Enjoy your full access to all video lectures, quiz questions, articles and the board-style Qbank for the next 24 hours FOR FREE.
Start NowProf. Geoffrey Meyer is a Professor and Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Western Australia in 1981. Currently, he is the Coordinator for Histology in the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).
Due to his achievements, he earned the Australian University Teaching Award and has received teaching fellowships from the University of Western Australia and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Meyer teaches courses on Histology.
Until his retirement, Dr. Craig Canby has been the Associate Dean for Academic Curriculum and Medical Programs as well as a Professor of Anatomy at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Des Moines University, Iowa, USA.
He obtained his PhD in Anatomy at the University of Iowa. For his achievements in teaching and research, he received various awards such as the DPT Class of 2008 Teaching Excellence Award and the prestigious Hancher-Finkbine Medallion.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Canby teaches courses on Anatomy.
Dr. James Pickering is a Professor of Anatomical Education at the University of Leeds, UK.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Leeds in 2019. Currently, he undertakes and publishes research within the areas of anatomy education, digital education, and curriculum design and evaluation.
Due to his achievements, he earned the University of Leeds Teaching Award and was named The Most Innovative Teacher of the Year 2014 and Learning Technologist of the Year 2014.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Pickering teaches courses on Anatomy.
5 Stars |
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56 |
i literally love the way he teaches. Only signed up because of him
Solid helped me pass my anatomy exams. Was great to help.
Monotonous, difficult to follow and also factually imprecise. The corticial nephron and the juxtamedullary nephron cannot be the same thing, rather the LEFT nephron shown on the picture is cortical, while the entirety of the right nephron on the diagram is the juxtamedullaty nephron, even the part that is located in the cortex. Please review this and please, please, please use a pointer when presenting.
thank you for clear and detailed information on human brain
User reviews
5 Stars |
518 |
4 Stars |
63 |
3 Stars |
44 |
2 Stars |
28 |
1 Star |
56 |
i literally love the way he teaches. Only signed up because of him
Solid helped me pass my anatomy exams. Was great to help.
Monotonous, difficult to follow and also factually imprecise. The corticial nephron and the juxtamedullary nephron cannot be the same thing, rather the LEFT nephron shown on the picture is cortical, while the entirety of the right nephron on the diagram is the juxtamedullaty nephron, even the part that is located in the cortex. Please review this and please, please, please use a pointer when presenting.
thank you for clear and detailed information on human brain
It's a wonderfuuuul app, it's actually a faculty of medicine. If your factulty teachers are dump & don't know how to teach, lecturio app is your solution..
The lectures explain things perfectly He uses a simple language...and I appreciate that James packering
There were good pictures and diagrams but without a pointer showing what structure he's referring the whole lecture was hard to follow. I read through the transcript too and I feel like the explanations did not really match what was being showed on the slides (he kept talking about the numbers and diameters of things which were not shown on the slides).
Dr. Meyer does not explain where in the illustration he is referring to. It was very hard to follow through.
Really informative and good explanation with really nice illustrations min 10 words required
Good I love it it's very helpful I will like to recommend it to all medical students
I love this channel and I understand it so much
The lesson is well conducted and clear and structured to facilitate understanding and memorization
Simple, concise and perfect explanation of a very complicated topic.
A really short and good summary of foetal circulation. Whilst not extensive, when taken in consideration with other lectures, makes a really good introduction.
Very nice teaching style! It was a pleasure to review the topics with Dr. Salmi! Thank you! :)
Very well explained! As usual :) I was watching Dr. Pickering's lectures when I was in Premed School and everything was so blurry for me... Now I'm doing my clinical rotation and I need a refresh of info. It was a nice surprise to discover the new format of Anatomy lectures, but I'm also happy that you kept the old version archived. Thank you very much!!
not enough detail to understand the topic. Renders and slides could also use work for this whole section, they arent sufficient to give an understanding of the section and understand structures of the brain in relation to each other.
Very illustrative animation, the lecturer is also very clear and concise!
I think the teacher is very patient , and the topys is very funny to learn
very good made and explains and focus just on the important
Because the videos were short, clear and educative. I liked the explanations and the quizzes after the videos.
Good video. Self explanatory and made easy. Thanks lecturio We will make it with lecturio
The videos are helpful in that they facilitate understanding and retention. I have been an ambassador of Lecturio medical since I was in high school, and now that I'm in medical school I have recommended lecturio to my friends on several occasions.
please use some pointers to show that part in the image. it will be easy for us to recognise it easily and it will be of great help. thank you
It's a very consolidated review. Please also add the definitions of some medical terms. Thank you. :)
A very informative, yet concise and clear presentation of the lecture material! Thank you, Dr. Pickering!
It was very informative! I liked the explanation a lot.
Thank you Dr. Salmi for the lectures and your awesome teaching style! It's a real pleasure to study and review notions, based on your lectures!
star star star star star star star star star star star star star star
My problem with most of these anatomy lectures is the lack of highlighting or pointing to anatomical structures once mentioned by the lecturer. I have to pause and see what they are talking about constantly.
very well explained by Dr Darren Salmi.. thank you for keeping it short and simple
great lecture, i finally get it! amazing clear and precise information and yet to the point
Good but the way of teaching is not effective like other professors
Very well explained and easy to listen to, as with all of Dr Salmi's lectures - thank you!
Straightforward, explanative, and helpful It would be enhanced with the inclusion of labeled real anatomical structures to supplement learning and retention.
Although this video provides helpful information essential to medicine, the video edit with another graphic, illustration, and animated image plus speaker threw me off.
Although I am at present an unknowledgeable M0, I appreciate how informative this introductory lecture is on mucous versus serous glands, and that an associated slide with images is presented. Histology is a notably difficult course in medical school, especially for people without prior exposure. What textbook(s) or online readings or articles would you recommend reading to further supplement learning of mucous and serous glands and epithelium throughout the human body?
Super helpful introduction and outline of future lectures. I appreciate the integrated instructions surrounding structure, location, function, and particular roles within the body. These lectures are helpful supplements to textbook readings.
While this was certainly a helpful lecture with breaking down differences between mature versus immature bone, not revealing the labeled diagram could prove detrimental to student learning. I noticed when quizzing myself that stronger learning might be taking place, but ultimately, I am not sure if everyone myself included could fully and adequately label every structure on this histological slide. Could you provide these diagrams with labels if they are not already somewhere? My histology atlas displays images differently.
coooll... this was very easy in the short amount of time i got an insane amount of notes
Very informative. Brief, to the point. Clear explanation to facilitate understanding.
It provides all the details. It is made in such a way that the student can follow the connections between different parts and remember easily. The one thing I like the most is that I can complete full anatomy in just under 37 hours.
not clear enough, should be improved. slides can be more schematic or include mnenomics or at least make it more interesting by adding more facts
Thanks doc, very useful for my exam that is coming up
The Lecturer explains cell structures clearly and show more examples,which makes learning easy and enjoyable. The best histology lecture.
Se requiere mas infromación, incluyendo aquellas paralisis qu ese pueden dar por un tumor.
Una imagen con todos los nombres de los aspectos que menciona, podria mejoar la explicación. Gracias.
It was great I really enjoyed. I studied for my exam and I'm satisfied.
Very detailed inormation, helps to get good understanding, thank You!
Muy interesante la conferencia, sin embargo la traducción de la misma al español es un poco ambigua.
covered the nerve complete and goes great with the anatomy lectures
covered very well contains the information needed for step in med school
covered cn three concisely and goes perfectly with anatomy videos
Great job covering the cranial nerve here and it goes well with the visual pathway video
Simple and concise explanation. Covered all necessary aspects without elaborating too much on details.
lack of structure just got messy. it can be done in a much better way to follow the different pathways
I really like the way the teachers explain but the price for the premium is too expensive
good good good good good of good good good good
Retired from practice, I still teach gastroenterology and related subjects at a medical school. Prior to assisting in the gross anatomy lab this was a great way to be sure I was ready for any student questions! It is always good to see another excellent lecturer present, as well.
Clear and simple in everything! Of course Dr. James Pickering one of the best physicians that you have!
I feel that I can continue in medical school, He prepare like the Light at the end of the tunnel!
Great Lecture! Thanks Doctor Canby. I was finally able to understand how this cranial nerve works.
I like how he made it easy!!! easy to digest easy to understand easy to memorize
The lecturer explains the topics very clearly and highlights the important points of each lecture distinctly.
Explanation excellent, diagrams excellent ????. However, the use of a pointer would be beneficial
Excellent! Thank you, Dr. Meyer for this lecture! Finally I don't have to memorize like a parrot and I started to like Histology ! :)
I'm a fan of Dr. Meyer! His lectures helped me a lot! His teaching style is awesome!
The lectures are quite easy to understand and remember. I’ve found what I’ve been looking for.
I appreciate the amount of digestible information in this video.
Too inprecise In the lecture You should point out exactly the structures This doesnt help for exams.
5 stars for Dr. Meyer! Excellent explanation & good structure! Thank you!!!
