curso en general. POr ahora creo que brinda la informacion gneralde los temas.
I choose this rating because it was truly clear, and i remembered it right away. I would recommend this video to students of Osteopathy.
However, I would like to see patients or role playing to demonstrate the condition.
Excellent. This best way to get this in memory. I love his approach to the delivery of the lecture
Thank you Dr. Craig, this video is very helpful! I learned everything necessary that I need and I'm glad...
These lectures were not very engaging - rather monotonous way of talking and a mixture of qualities of diagrams. In the lectures about the effects of lesions, the anatomy was shown in a very simple language, but then complex pathology terms were left unexplained (a few were explained, but the majority were not).
Hello, I usually don't rate lectures, but I had to do it here. The reason of that is that I found the certain video unable to make me understand the structures of the inner ear. Please be more specific and use better images, for example about what otoconia are and their use, the cupule etc. Despite of that I like dr. Candy. Thank you.
Clear presentation, well oriented, easy to follow, well illustrated, takes you to clinical applications almost inmidiatly, great to review your complex isolated concepts of neck anatomy.
Some of these comments are absurd, no where in the video does the professor say interior oblique. Great video, straight to the point with great illustrations. Thank you!
Very less content... Try to upload many more vedios.... And on much more details
Excellent explanation in every perceptive ! I would like to have a bit more pictures in the PPT !
accurate selection of high-yield information and clinical correlations . Totally loved it.
Even though i don't use english as my main language i understood almost everything and i haven't really studied it well. I really liked it!
the course is clear and simple I be able to understand basic anatomy that of course suitable for me and I'll recommend it to my colleagues indeed.
I've been interested in cyborg technology since first learning about it in the mid-1970's when I was a little kid. In 1988 when I began at the University of Washington I wanted to study remote-controlled people, but they didn't offer any courses in that field, although 25 years later the school published their EEG brain-to-brain interface that lets one person control the motions of another. In February 1997 while successfully debating cloning legislation with the Department of Defense, I was ordered to stand down when trying to discuss brain implants, but eventually in 2005 my paper was credited as the basis for the Wikipedia article on the subject, and on 2 April 2013, the 17th anniversary of my first sworn statement to the Seattle FBI detailing organized crimes against children at a media giant, President Obama announced funding for the BRAIN Initiative. Even Jesus said go help out at the vineyard if you want to build heaven, and folks grumbled because they just assumed it already existed as if by magic.
A good lecture I feel could have been better. What are the 10 Roman numerals in the first figure attributed to? That question is left in my mind.
The Brodman áreas should be added. Great lecture besides that.
its nice liked it very much very nicely explained then others
clear and well summarized, the quizes at the end are very helpful for memorizing
Dr. Raj is quite interesting during lectures he makes information easy to integrate and remember it. Thank you, Dr. Raj.
He sounds so bored, which makes it hard to keep focused. Also some of the slides aren't readable
Lectures are very dry, provide no interesting insights and focus very strongly on anatomical labels (eg. focus on learning names of parts rather than giving a good knowledge and feel of those parts).
The course doesn't include various topics like temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae, temporomandibular joint, origin and insertion of muscles of neck, parotid region, submandibular region, pharynx (the pharynx covered in abdomen doesn't cover much details), blood supply and lymphatic drainage of head and neck, etc
speaker contradicts himself several times an he not sure of what is written in slides example: in treatment of SAH he 1st mentions that watch for hypertesion hypervolumia and hemodilution then in next lecture he realized that HHH written in slides reffer to treatment strategy there are several other mistakes dont have time to elaborate also what ever is written in slides is not fully explained by speaker
Awesome experience, perfect learning tutorial ... i personally love it because it's more of a teacher to me... love it
not upto the mark lecturer laughing inappropriately and information not eplained properly
Superb best video till now. So it is really helping me
I have watched the lecture series on the Abdominal wall and Thoracic viscera conducted by professor Craig, and he was more interactive and seemed to have greater Knowledge in those parts. This lecture is way too general and lacks many important info.
Bupropion is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor with some seetotenegic activity. It is also one of the most potent CYP2D6 inhibitors of the antidepressants. The previous antidepressant review lecture also had a mistake in which it was stated that “venlafaxine is used for smoking cessation” which is incorrect
Very clear explanation and great presentation. Very easy to follow.
It is very superficial. He just repeats whatever appeared on the slides. Additionally, the Doctor makes the lecture very boring.
Es un excelente profesor ya que es muy específico en la antomía, me gusta el sentido en el que va mencionando cada parte del organo y la función que cumple asi como sus patología so anomalias en cuestiones anormales
its osam and very easy to understand, visual effects are too good
Very high yield info given in logical and presentable way
Very good course!!! Sometimes the accent is a little difficult to understand, but I really liked it..
This lecture helped clearing a lot of questions in my mind. Very well delivered. Thank you
I am a neurosurgeon. this lecture is fantastic and very useful. i just wish if the quiz has more questions
good cns lecture delivered in an understandable way. very helpful
presentation is pretty slow and he looks like just reading from prompter rather thn really explaning structures
i like his voice, explains calmly and thoroughly. helped to understand anatomy in a nice easy way. thanks craig.