Very good explanation, to understand from beginning!!! I was really afraid about Histology, but Dr. Meyer's explanation gave me confidence and helped me to build a solid foundation, in order to learn more info later on. Thank you, Dr. Meyer!!! You are one of my favourite lecturer! P.S. Since I've studied integrating in my study plan Lecturio"s lectures by Dr. Meyer, my grades at Histology are significally improved!
perfectly summarised , help us to take a clear outline , moreover love presented way..
Because it's not that much informative which i expected from this app for mbbs.
Dr. Meyer, you are awesome!!! I never thought that I will start to like Histology! The entire chapter is great! My favourite part is your interactive technique bonus, used in Esophagus video! :)
Easy to understand, easy to assimilate! Very helpful to start Histology from zero!
Very good explanation, info & system! I never thought that I will like to study Histology... Thank you, Dr. Meyer! Your way of teaching is awesome!!!
Finally, Histology is not looking like a nightmare to me! Thank you, Dr. Meyer!!! ???? Your lectures are awesome!!! ??????????
Thank you, Dr. Meyer for this playlist, as an introduction in Histology! I was affraid about Histo, thinking that will be hard to learn, but your pedagogical skills and the excellent explanation helps me to study from a different perspective and, more important, with pleasure this discipline! Thank you!!! ????????
Excellent info, covers all area which is required. I have learned the much.
Very good info & structure. Very Helpful for my Anatomy seminar. Dr. James Pickering is awesome! Thank you very much!!!
Thank you very much! That was very helpful. I was really confused in class.
Awesome Professor! Loved the lectures. Great pictures too! Thank you:)
I like it I’m still learning but I’m very grateful for the material and content matter
He is great, I have leant a lot from his easy and smooth teaching method Thanks
He is really good I have learned alot from him
As a Gastroenterologist I always work hard to go deep in my knowledge and learn the new meterials. I like the way of your evolution and discription, made me convice to give you 100 marks.
This was one of the most detailed explanations of blood filtration I have seen. Really well done.
Very nice presentation of the concept with such efficient & proficient delivery
Its amazing to see this topic delivered in such a lucid manner
the video is in depth explanation explaining structures and function
liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked
super clear, thank you very much. especially the graphics are pretty good, very explaining. lecturer explains well too.
This is helping me a lot getting a head start before resuming the semester. I just found out I can actually bookmarks specific lecture videos I want! Thank you so much
Every concept given in these concept page ia amazing and excellent.
This was very helpful, pretty neat and clear explanation. Thank you very much.
Love Lecturio! The teaching and pictures are awesome! Thank you!
great lecture. I dont see why it is not highly rated. Thanks you
Everything about this lecture is spot on, I liked it very much.
Builds up from basics. I like that method. I just wish his lectures had maybe a 3-4 speed option.
I don't think he teaches in a way to grab students' attention. Long and dull.
Professor, I thank you! You made this lecture so easy for me to understand that I kept on smiling to myself knowing that I now understand this lecture perfectly well. I like the way you demonstrated the parts of the lips by actually showing/pointing to it on yourself. For initially before I watched your lecture, I did not know where the vermilion border was, etc. Thank you for enriching my knowledge with such vital information. God bless you
Thank You! Very helpful and useful. Simplified way of explaining a complicated topic
The explaination was really good. And I am beginning to understand it
I'm just curious whether this professor recites what he is reading and points out what's on the diagrams.
I learned alot from the Professor. I wish I had started using Lecturio earlier. Thanks so much!
He is excellent, explain everything in a very organized systemic way.
Thanx for making me understand lots of things I did not know before. I appreciate it alot.
Great lecture, for I learnt somethings from the lecture. Thank you Professor.
very clearly explained. perfect to complete your understanding about this topic
His lectures are always amazing, simple and so clear! Thank you
It has been but pure, clear and Concise..the way Dr Canby goes about to illustrate the slides especially for the fact that this aspect of the human anatomy is very complex to understand.. I have already recommended a lot of my friends to lecturio and they were all glad I did.
the presenter is not helping me learn. he needs more emphasis on the topic. Make it fun
Vey well summarized and complete. I was having difficulties to learn it, but with the Lecturio’s videos I understood it the first time.
Nicely explained, easy to understand and images were clear enough to find out what was being taught
Yes, great way of explaining abdomen . I like it very much this course many thanks indeed. A very detailed and informative lecture and all demonstrated geographically on the pictures precisely. Many thanks indeed.
Good but one star is less, this is because professor doesn't use cursor so it little bit difficult to understand
The complexity of the subject makes it a nightmare to study a reference book or attend a lecture with someone who didn't know what they were doing. Dr. Canby saves so much time and explains the divisions and detailed classifications of the spinal cord with such ease it is impressive. I came across this app a month away from my finals because I didn't understand most of the neurosciences subjects. Trust me, I understood Neurosciences (including neuroanatomy from this course) in just a month way better than all my attempts during the previous 6 months. Very well done course! It integrates the mapping with clinical correlations on the spot and makes everything easy to memorize.
the way the prof explains the content is a bit nitty gritty the prof is not very good at commenting should you have queries
Very thorough explaining & lecturer is quick to respond highly recommended
Well presented and focus of clinical relevance. Short and concise.
Hello Dear Doctor Canby. Brilliant explanation . And the demonstration is outstanding thanks for your time and effort !!! It is very important topic as well as we need to know a lot about brain in order to treat correctly and precisely rest of the body . I think 12 CN are given really well as well as cerebral cortex . I Interested in more about spinal fluid and how to improve content of the spinal fluid as we know it does give all the necessary nutrients to the brain . Some people have sudden seizures I wandered if possible to predict by taking and analysing their spinal fluid content! To avoid patient from seizure ! As every seizure gives really hard time to a patient and consequences are negatively affect to the brain cells of the individual . So better prophylaxis than cure. And I believe there is more effective ways to treat brain disease by knowing the pathogenesis of brain disorders . Many thanks for the great course about cerebral cortex. Kind regards, Dr. Gulbanu Akimgaliyevna.
Es una excelente conferencia parte desde lo básico para entender la histología que es la biología lo recomiendo para estudiantes que están haciendo la materia de histología y biología del primer año de la carrera de medicina .Muchas gracias por esta gran conferencia
I'm a first year medical student and the lectures that we have had on the autonomics have not been clear or understandable at all. The set of lecture materials and the lectures that Lecture has provided has GREATLY increased my understanding and made my exam prep much easier.
The lecture on bone formation is not comprehensive and not very easy to digest The photos given by the lecturer is not very good in terms of illustrating the main concepts Having said all these, I recognise that making such lecture series is no easy task and the efforts put in by all staffs are commendable
I understood each and everything by these lectures. Practically and theoretically both.
It is the best class on brain structures I've had to date. However, what this and all the other reviews lack is better terms to more deliberately, precisely and succinctly REMIND the students of where each structure is and it's function EACH TIME it is discussed. The brain has ALOT of structures and respective functions that need to be understood and memorized. So that type of repetition would just be really helpful.
really good app to study , you can download the lectures and study anywhere anytime
Español: Fácil de aprender. Conciso y directo. Buena infografía. English: Easy to learn. Concise and direct. Good infographic.
Amazing explanation with the proffessor Good research on many topics
Because sir showed diagramatic picture along with histology slide That make it very helpful
This is an excellent course that breaks down the cell in detail. The teaching style is such that the lessons are taught as building blocks to the whole to eventually give you the total picture, understanding the cell in great detail.
excellent presentation explaining step by step important concepts at the right pace
I love it very much and excellent. is good for every students.
Magnificent! I love it! Especially the explanation of serosa? Nothing to say I have gentleman!!
It's got everything I wanted. Thank you! Very simple and precise. I appreciate your efforts Professor Meyer.
Good thing about this is that I love to study Lecturio helping me to consolidate my topics
Alot of the explanations could be simplified. Also the course was taught with a presumption that the student had prior knowledge of this system.
excellent lecture. very clear explanation, with diagrams annotations. good memory aide.
Excellent explanation of the descending tracts. Good review and diagrams.
you have to write everything to the material.only pictures present
Very well explained. Physiological aspects of digestion & absorption combined with histological study makes it easy to comprehend the process. Eg. Circulation of blood & bile to & from the liver very well explained.
Very well explained. Indepth explanation of purpose of organelles and their functions.
The lectures here are really very good and well compiled. They donot exaggerate any topic. Make it really very precise and high yield. Really very easy to understand and memorise even. Really very helpful.
I think that this lesson was very interesting and easy to understand. 5 starts out of 5.
I chose it because of its high impact, It explains subjects in an easy to comprehend way. I will recommend it to any prospective medical student I know.
A series of very useful and didactic lessons, amazing! Thank you so much Dr. Canby.
Excellent lectures, very easy to digest, good illustrations and great review questions.
I agree that using a pointer might help, but the way he is describing the structures makes it very clear where to look to, so I don't agree at all with the 2-star rating. Also, the rest is very informative and nicely explained.
The pathways of the nerve should be discussed, intracranial and extracranial.
doesnt contain all the information necessary for this topic to be fully understood
Oh yes indeed Greatly given 12 CN a I thoroughly enjoyed it Please don’t surprise if I revise I must make sure my pronunciation is correct While I am studying of course spelling is brilliant I try to memorise it as as a foreign graduate these courses extremely helpful!!! Many thanks for your great design!!
It cover what i needed, Well elaboration and summary notes Sure,recommend
Well, I find it more useful. I got what I want from this lecture.
This course makes the topics easy to follow, understand and learn. Thank you!
I like the way he explains details and yeah he's superb
It really allowed me to understand the tricky areas in my book. Also, I prefer watching videos to reading, so this allowed me to keep on track with my revision. Lastly, I really like how the lecturer provides context and explanations for the things he mentions. It's not really something I get in school.
Not good didn't understand anything it should be in easy and simple wording
yes another great topic i absolutely enjoyed it . Many thanks indeed.
I chose this rating because I understood the topic easily, thanks to the clear explanations and the organization of the topics
made things clear and easy to learn in a short time
Thanks to this course I managed to get a really good grade in my exam, and most importantly I really understood the topic
Brilliant tutorial. It has main points are highlighted and a very useful.
Nice review of the spinal cord's anatomy, helped me a lot during my studies for my clinical neurology exam
Poorly information of the basal ganglia and the system of the basal ganglia was not set up very well
I do like it very much its straight forward . He has shown all the main points . Many thanks indeed.
Dear Dr Meyer, you have made my histology course so much easier and understandable! I cannot thank you enough!
It's an amazing course.After a long time I got it but it's wonderful.
yup-side by side slide comparison so important bc histo is all in the details
Well broken down. Thank you. I love that he takes the time to analyze the explanations.
I like the lecturer very much, he’s very articulate ,doesn’t speed and has a simple and clear way of transferring information
excellent presentation in histology . i enjoy classes and it also help in my exam
Easy to understand. Loved the colors used to distinguish sympathetic from parasympathetic, that really helped.
There should be more detail about the gross anatomy of the nasal cavity
Very simplified and nice explanation. I learn new information with pleasure due to this great teacher.
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation
I really appreciate it, perfectly simple and interesting way of explanation.
Thank you so much for interesting lectures and amazingly helpful information
Thank you very much for your interesting lectures and simple explanation
Dr. James Explains very good anatomy, I liked and understood very clearly
Thank you so much Dr. Meyer . I did well on my exam because of your videos. They were simple and it makes me understand better difficult topics. For now, you are my favorite ????.
Great information I am learning so much It was very interesting
Greatly assisted me in identifying the structure and function of bone organelles
Precisely influencial style during all parts so definitely would be a key effect on exams
I really understood everything like if it was a brief summary of terms
yes it is some how not good but not bad also i do not know how to say
Easy abdomen review. Courses are simple, well explained. Anatomy may easy for me a french speaker.
I'm feeling like discomfort . And the lecture is ok. I can't grasp and can't understand the concept clearly , effectively and perfectly.
I couldn't understand the concept and lecture clearly. There is something was missing.
thank you for letting me understand this lecture. I really struggled to understand it. But, after this video, everything is perfect and clear.
Histology was and always will be my strong suit in medical school, but this was a much-needed review in prep for my upcoming exam. Also, for those who are IMG's and might not have the best of professors, Lecturio has got you covered when it comes to learning what you need to know to do well on exams in year 1 and 2...or if you are having to re-teach yourself like me (upside down smiley).
It helps me a lot i had difficulties because of online lessons I couldn't learn much
Simple, clear and with clinical correlations. Thank you, Dr. Craig.
I’m sorry I didn’t understand well in the lectures here. I checked you tube after these lecture and I understand now
Fantastic presentation of the anatomy and evaluation of clinical signs thank you
Histology explained really well. At each step letting us know what is going to be explained is really good.
All of the lectures by prof. Meyer are absolute blast and great experience.
good video really lked it the language was qut e easy to understand
It is clear and well structured. Especially the pathways are now clear to me.
Good and clear lecture! If you need to get an overview of the CSF, works well
The lecture was brief, insightful and nice. I learnt abdomen the first time here.
It's An Good Overview And Histological Studies Of Ganglion.,But There is Need to Tell Stains Name
There is a lot of information, and that is good, but the slides don't mention those information briefly.
???? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ??????.
it was great to hear your story this makes the lecture even more interesting
Excellent lecture, review was clear, engaging and concise. Thank you.
It's pretty precise and I appreciate the professor showing images while explaining.
Clarification on points and made it easy to follow through
Very good, short and concise lectures. Helped me very much
Simple and clear explanations with great slides - I was able to digest this easily, thank you!
Excellent explanations and clear, thank you! Pretty cool you got the histology guide guy to make a lecture.
Thank you for this lecture! It helps me to get better understanding about the topic
Dr. Meyer is a great teacher, a lot from my experience with his videos regarding the introduction to the mammalian cell however, this video definitely left a lot to be discerned and was not very informative. Required me to do a lot of googling to make sense of much of these... Hard to follow and disappointing.
Great, I loved the slides and how he explained them! I'm happy to take this lecture
It contains the keypoints. Neuroanatomy is hard because it´s specific and has lots of terms. Dr. Craig is making them simple and understandable!
Explanation is good, but if there is more info in the PowerPoint material, it would be very nice.
I love this app in general Actually everything was pretty amazing Histology & anatomy explanation But there is a problem with the quality Its not fully HD but i understand that the video is old a bit but fine & where are the tonsils explanation ?, they are a part of the lymphatic system
So far this lecture series has been good but this particular lecture is so hard to follow. The explanations aren't clear, and the professor not pointing out anything is a problem. This has been pointed out in previous lectures as well, and the explanation given is that it's better for us if we try to find it ourselves. This is the first time we are coming across structures like this. It would be better if the professor at least points out an example to us for the first time and then allows us to identify it ourselves later. Otherwise, these lectures have been good except for this one.
I like the picture and descriptions. It could be a little more in depth but overall really good.
I liked the professor very much. He's really brilliant and clear. He doesn't speak too quickly so it's easy to understand everything. I appreciated that eveytihing is explained starting from the plates which are very important in this course.
Didn’t go into very broad details. Very superficial. Would love if there were more microscope tissues.
A good way of showing us how connective tissue are classified and their function
Wonderful teaching, it gave me broad knowledge about bone, and it's compatible
It was easy to understand, tho my first time studying muscle. And give me the confidence that muscle isn't hard to study
Simple and provides examples. Not packed with unwanted info. highly recommend.
uhh uhh uhh uhh uhhh uhhh uhhh uhhh this is so disturbing
Dr. Meyer is great! His lectures help me so much in preparing for class and understanding. I have really struggled with the eye, so this was a life-saver.
Hola! No han solucionado el problema y se los avisaron hace 4 meses. 4 months ago Soe S. said you that the transcription has a problem of 1 minute of length.
very nice, I wish there was a pointer or a cursor when he was mentioning specific things from the diagrams shown on the screen. Otherwise, a very nice way of explaining
It is so slow that I can't focus. Also at the end of lecture functions of endothelium is written on the slide but not explained by the teacher. I think one should mention what is written on slide while doing a presentation.
Very good platform for medicos and doctors and professonals also
I chose 5 stars because the lectures were detailed and there were enough slides to explain every point. This really helped me while studying the topic in my textbook as I understood the slides and why they were so; why some looked pale and others look deeply stained, it's simply amazing. I although didn't like that some of the lectures had the last few seconds cut out (for me). I would recommend this lecture to those who have been trying to figure out why histological slides are why they are and have thus found histology "boring".
Liked it because they hv simplified all things that were giving me hard time, now I assure you that I can teach the next person.
This lecture has solved all my problems about spinal cord.
it is very clear, precise, clinical oriented. Also the exposure of the subject is very high quality.
For the short duration of the videos, less than an hour, important material is covered and in a way so it is possible to remember. There is even time for a little anecdote about muscle lengths, which makes it easier to remember afterwards. The kind of tricks good teachers use.
He doesn't explain enough the pyramidal tracts and the extrapyramidal tracts.
Good clinical relevance and good explanation of their course and source. Very complete and short.
good expression best teacher thx for everything we like you man
EXCELENTE. Muy bien explicado, desde principales datos de anatomía, hasta las meninges se entendió muy bien.
The best lecturio lesson of nervous system and brain ever!
Very clear! Context and logical connections make it my go-to for understanding histology.
Its so easy to understand what will see before histology class, and simultaneously if you take class with PhD Georgina Cornwall its complete! Thanks
Overall good course with an extraordinary professor with brief and precise explanations of the different topics. The only thing I would add not only to histology course, but to Lecturio is more questions in the q bank. Or different type of questions. Most of them are straight forward from the video and not enough critical thinking in my opinion. I would like to see an improvement in this area
This lecture alone makes me want to recommend Lecturio to my peers.
A good overview of the topic that in my opinion covers the main ideas regarding the basal ganglia along with a good clinical correlation.
I have enjoyed hearing these videos, the explanation which have been offered looking for me very interesting to walking through on view to understanding it.
I really like it, the simplified images makes it quite easy to understand and the slides are well explained. Reasons are given on why the slides look the way they are and how they might appear different from what they really are.