It is clearl, comprehensive and simply explained. the content is well designed. the lecturer is friendly.
These lectures are great! It's good to know also that a lot of topics that are discussed in one lecture are later elaborated on in another lecture too. Usually if I feel like some topic was not covered in depth, it just means that I was discussed further in another video. This is incredibly helpful for Step 1 prep!
I liked it very much as an introduction to CVA and to bring it all together. I watched the entire series before studying with textbooks to fill in the blanks. Carlo Raj is making sure I know what's important. If you expected to be finished with CVA after watching a few videos you will be disappointed no matter what you choose to watch.
Very nice methoad of teaching,first overview,then step by step teaching Neglect above negative comments???? Just flow with it,try questions too.
After reviewing Neuroanatomy in FA and Kaplan, it is fair to say this lecture has delved deeply in some accurate key points of visual pathways.I really admire the fact that you guys have put on some quizzes in the end but I was surprised to see a red flag that goes unnoticed.In one of the question about the right lower optic radiations from the 5 listed, I saw right after radiation Meyer's loop in parenthesis which is clearly a mistake when it comes to asking questions.In the exam, they won't give any clues to test takers because they will have figure out themselves whether or not it is either Meyer's or Non-Meyers' loop.
this lecture is great, good level of detail and well explained!
More voice inflection and emphasis on terms and anatomic function please.
This is one of excellent style of teaching skills and experiences. I recommend students and medical doctors who need to pass a qualifying exam to subscribe and finish all course work.
i like it because it teaches me about the regions of the neck and other things also i want to know more about the triangle of the neck
To be a five-star explanation, Doctor Canby could fulfill the presentation with more images showing the structures described but not present in the pictures he used.
Clear emphasis was made, and the pace was easy for audience to follow
Well-structured, with emphasis on high-yield pieces of info. Saves time for memorization
Very clear and to the point explanations. It’s like sitting in class.
Very nice, short and high lead video , I liked it a lot
even after the update, on and off center in not clear
Unfortunately I found the course confusing and superficial. In my opinion, it would be important that all the structures of the system be shown, while explaining their functions, for example. Sorry for any mistake, but I'm not used to writing in english.
???????????????????????? you guys made my test today easier, i had no struggle at all. It was an oral test, i made it short and sweet thanks to you
its boring lecture and the lecturer was so slow in talking i think there is deficiency in information
If you have trouble understanding certain concepts, or need introducing, this course can serve you well. However keep in mind that the course can only serve as an introduction, as it contains very little details. Make sure you adequately read ans study from a textbook on top of this.
Way too general, you need to go into more details and explain more
average explanation. This course does not go into deep details. Anyone who lacks fundamental knowledge of the ANS will not be able to get everything the prof said. The questions are good but some lack explanations, others which have explanations, are not rich enough. The diagrams could be better. And the feedback feature of questions is removed. I think the answer to one of the questions which is shown as right is wrong and I could not give feedback.
100m sprint race in Brain and nervous system.very much frustrated.
DR Carlo Raj is a great educator.very nice speech, clear concept of every topic.seems like I have a good private tutor and no need of books after watching his lecture.
I chose this coz am able to memorise. Facts about the sedatives and hypnotics
there was no explanation other than reading off the slides. neuro is a serious topic that require good explanation but the professor didn't even relate slides or information and treated every slide as a new topic.
There are some mistakes. SERT is not a serotonin receptor. And Bupropion is not a SERT inhibitor.
Structured and taught with comparisons and stressed contrasts in epidemiology/clinical presentation/imaging findings
I chose it because it contain almost every related to topics....like question, articles and etc. Because of the smart classes all the doubts are clear....
An excellent run through of stroke and tia that incorporates pathophysiology biochemistry clinical presentation and mx ...... great teaching thanks
I wish this is more about anatomy and less about diereses, as I am in this class right now for my primary objective I need to know the names of every muscles, every bones, what they do, every nerve, what they innervate, and every veins and arteries, also lymphatic and different glands in your faces the videos do not provide enough details and topics I am currently using Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Edition by Kieth L. Moore, comparing the knowledge from the book these videos give you almost nothing
Tons of mistakes in what seems to be all fields of Lecturio videos. It's a shame really. This one in particular goes on about the "virus" H. Influenzae. It's just tons of basic stuff that they really mess up. I wouldn't even use this as a free resource honestly.
Despite that Dr. Raj inaccurately recognized H. influenzae as a virus (which is actually a G(-) bacterium), he did a good job of engaging students in thinking and reflecting, while pointing out a general memory-aiding scheme ( e.g. common skin flora species being implicated in post-neurosurgery/penetrating trauma/CSF-associated meningitides) Having watched many of Dr Raj's videos (a med-student with high standards myself and always hateful of lackadaisical teaching styles of the MAJORITY of professors in my country), I have to say Dr. Raj exhibits excellent "mentor" qualities in a style of his own.
Thank you for the lectures. Very helpful, I really recommend it
Everything is thoroughly explained and easy to follow along at all times
Excellent explanations, with visual attraction, simplified subjects and easy to understand
Detailed and comprehensive lectures. Good overview of Alzheimer disease and pathophysiology
It would be nice to have subtitles for spanish audience. Other than that everything looks great.