Literally you can not follow along at all. No idea how to figure out where on the image he is verbally referring to
great course, great professor, great subject. I thought I had learned a lot in cardiac histology, but still, I learned some more in this course. I really like it.
again, great professor, good course. I regret that the downloadable slides are not very dense, so that I can not use the slides to study for this course
I have nothing to say but that I like watching and learning from this course
This was a good general overview of the Lymphatic Tissue. Along with my textbook, this lecture was exactly what I needed.
Dr. Craig Canby has been very, very helpfil in aiding me with Neuroanatomy! Cheers! Thank you for your hard work!
i really like it there is all of what i need thank you
great to keep up with, love the questions after the video, wish there was more though
V less details as compared to the need of entrance exam
Awesome Explanation,Little bit slow And Less note But Hope For Improving...
Best diagram and explanation ever received. None of my teachers could explain so clear this concept. Thanks Dr. Meyer
The cerebral cortex is very well illustrated with succinct descriptions of the lobes and the vital areas of the diencephalic components are explained to my satisfaction,the neural circuitry is appreciated.
This course helps me broaden my knowledge and I can put what I have learned into practice right after learning this lecture! Easy to grasp the ideas of the course!
Outstanding review of connective tissue! These videos are helping me get so much more out of my studies!
It's more interesting and more easy to understand the concepts
It was easy to learn and the speed was perfecy
Found this video very helpful. I finally understand how these lesions affect our vision. Thanks
Me gusta la clase pero los subtítulos son muy malos.
The stuff it covered was done well. was some stuff missing but can't cover everything!
it broadened my literary horizons! The concentrated course is about the cerebral cortex playing an integral part in our body!
Good preview prior to classroom (more like online at this point) lecture for medschool
Love all the videos. I'm able to grasp the concepts and moreover scoring well in my exams too
Very well explained and great quiz questions to verify your knowledge
They are really all good; and great for medical school Students.
Thanks... Dr Meyer very interesting and well presented information for rereading as a MD.
The content was sufficient; however, the content curator had done a bad job. The first lecture was placed at last and last lecture in the first.
The lecture was simple. However, way too concise. Not all tracts covered and levels could have being discussed a little more. But my basics got clear.Can use as a reference to study spinal cord in depth
I really appreciate the labeled pictures. I really helped to understand concepts
good explanation of the components in the facial nerve. Thanks
gostei muito das classes, boa didatica, recomendo muito. algun dia espero que tenha audio em portugues ou espanhol.
Here is a quote from which describes Lecturio: "In order to take on this challenge, Lecturio created a high-quality digital medical education resource, which is affordable, adaptive, and personalized. We designed our platform with the needs of learners and faculty in mind, combined with the latest state-of-the-art learning technology and comprehensive monitoring and assessment features." The lecturer keeps saying that he is going to have the "anatomists" explain the structure in detail...so why are we wasting our money looking at this. I paid for a subscription to this site for "state-of-the-art learning technology." If a customer clicks on the video to see a presentation on the general structure of the eye, they shouldn't have to waste their time watching a PowerPoint with no pictures of the eye. It is an insult for customers to have this guy put up this type of presentation. My textbooks have better supplemental material .
This is what you read on Lecturio's site: "In order to take on this challenge, Lecturio created a high-quality digital medical education resource, which is affordable, adaptive, and personalized. We designed our platform with the needs of learners and faculty in mind, combined with the latest state-of-the-art learning technology and comprehensive monitoring and assessment features." STATE OF THE ART??? These are PowerPoint slides!!! The guy is talking about different structures and you have to pause the video to find what he is trying to reference! Get a pointer. Use an arrow. Show the viewer the exact location you want to emphasize. If I turned this type of presentation in for a grade, I would get it returned. Kahn Academy, Ken Hub...this is as low tech as you can get. I expected so much more. You are supposed to save us time. I hate writing this but other people have to know that this lecturer's delivery - I might as well get a text book out and read it to myself.
Love the professor and absolutely love the way these lectures are taught. Comprehensive and easy to understand
it was very clear and simple. contained high yield info
Simple and precise description that deepen ones understanding and knowledge
I like it a lot, simplified. I think you could explain a bit more
Dr. Meyer breaks down the lymph system in a way that is simple to understand and uses detailed pictures to clearly illustrate each section of the system. I work as a paramedic and feel like this course gave me my best understanding of the lymphatic system.
Everything was clearly explained, especially helpful in the times of the pandemic. Thank you very much professor!
These lectures on the gastrointestinal histology were more than helpful to me, as they came in handy for, firstly, comprehending the overall picture and, secondly, for taking note on the details (such as the types of cells that make the gastric glands or the intestinal glands)
ddnt explain well at all. ddnt explain the exact location of the gray horns or anything.
Nice lecture, very clear and specific. What every new student in this topic needs.
it was very informative,thank you so much proff.big up
good good good good lecture it was really helpful nice teaching
I got a 10-10 at my Bone tissue test. Of course, I used my books for more information, but at first, I saw al the videos, did some notes, and then I rush into my textbook and realized that I knew the most part of the information. Beside the fact that we have to memorized all the details of everything, it was just amazing the feeling of truely understanding the subject. I really recommend it. And also, it would be nice if the Dr Meyer makes the others Tissue's lecture. Thank you so much!
Professional, enjoyable and interactive. I also liked that the professor uses research based teaching techniques.
Hi The lectures have been prepared in a way that You can get sufficeint information
Very clear explanation and quick review after the topic explanation. Geoffrey also exposes tricks for remembering key items. I admire very much this professor.
Excellent presentation with perfect clarity in giving the essential details in an interesting way providing understanding of the function.
it's a great course. I love it very much. Need more information about Nobel prize in Medicine or Physiology for external reference. Thank you very much. Good luck.
He talks 6 minutes straight without changing a slide! It would be helpful to have bullet points in order to understand step by step what he is going to cover. Very bad teacher.
He presents a list of the lymphocytes without the natural killer cells! Afterwards, he refers to them as if we know what these cells are. He also refers to lymphocytes as "key players", writing below a list of cells that we do not know in which category they belong. Busy slides, difficult language, not able to get his message across.
Sir,I like the way that you explain about the topic. I was so week in this topic but I now know this topic very well
Personally, I enjoyed the entire Histology review a lot, and would like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. G. Meyer for these lectures. All the best, Liliana B.
Did not cover key concepts, such as the general function of the basal ganglia in modulating movement etc.
The video episodes are way too short, need to go back and start over every 3-4 minutes. I think there should be a option to view the topic in one full video. Otherwise the subjects are well covered in an understandable manner. Many thanks
it was very well explained and easy to understand Thanks
great, but first watch the previous videos! made the difficult matter seem a lot easier
Short, clear, specific, connected with cases, and speed of information is adequate.
This series of lectures about the ear really need to be addressed, they make no sense, if you don't already have a complex knowledge of the ear. Once you have that this I guess is a good way to review, but then why am I paying for this for 2 years? If this is how it is supposed to be lecturio should be advertised as step prep company only, not as a supplement to lectures. Disappointed in the ear and hearing series of lectures.
I've watched this video 3 times and can not follow it. I expect better from this company.
Covers a lot of content accurately but concisely. Good speed and great use of diagrams. Admittedly, if I didn't know much about inner ear anatomy to start with, it would not have been detailed enough as a lot of concepts were not explained such as the semicircular canals, the utricle and saccule and the scala vestibuli and tympani.
Just not a good way to teach this topic! Sure the math thing works but tells you nothing except it works. Useless trick in my opinion.
i really enjoyed the lecture, it was very clear and easy to understand.
The course is essential and clear. Great teacher for difficult subject. Optimal use of images.
I chose five star cause this lecture literally dissects the anatomy of the anterolateral abdominal wall! Detailed and relevant.
I feel the anatomy lectures are rather "static" like simply reading the narrative or bulletin points to the audience. Instead, I think the anatomy lectures, especially as we are not learning by a cadaver to gain the tactile feedbacks, might be better designed in a more inviting/ interactive way. Bringing in more pathological relevance, e.g. showing schema/ video/ autopsy would be largely helpful. Or to the minimum, highlighting the knowledge of "high yield" and compare them on an anatomic picture/schema may also improve the learning experience of these topics. I like many Lecturio lectures nonetheless, but I think anatomy, and especially the neural anatomy lectures has a lot of space to improve in such way. Thanks.
We more details. For example , the pathway of each nerve, The various branches and many more.
As you know cerebral cortex anatomy and it’s all dependent component seeming to be a bit complex, so it’s explanation kind to be evaluated by an outstanding specialist as like him, his lectures are attractive and effecient, so as conclusion good subjects even more complex and good teacher make it easy to understand the different anatomic problems.
I like it because this have a lot of information about upper limb
Excellent. Very explanatory and simplified. It's easy to comprehend. Maybe more questions would help.
It's detailed for histology and he refers to the old teaching which is important for me who studied many years back so that I can be alerted to the changes I need to note.
The vestibular section is not well detailed to enable quick reference. There was not much reference to the vestibular ganglion in the initial lectures which will better explain the vestibular system.
good lecturer nice to recognise I have forgotten so much anatomy
Dr Canby, you have made the neurologic pathophysiology so much easier for me.. Thanks
best way to explain the mesenchyme, introducing stem cells and stressing most important points
no explanation in this all cn videos plzz elaborate olzz
Really found this clear and I have learned that there are compartments of stem cells in our body (intestine and perycites)
too confusing bring in another professor..............too confusing bring in another professor..............
It is like i am in huge class taking Lectures from experts, professionals and ones who are heros to help other, the person meets his life what he loves and now it is my time and this made easy for me by Allah and lecturio team. Thank you so much for your supporting me.
The Videos are very clear and helpful. They are also not too long to get you bored
wow never knew anatomy could be pulled off like this kudos from the maldives.
He explains slowly and with good examples. I can notice his expertise in this area. I really like his lectures!
Excellent delivery with both understanding and memory of details maximized for student.
I really appreciate it is perfect! thank you so much lecturio ! Living in France
It's an easy and undestandable explanation, maybe more detail, but overall Good.
Nicely and easily explained. Thank you so much Dr Meyer
very easily and well explained lecture about the esophagus. thank you for the explination
Essentially well wonderfully it is perfect help with any bady who is medical person aood afort for basic concept
Very well done, lecturer uses excellent visual aids and makes clear explanations
its a simple and very fast review about the cranial nerves
Great lecturer, can't recommend enough. I like his enthusiasm and clarity.
Simple, elegant, and easily gets to the point. Great lecturer.
He is the best I have ever seen.The way he broke down the topic was really commendable
He was very much on point.Explanations were easy to understand.
i choose this rating cz it's so much good it deserve 5 stars!i loved everything in this course so yea 5 stars . also i recommend it for the bggnrs so this for those information it helped me a lot. thank you a lot !
Easy and comprehensible. I like the slides that are very simple.
Mr. Pickering is a highly professional lecturer. He explains complex definitions quite simply and understandably. It is a great pleasure for me to receive this knowledge from Mr. Pickering
It's clear and understandable.I learnt nearly all of the topic
The video lectures helped me organize the information I already knew and filled the gaps in between. I appreciated how Dr. Wilson was concise and straight to the point with his lectures.
This lecture helped me a lot to understand what going on there!
Dr.Pickering explains everything in very simple lucid manner and the illustrations are quite easy to visualise and remember for the exam purposes
it was not bad, a bit simple and also generally wasn't compelling
Simple yet very nice explained . I felt like I learned it there and then
histology lesson generally very good but some case like this one ? thing it better if prof meyer mention important thing more loudly or repeat all bone tissue on kind of table or set connections between subjects . By the way Prof Meyer explain all thing perfectly but not permanent in mind.
Concise. Good explanations that go past just describing the layers in the different tissues. Considering the modest length of the videos, it is noticeable how much knowledge is conveyed.
he he is too slow to explain.....difficulties in reading material ...........
an amazing course indeed, i have been struggling with histology for a long time, and this course clarified me a lot of things, so thank you:)
Horners Syndrome is very importn and there is any more lectures about it
Excellent teacher, explained in a way that made sense and was easy to understand
The topics were explained quite good and therefore are very helpful in terms of getting a good idea of the structures. However, it could have been more detailed and more questions should have been and the end of each video. Nevertheless, the lecture was very helpful and it is definitely not the last one I will attend????????
Brilliant letter and word memo techniques presented, which make memorising this confusing content a lot easier!
Thank you so much for this video - it is absolutely beautiful and helpful!
Dr Canby's fluent presentation is the first reason, also the simple connections between the anatomy and clinical correlation are very important to me.
It is nice to give more details they only show photos but Don't Tell those stains' name how that is satisfactory???
Great work! A methodical walk through of a subject that can be confusing.
Very clear images and explanations. Enjoy the juxtaposition of histo slides with cartoons/illustrations. Appreciate this format far more than sitting for two hours of lecture with no checks for understanding (like Lecturio quizzes). Thank you for the work you do!
I Mean it provides the gist of the topics I'm looking for but it would be very nice if it could be a bit more detailed and a little more informative towards complexity Plus it would be really nice if more books could be added in your video search option Overall it is a nice experience
Because it has all the information i need and am understanding easily
I found Lecturio on Youtube and I enjoyed the way the information is presented in each video. This allows me to follow along.
Dr. Canby starts from the very very basics and builds it up to the level you need to know as a general practitioner. He also adds the clinical relevance to the parts which makes it very interesting!
I feel very confident with Lecturio The explanations of the content are very clear and precise
Complicated processes explained in a straight forward and understandable way clear, understandable, logical, systematically, enjoyable, straightforward, focused to the main topic , nice
Saved me in resession. I recommended it to a lot of Friends. All are very blessed with this lectures. My brother already bought it, after i recommended and i will buy it for next Semester
very helpful! thanks! Only thing I would add to this are lymphopoiesis and markers for each lineage (Bcells are CD 19,20,21 positive).
Prof. Geoffrey Meyer is almost a father-like figure for me, as he has helping me out for the major part of my studies. They way he explains difficult topics is remarkable and his teaching style is unique. I would recommend his lectures to everyone!
Yes Informative, but to short at times and not many anatomical details in my opinion To improve: More visuals from cranial fossa And more details about the anatomy But I enjoyed the clinical info.
CT proper: mesenchyme, lax fibrillary, dense fibrillary, reticular, elastic, adipose and pigment. Supporting CT: cartilage and bone. Trophic CT: blood and lymph.
Needs to use pointer during lecture. He's telling us to look at something but he's not pointing it out.
Dull lecture that is presented badly with no useful insights. As another reviewer pointed out, it isn't worth watching Craig's content, you are better off going to Youtube for better content.
Es muy fácil de comprender y toca puntos esenciales, no se va por cuestiones que corresponden a clases más especializadas, se enfoca en el nivel exacto en el que está. Las imágenes histológicas y los esquemas son detallados y claros.
I think that you are lacking a lot of information. Only the basics are seen. But the complex issues are not mentioned or not described at all. If I compare these anatomical videos with other subjects, I have to admit that the quality is way worse than average.
Not sure what the other reviewers mean by a one star review. This is a very straightforward lecture and easy to understand. The math makes intuitive sense if you sit and think about it for a second. I don't see how this was rated 1 star.
I love the lectures. The only question I ask is that at the end of the reading lectures the questions of them I don’t know what the answers are. Is there a link for them? Is there more questions of each topic?
It`s almost nothing in this lecture. We need some raports and traiects of the nerves.
No explica la anatomia de este nervio, solo estan consideraciones clinicas
Honestly, I really start to regret purchasing Lecturio. It feels like most of the professors don't know what they are talking about and are just reading q text that's in front of them. I went to youtube and searched for cerebellum and found free videos that are way better than this..
The doctor reads from the slides. Not good at explaining difficult concept.
I don't understand anything in this lecture. The math might be a way for memorizing the pathway but does not help me to understand how the pathway really works.
He explained thoroughly and I was able to understand without having to use the lecture. I really like the quizzes that are given. wish the quiz had more questions though
Not too explanative.. Your articles are more informative thaymn your videos
I felt like someone read me a text loudly. It would be much better, if you try to show or point what structure you are talking about. In this way, everything stay as complicated as I read textbook.
Content of the lectures were useful especially when breaking down the components of each nerve. However, much of the lectures consisted of reading from slides which is entirely pointless as i can do that myself. It would also have been handy to include clinical testing techniques for each nerve as these will be important tests for us as doctors
Breakdown and delivery of the information was much better than many other lectures in this part of the curriculum. However, the lecturer seemed confused and delivered information in a confusing way towards the end. I also noticed that one of the tables in the slides changes suddenly to read something different and this confuses things further. Overall a lecture capable of delivering useful information in a concise way.
I felt like I was sitting in the classroom with the lecturer. He taught with precision and knowledge that I can easily guess what a histologic slide is with his explanations. Very grateful for this lecture
Nucleus must be introduced and explain the complete course of the nerve .
I love it. I learned quite a lot. Explained very well on a simple-minded person like me. And I was able to ace the quiz somehow. So yes, thank you very much!
gives u ability to recognize tissues and have better understanding of materials but could be better if contained a bit more details and makes it more suitable for review materials in no time.
The lecturer made the laminae look simple and memorable and definitely gotta be watched by peers since it gives a simple breaking down of presentation that makes it more easier to store it up.
I have watched this introduction about functions and structures of the respiratory sysem and i have tried to answer about question. I can say really a useful lecture. i like it
Made personally complicated and hard-to-take-in material very clear for me. It was very helpful with the definitions of the histological terms and summarized the skin topic very well. I am getting ready for my first histology exam and this video helped a lot!
The party trick was a nice way to end the lecture. thank you, guys, for always giving your best to explain a topic.
Simple and efficient, thanks for the french traduction, your video and quizz help me a lot !
the information was presented really well I found the information to be presented very well I wish the lecture had more detail but it was really good lecture.
Solo falta que también sea en español :`) para que la dinámica sirva para los países de habla hispana
I like how he explained about the lecture. He explained it very well and because of that I learned
Includes the basis for understanding but touches on interesting details as well. Easy to follow and leaves a solid understanding!