Too basic, needs a lot more clinical information and more backround.
I still like Dr. Raj professionalism and high yield content. Very useful
high yield and very useful. I personally like Dr. Raj (professionalism, kind of humour and teaching skills). Readily helpful for me and my preparation to Step 1
No such thing as the "internal" oblique. It's called the inferior oblique. Also, should state whether these are primary or secondary actions of the muscle.
it was really clear, and precise, i really like the way he explain with the support of the images.
I like his lecture & way of teaching. It meet my expectation.
Very good videos and imágenes, I recommended this app 100% . very well summarized
The class was clear and precise, I have no problem understanding.
I found this very helpful. I don't mind if it's just a general review because if you cover them all it would take a long time. I can read books for more in-depth analysis. Great job !
Unbearable. Even in 1.25x he speaks way too slowly. Boring tone of voice as well
Unfortunately, the lecturer for the anatomy module has disappointed me. Whereas the lecturers in all other modules appear to be amazing, this lecturer speaks way too slow and with a boring tone. I have to listen to the lectures in 1.5x..
The course was clear with good illustrations and clear speech,
I thought this lecture series was very simple and informative, easy to understand but thorough. I appreciate the pneumonic provided, as well as the transcript notes available So we could go back and look and write things down as needed- I Was happy that the teacher spoke clearly and slowly, and that each segment was not very long so that you were able to take time to contemplate information before moving on.
The descriptions where clear and comprehensive even to a non native english speaker like my self.
Thank you for the series of lectures, I really liked them, simple and well explained.
I like this course very much. It is explaned good and easy to understand (witch is inportant to me because english is not my native language). Clinical examples are very good and help me to remember how drugs work. I recomend this course to all medical student.
Information is definitely not sufficient for the exams, yet it is helpful for getting the sense of neuroanatomy.
if I don't know anything about para/symp nervous system, I wouldn't understand clearly. For example, in symphatetic outflow diagram, I wouldn't understand where the exact location of white or gray ramus in human body on the picture you used.
I understood SNS input and output quite well prior to watching this video. There are much better figures in textbooks to describe output pathways. I found the figure used a very odd departure from traditional figures and much more confusing.
I've never heard someone explain pKa and drug mechanism so simply before.
a quick video to clear the concept thank you very much
Best and comprehensive information. Best way to learn and revise
Great lectures, i´m satisfied with your contents. Doctor Wilson is always surprising us with his explanations.
Yes. I like the details presentation all Information nicely given good language in short time
clear and concise in explanation; content well-organized and presented in a way that is easy to absorb
This taught me... I was wondering one day while I was reading a Medical book, hmm what are seizures? Then I was looking all over the web found this website and went to Carlo Raj, MD for seizures this is just the beginning for me and I hope I like the rest of his videos.
Learnt a few new things. Clear and concise. Really good lecturer. Would recommend to anyone studying anatomy.
Straight to the point and concise. World class lecturer. Really felt at home with it. Felt like I was studying from a very prestigious institution. I would love to recommend to all my colleagues. Just a small thing to note, it would have helped if we were told what plane the images are. It was mentioned for a few of them but others were not and took a little bit of working out like in the diencephalon lectures but otherwise top tier and nothing required too much effort.
thank you doctor Craig for this video it's very helpful i hope you make anther one about cranial nerves specially 5th and 7th
Great lectures in such a short time. I would listen to this series right before exams.
Just what is needed for the clinics and exam Bare minimum leads to better retention and the results.
Nice and clear explanation Good Voice and clear speaking friendly and open appearance -> clearly someone I love to listen to for hours
Very good lecture, a great teacher and a good sense of humor !
Just reading the slides.No explanation.No schematic drawing to show the involved areas or the characters of the diseases.No pathological sections, gross or microscopic.
very good video. Did not not know the relation to floppy baby and botulinum toxin.
Students who have a very good grasp on the topic may not appreciate it, but overall a good brush up on the choroid plexus and CSF.
The Lecture is very good. However the image does not clearly highlight the foramen. There appears to be an overlap of Foramen Lacerum with the Internal acoustic meatus.
perfect course, it was great our techear doesn't explane well the material, now i got it more
The instructor is poorly prepared. Anyone can read off of a slide. Didn't even make an effort to find better pictures of structures that are covered. And by the way: hypothesis and hypophysis are completely different things.
Everything perfect explained. In the beginning I was lost with neuroanatomy but now I have more clearly concepts.
Slow but comprehensive but not completely enticing. I dont think that this is sufficient for the boards.
He made boring contents interesting not by adding nonsense jokes but by his ways of presentations.
It was great you will never miss a thing everything clear even the diagrams
I recommend all the lectures to all IMGs out there to brush up your knowledge on your basic subjects.
Hi ! You explain very well it's very understandable! Thank you very much !
Sometime the lecturer comes through clinical signs of patients with particular diseases and doesn't explain that sign, just introducs it to that disease. We need to know how that sign looks like when we encouter a patient so that we know how to deal with him.