It is really fascinating with the clarity that is expressed and the rhythm as it goes, if the proper attention and reason is given, the presentation is totally understandable
Dr. Meyer has really interesting lectures and makes Histology fun! I think his pacing works well, and he has a natural and straightforward way of explaining concepts.
first time I watched this, I didnt understand anything, now when I am watching it the second time I understood a bit, explanation is good, just takes time to digest!
well put together esp the simple intro description of the skin
very interesting lecture and good lecturer I have benefited really , good luck
it was clear and concise easy to understand key points layed out very well
Excellent lecture with very clear points that are made and in excellent chronological order. A fantastic way to get a brief overview and a great way to engrain the topics touched upon in the article.
Excellent lecture and the way sir explains is very impressive.
I think that this lesson was very interesting and easy to understand. 5 starts out of 5.
I loved his lecture . He makes it very simple to understand and he focus on the important things .
This is nice a clear and well paced lecture. It's easy to understand. Thanks.
I think you could have gone in a little more in depth into the structure of photoreceptors. There were also a few other cells, such as the horizontal cells which backpack onto parts of the visual pathway-this knowledge is essential to understanding concepts of contrast. overall i do think it was a good lecture, but a little more depth into the vitreous humour and the aquous humour would have also helped
Beyond dull! The key to good learning materials is that they can take something and make it interesting, this video (and all the others I've seen so far, takes something fascinating and makes it dull.
Amazing and I learned more from his videos then in class.
I chosed to give it 4 stars, because I loved the way the lecture was eplained. I am not a native english speaker and therefor prefered the rather slow speed of speach. unfortunatelly there have not been any Control questions and that is why I only rated this lecture with 4 out of 5 stars.
Very simple and easy to understand , it saved me a lot of time.
good summary and clear presentation with those details are often missed in other review lectures. Good job.
The organisation of the layers of the meninges and outer regions of the cranium were well put together, but the diagram regarding in the infoldings (falx cerebrum...etc) was poor. I could find way better diagrams with a simple search onto google
Excellent overview. Dr. Canby is one of my favorite lecturers for his clarity and straight-to-the-point lectures.
Its a good lecture but histology is complicated and I wish they would use arrows to point at structures he is talking about instead of just saying look at the right hand side. Or at least put in more labels.
i can't get cen percent clarity in whatever lectures he is taking and he is taking for a long time which can be completed in a short time without any compromise in the content.
Helped to understand everything, and I like the fact that I can speed the video up but still understand it all!!
love it. it is a worthwhile and useful course. i reccomend it to highschool students
It was great it had everything I need EXCEPT the problem is it is like a revision as if I have already taken this I need more in-depth lessons this feels like an overview and I really need this because I study foreign country so I need everything I can get!
Thank you for all these amazing lectures and for making me love Histology.
As for the lectures that i ve watched on lecturio, this is below standard, however,with those that i have watched so far pharmacology and pathology are 100% just listening to the their lectures is enough, but here anatomy is 20%. One will reaaly have to rely on class lectures , notes, power points etc. Really, poor.
Excellent overview that is high yield and covers the key histological points as they relate to bone. Excellent refresher for MSK.
If you want a quick review of the cortex and it's irrigation this is a perfect lecture. If you need detailed information you should review this topics in a book.
I chose this liking because it is like he is reading straight off of a board in front of him and sometimes it takes him too long to get to the point of the subject possibly because he is having problems reading the material in front of him.
Need to go into much more details ! Way too generalustic, where are the roots, ganglions, names of branches???
Gracias a su clase pude comprender mejor lo que leí en mi libro de textos, ademas me ayudo a complementar mis conocimientos adquiridos en clases.
i enjoyed the explanations , especially those of the z line , m line, light & dark bands
Good job! Craig. You give important points in the review of the topics, you make it easy to understand. Regards from Mexico.
I really really liked your explanation. Simple, precise and well-organised.
I'm a cuban trained medical doctor. In my medical training we used printed materials i.e atlas to learn anatomy. What is fascinating to me is the clarity of the images and explanation that the student is getting. And the intermittent quiz comes at the right time to remind and reinforce the information. I would recommend the entire course to be shared with the teaching medical institutions all over the world.
explained well - its good for quick review I found it very helpful
Very good course and explanations. I am just wondering why lecturio organizes epithelial tissue videos under the subtopic connective tissue, that is a bit confusing.
explicita y concreta. me dio lo que necesitaba. los graficos estan geniales
I could not follow along very well, i did not feel very connected
nice concise summary of lecture and topic. I enjoyed it very much and it kept me attentive!.
The flow of the video is fairly slow, however, it's pretty detailed and informative.
The sir Geoffrey explains very well but i find it difficult to follow the explination on the histalogic image due to the lack of pointing out the structures i am not sure if i am looking at the right thing and i am always at doubt. Pls use pointers and thx for the attention.
falta detallar el origen aparente, el origen real, mas detalles de los nucleos donde se encuentra
The lecturer is mostly reading the slides. The qbank could also be implemented with explanations about the alternatives.
I could understand perfectly what blood is, the concept and which contains.
I would recommend this lecture to the osteopathic students snd colleagues
very good lecturer also listen?ng at 1.25x speed works well. I recommend it.
Excellent synthesis about cranial nerves and the most important clinical correlations
Explained is a simpified way for easy understanding Word Word Word Word
Great review of the 12 cranial nerves. Presented the material in a much more organized fashion than any of my medical school lectures did.
Very nice and clear explanations. Dr. Canby takes a very complicated topic and makes it easy to understand and remember. Thank you!
this article handles the explanation for skin layers; which I find as the hardest of the topics, in a well organised and logically acceptable building. It is really interesting to read. It summarizes the topic but without the loss of any crucial information. Also, the use of well-labelled pictures and microscopic slides is a plus and catalyse the understanding. I would recommend this to my premedical colleagues.
This broke down very difficult concepts regarding the ANS and the parasympathetic and sympathetic that I have been struggling to learn for MONTHS! I used my whiteboard to diagram as the lecturer taught and it finally stuck.
Simple and objective. lliked the ritm and the basic aspect
Excellent perfomance and pedagogically presented. I would like to have some structure pointed out on the image, and some examples. I would like to know further more what to pay attention to etc.
These are great lectures. I like all lectures from Dr.Canby and I recommend them to every medical student who wants to learn anatomy.
This was so easy to grasp, that you so much!
I haven't completed this section yet; but the subtopics I have gone through thus far, are very well explained. Dr. Pickering's presentation makes one understand the material with much ease. Great job!
Great lectures. Clear, informative, targeted, just simply well executed. Nice work!
clear intro, to the point and simple to understand, very simple
It´s a great review!! It catched me since his first words, Now I´ll take the entire course.
great presentation, it covers the basic stuff about Ventricular system.
I think this is a very good review for those who studied anatomy long ago like me. The Professor clearly explained. Thank you Professor! :)
Acoje adecuadamente cada tema y tiene un orden logico en las presentaciones. EN general pienso que pueden hacer las [resentciones mas didacticas, con mas imagines, graficas, animaciones etc.. a medida que va avanzando el curso en general. POr ahora creo que brinda la informacion gneralde los temas.
excellent presentation and clarification of both structures and function of the Nervous system. Thank you.
very good lecture i thoroughly enjoyed watching and learning the content.
Very clear explanation, understandable, good examples, clear slides and pictures.
Finally understood how the heart works! Great job at explaining :)
I really like the lecturer, and I cannot understand those for think it is too fast. One can pause and ponder and a lecture cannot replace textbook work. He speaks clearly and unbelievable structured.
Excellent. This best way to get this in memory. I love his approach to the delivery of the lecture
Great lecture. It is very easy to follow. Great explanation.
These lectures were not very engaging - rather monotonous way of talking and a mixture of qualities of diagrams. In the lectures about the effects of lesions, the anatomy was shown in a very simple language, but then complex pathology terms were left unexplained (a few were explained, but the majority were not).
Hello, I usually don't rate lectures, but I had to do it here. The reason of that is that I found the certain video unable to make me understand the structures of the inner ear. Please be more specific and use better images, for example about what otoconia are and their use, the cupule etc. Despite of that I like dr. Candy. Thank you.
accurate selection of high-yield information and clinical correlations . Totally loved it.
Even though i don't use english as my main language i understood almost everything and i haven't really studied it well. I really liked it!
What a fantastic course. Dr Meyer moves at an excellent pace and has chosen very good diagrams and histology slides to demonstrate his lectures. At the very start of the course I found one or two initial lectures quite heavy on technical staining technology histology - but that turned out to be less than 1% of the overall course and thankfully it quickly gave way to lectures that focused on tissues and function. I like the way he includes details about what we don't know as well as what we do know - tissue types whose function is not clearly understood (and are therefore typically ignored in other literature). I personally found the technical level just right - and appreciated the way he would sculpt individual sentences from fairly simple to complex to satisfy the needs of most students (such as using a technical phrase but briefly reiterating the meaning of that phrase). Those times he was briefly explaining something I already knew just gave my brain a few seconds to breathe. The questions were 85% useful, with some questions covering content that was about to come up in the following video and a few asking technical histology staining that was of no interest. I did enjoy Dr Meyer's gentle humour and small anecdotes - and even the fake grin he forces at the end of each lecture projects a nice personality and puts a smile on my face.
the course is clear and simple I be able to understand basic anatomy that of course suitable for me and I'll recommend it to my colleagues indeed.
Solid review and helpful information in regards to histology. The slides are helpful
Absolutely wonderful, the best histology teacher in the world. I love his classes
A good lecture I feel could have been better. What are the 10 Roman numerals in the first figure attributed to? That question is left in my mind.
The Brodman áreas should be added. Great lecture besides that.
its nice liked it very much very nicely explained then others
No additional understanding just passive reading. Also, slides are just being changed after reading.
I love this course (Lecturio) it’s very helpfully and concentrated by amazing information and knowledge. I recommend this course for all medical staff.
Pointer helps a lot with histology. The instructor was clear and concise.
He sounds so bored, which makes it hard to keep focused. Also some of the slides aren't readable
Very detailed and easy to understand thank you for your efforts
To friends who are interested in learning medicine on net
It should be a deeper examination of gross anatomy. It is a pretty superficial description. Also, the muscles and bones of head and neck were not discussed in the corresponding lectures
this lecture is very Comprehensive , concise and easy to follow
Very clear explanation and great presentation. Very easy to follow.
It is very superficial. He just repeats whatever appeared on the slides. Additionally, the Doctor makes the lecture very boring.
Es un excelente profesor ya que es muy específico en la antomía, me gusta el sentido en el que va mencionando cada parte del organo y la función que cumple asi como sus patología so anomalias en cuestiones anormales
Excellent clear lecturer. Quality teaching, with enough slides to supplement.
the course is histology the guy should at least point to stuff on the histological slides instead of just using a powerpoint. very basic level
Dr Meyer did a great job summarizing the major histological divisions of the GI tract. The lecture was clear and concise and really cleared up some confusion I was having.
liked it because it was easy to follow. professor gives you a chance to absorb information.
Muy interesante el tema, y muy bien explicado, lo entendí mucho mejor que los libros, gracias.
Short and to the point, good professor, and good test prep questions
Very high yield info given in logical and presentable way
good cns lecture delivered in an understandable way. very helpful
presentation is pretty slow and he looks like just reading from prompter rather thn really explaning structures
lecture should be more simplify as it is many times difficult to understand .
Pointless explaining structures if it's difficult following which structure on the histological slide is being described. Pointer needs to be used.
i like his voice, explains calmly and thoroughly. helped to understand anatomy in a nice easy way. thanks craig.
These lectures are great! It's good to know also that a lot of topics that are discussed in one lecture are later elaborated on in another lecture too. Usually if I feel like some topic was not covered in depth, it just means that I was discussed further in another video. This is incredibly helpful for Step 1 prep!
These lectures complemented my textbook reading very well. I appreciated that he didn't just read from slides; he added interesting and relevant content to the main points of each slide. He has a very lovely speaking style and pace which made his lectures very pleasant to listen to. As an Australian, I loved the Bottlebrush analogy; it was very clever! His histology-online site is an wonderful resource which I fully recommend as well!
Very nice methoad of teaching,first overview,then step by step teaching Neglect above negative comments???? Just flow with it,try questions too.
After reviewing Neuroanatomy in FA and Kaplan, it is fair to say this lecture has delved deeply in some accurate key points of visual pathways.I really admire the fact that you guys have put on some quizzes in the end but I was surprised to see a red flag that goes unnoticed.In one of the question about the right lower optic radiations from the 5 listed, I saw right after radiation Meyer's loop in parenthesis which is clearly a mistake when it comes to asking questions.In the exam, they won't give any clues to test takers because they will have figure out themselves whether or not it is either Meyer's or Non-Meyers' loop.
More voice inflection and emphasis on terms and anatomic function please.
Not bad but can be better. And also more inclusive
To be a five-star explanation, Doctor Canby could fulfill the presentation with more images showing the structures described but not present in the pictures he used.
A great teacher, nice images and clear structured progress through the content. Would be improved with a few diagrams in addition to the histology slides.
Very good teacher! Improvement suggestions: - Integrate USMLE-like questions at the end of each chapter - Mark histological structures in image if they are described Thank you
Prof. Meyer is an excellent teacher. His lecturing method is very clear and pleasant. Maybe some constructive improvement tips: - In most lectures Prof. Meyer would describe an histological structure while showing an image. But those particular feature he was describing weren't always marked so in those cases I wasn't sure which structure he was talking about (but in some few videos there were nice animation, so maybe you guys are already working on this point) - Secondly, i was wondering if some of those subjects would be relevenat for the USMLE (Step 1). If it is, I think, it would be a pretty cool feature to integrate some USMLE-like questions after each video (also for other topisc than histology)
Very clear! I am not reading my histology books anymore. Hahaha
Very clear and to the point explanations. It’s like sitting in class.
cheap lecture slides put key points and words instead of just whole bunch of diagrams. at least label the diagrams
Unfortunately I found the course confusing and superficial. In my opinion, it would be important that all the structures of the system be shown, while explaining their functions, for example. Sorry for any mistake, but I'm not used to writing in english.
???????????????????????? you guys made my test today easier, i had no struggle at all. It was an oral test, i made it short and sweet thanks to you
he has a pleasant voice, good tempo in speaking , clear explanations
Great lecture. You make relatively complex notions seem simple. Thank you!
If you have trouble understanding certain concepts, or need introducing, this course can serve you well. However keep in mind that the course can only serve as an introduction, as it contains very little details. Make sure you adequately read ans study from a textbook on top of this.
Way too general, you need to go into more details and explain more
professor Geoffrey is very confident and after his lectures i feel very confident about histology. thank you so much for the great lecture and amazing slides!
Very knowledgeable professor who also understands to teach his subject in an accessible way. His course helped me a lot to get a good basic understanding of Histology
average explanation. This course does not go into deep details. Anyone who lacks fundamental knowledge of the ANS will not be able to get everything the prof said. The questions are good but some lack explanations, others which have explanations, are not rich enough. The diagrams could be better. And the feedback feature of questions is removed. I think the answer to one of the questions which is shown as right is wrong and I could not give feedback.
De bästa lektionerna inom patologi , stärkt rekommenderas. Han beskriver med noggrannhet och detalj. Toppen Hälsningar Furas
100m sprint race in Brain and nervous system.very much frustrated.
very clear and complete lecture, all the subjects are in the lecture ,helps me in my exam, thank you
there was no explanation other than reading off the slides. neuro is a serious topic that require good explanation but the professor didn't even relate slides or information and treated every slide as a new topic.
He knows how to explain difficult concepts. I now understand histology of the kidney better.
Clear, concise and good lecture. The professor is very easy to follow, and does a good job emphasizing what he thinks important.
Wellllll i liked the lecture but most importantly i understood, it's waaaay better then reading +12 pages ????...i think i'm gonna buy the full subscription next month(i should have done this a loooong time ago)
The excellent pictures helps a lot. Easy understanding. Very good professor.
Thank you for the lectures. Very helpful, I really recommend it
Everything is thoroughly explained and easy to follow along at all times
there is no subtitle and marks on the slide are not good enough to understand lecture
lo elegí porque me ayuda aprender mas a profundidad cuando tengo exámenes o prácticas
Great alternative to Med 1 anatomy course. Enjoy the organization and the clarity of the presentation. The content is digestible.
it was really clear, and precise, i really like the way he explain with the support of the images.
The class was clear and precise, I have no problem understanding.
In the next 3 months I will be starting a coding course for 3 or 4 months. I heard that anatomy is one of the important course of that program and i start to do some research to get myself ready before the starting of the program. I am discovering lot of new things that I was not aware about my own body.
Unbearable. Even in 1.25x he speaks way too slowly. Boring tone of voice as well
truly captivating, i have enjoyed every bit of it, i even had to watch it twice. way better than what im learning at my school as medical student. will highly recommend it to anyone who want pursue a career in the medical field
The descriptions where clear and comprehensive even to a non native english speaker like my self.
Thank you for these organized, concise, and well-prepared lectures, Dr. Meyer !!!
A Well-done explanation of Lipid Absorption ! Thank You, Dr. Meyer !
Information is definitely not sufficient for the exams, yet it is helpful for getting the sense of neuroanatomy.
good and concise explanations more histological images would be appreciated
best of the best! everything is well explained in a short time! saved me a lot of time and understood GIT so well!
wonderful lecture so far am enjoying histology of organ system and the diagrams are very well done!
if I don't know anything about para/symp nervous system, I wouldn't understand clearly. For example, in symphatetic outflow diagram, I wouldn't understand where the exact location of white or gray ramus in human body on the picture you used.
very well explained! i enjoyed this lecture so much better than all other lectures of histology
questions don't go along well with the lecture sometimes questions pops out before discussed. AND please mark. i kept getting lost and try to figure which part you're talking about.
I understood SNS input and output quite well prior to watching this video. There are much better figures in textbooks to describe output pathways. I found the figure used a very odd departure from traditional figures and much more confusing.
This anatomy course is highly recommended to all IMGs to brush up their their knowledge for the Step 1 USMLE examination.
Absolutely outstanding lectures. he is really the best histology professor. thank you so very much sir
This is really good, and easy to understand, thank you.
i choose to rate this lecture, because it is well explain. additionally, he outlines the main things that i should remember which is very helpful
This is by far the best histology lecture there is online. love the way make it so easy to comprehend and the Q&A Are amazing
Straight to the point and concise. World class lecturer. Really felt at home with it. Felt like I was studying from a very prestigious institution. I would love to recommend to all my colleagues. Just a small thing to note, it would have helped if we were told what plane the images are. It was mentioned for a few of them but others were not and took a little bit of working out like in the diencephalon lectures but otherwise top tier and nothing required too much effort.
Nice and clear explanation Good Voice and clear speaking friendly and open appearance -> clearly someone I love to listen to for hours
Lecturer was great and explained histology in a fantastically simple way
This section of Dr. Meyer's lecturers are clear, well organized and beautifully presented.
Good but not perfect regarding figures and histological slides. I expect more visualized explanation to understand structures than verbal or written explanation
Students who have a very good grasp on the topic may not appreciate it, but overall a good brush up on the choroid plexus and CSF.
perfect course, it was great our techear doesn't explane well the material, now i got it more
i like these lectures, because it saved me at the exam that i had last week, i got 8, so it's perfect, i didn't like the book i didn't understand anything.
Very good lecture. Clear presentation, properly indicated so very easy to follow.
The instructor is poorly prepared. Anyone can read off of a slide. Didn't even make an effort to find better pictures of structures that are covered. And by the way: hypothesis and hypophysis are completely different things.
Everything perfect explained. In the beginning I was lost with neuroanatomy but now I have more clearly concepts.
Difficult to follow many of Dr. Meyer's course because of poor marking of the area under discussion. Also, questions jump into the middle of lecture, very disruptive.
It was intermediate in terms of quality Many structures were explained theratically not on figure
He made boring contents interesting not by adding nonsense jokes but by his ways of presentations.
I recommend all the lectures to all IMGs out there to brush up your knowledge on your basic subjects.
Dr. Meyer explained really well, especially the olfactory epithelium, was really interesting!
Really good theoretical overview of the subject, but id would've been better to include a bit more histological slides. But still, strong basic knowledge is expressed in these videos. Loved them.
Beautiful Glomerular diagram , I love this diagram . Only one more star left to be 5-star is lack of clinicopathological corelation , Such as the common nephrotic or nephrotic disease .
Well explained and very simple to follow. I would definitely recommend this course to any medical student.
Very good lectures, but one small suggestion to get this lecture to a full 5 stars. The cardiology section is lacking a lecture on endothelial cell function and properties. The Pawlina Histology text includes this subject matter in the Cardiology chapter.
?ts so d?rect clear and understanble...one of best h?stology lectures so far
I find verything related to the brain and nerves to be very difficult to understand, but Dr. Canby makes it easy to get and this makes the whole learning process far more enjoyable. I don't know if it's just me but when I really like the lessons and the teacher, its much easier for me to pay attention and keep on listening.
Thank you for the lecture! Finally this topic is clear to me
Again this lecturer has all the important materials to entice students but lacks he ability to make and impact on our brains on important clinical correlations. Overall boring seems to be reading and not prepared and can't hold my attention with same low level emphasis on everything. Is there another lecturer cos I have to watch video a few times to grab what's important especially when I get the answers wrong.
professor lectures factual information relevant to epithelium in a simplified way
Lecture was clear and straight forward. The diagrams made sense
Honestly, very difficult to follow, lecturer is not in control of subject matter and diagrams were very poor in visibility as well as explaining the content. People that are already well knowledgeable in subject will benefit more.
Excellent summary of an otherwise challenging subject. Thank you Dr. Canby. Onward!
Great Lecture! Very knowledgeable professor and nice visuals. Thank You!
I enjoyed watching this introduction to the limbic system and the conditions were very insightful. Thank you.
Dr. Canby is succinct and to the point with the added benefit of being enjoyable to learn from. Onward!
Excellent knowledge Amazing lecturer, understands how to contextualize different concepts and aspects of the knowledge. Understand how to BUILD the knowledge on itself.
Very well explained! Very simplified. Actually helps me understand the lectures I get at Med School!
The questions were helpful, but the lecture was more of a recital. There were no extra explanations, no little tips, no compare and contrasts, to aid and understanding and recall. It was during the second or third time I was watching the hypothalamus that I realised that both medial nucei had to do with appetite regulation and satiety, and lesions could lead to hyperphagia; as opposed to the lateral, whose lesion had the opposite effect, ie starvation. Same thing with posterior and anterior, which have opposing effects on thermoregulation. I had to really focus and repeat the lecture to spot that out. he could have highlighted such points during the lecture.
Loved it, so clear and easy to understand. The presentation is extremely useful
Excellent, I really like Professor Meyer's explanation and the images are superb quality.
Very comprehensible lectures! Thank you so much! Now I know the cranial nerves!
feeling amazing after knowing everything about cavernous sinus . Its simple and quick
So easy to understand, and dinamic i will recommend this lecture
Consider adding more information and content to the video especially in the clinical section
Awesome! Thank you. i am just wondering whether the Sinuses and the infoldings are the same thing? How many sinuses are composed by the dura mater and what are their names? Many thanks!
Dr. Meyer is awesome! Easy to follow and understand. Exactly what I needed for class.
This is simply the best anatomy lecturer I have ever seen. Anatomy requires visualizing the organs to understand and he did that fantastically.
If I needed someone to read off the slides for me I'd just go back to my actual med school professor
These lectures are very easy to follow even without previous knowledge of Histology. They go at a great pace and are explained very well. Presents the most important information with emphasis and is great study resource.
Hi. I got to know your training program via YouTube and I became very interested.
Excellent overall! Superior to my histology presentation in medical school.
Clear and concise, easy to understand and very clinically relevant.
Concise and easy to understand as always! The trochlear nerve only innervates the superior oblique muscle, but Dr Canby's diagrams are excellent - far better than what we use in lectures! I'm a happy student!
This course is very good and comprehensive. It helped me a lot. Thanks.
I like the way he associates and repeats the information and knowledge. It is very clear, easy for the students to understand. I also like his Aussie accent!
Dear Prof Canby, Thank you for taking the time to create this resource. I did enjoy it and I found it easy to follow. During the first few lectures, I was hoping for more information on some of the muscles which were involved, and towards the end of the course, you included pictures of the muscles with their attachments which were very helpful. Thank you for including the clinical considerations too. I needed to search some information myself, such as the meaning of general somatic / visceral afferents / efferents, online. I had not studied this before. You began clarifying the role of these towards the end of the course, e.g. general somatic efferent has motor control. This was helpful in consolidating the meaning these terms. A bit more information in the beginning may have been helpful. I look forward to viewing more of your lectures. Best wishes, Hudanur
its not 5 stars rating because it didn't have pratical correlation, like the one of skin. But I would recommend.
I vbelieved he had a lot of clarity when explain confusing systems.
Good lectures, nice and understandable. Very good slides. I like the voice of lecturer.
That's perfect to review these topics, good job! Clear and enough exhaustive!
Very informative, great lecturer, easy to understand and perks the interest throughout the videos!
Monotonous, otherwise very clear and succinct explanations. The monotony requires extra focus from the listener.
easy to understand , notes are simple and detail, pictures are clear
Good lecture but too montonus,looks a person is reading out the textbook
Pretty informative lectures. Conveys a good amount of information without taking too long.
eloquent and calm voice which is easy to listen and understand. its great to have lectures which are easy listening like this. not too fast paced to follow and also not to slow that i fall asleep. thank you .
I think the lectures are very basic, the information is not sufficient for an exam questions
This is very unclear and annoying, everything is everywhere and is hard to figure out what we need to do
Clear explanation, easy to understand and interesting. Thank you for your effort Dr.
Very well-explained and thus helpful lectures! Also, the images are better than anywhere else.
it was perfect and obvious in explanation.... be clear and obvious in explanation has very important for me ... thanks a lot because of your effort...
I think that this professor has done a great job in making the concepts easier to understand! These lectures work well when paired with the WHEATER'S Functional Histology textbook
chose this rating cause dr. meyer's the best. (get rid of the minimum word number requirement, and the 'headline' requirement, and you will likely get a lot more feedback)
basically the slides are all that matters in the course; the lecturer doesn´t add anything to them, so I just read the slides not listening to him. Could be better
not enough information for med school. Didn't help much imo
I really enjoy to listen your lectures. Are awesome because you can understand everything. In my opinion sometimes are missing few things but nothing to compare with the whole lecture!!! THanks dr. Geoffrey Meyer
THANK U SIR FOR AN AWESOME LECTURE . It was vey concise and easy to understand
A masterpiece. The simplistic approach to the delivery of the lecture is just awesome
Excellent simple presentation of a deceivingly simple concept. Great reminder while preparing for boards.
Thank you so much!! Really I´m so grateful. You are helping me a lot with all my studies. Greats from México City.
The content of the anatomy videos are great, beautiful diagrams, well written sentences, but with due respect to the lecturer, he has no game and kills the lecture for me. He is basically reading the power points with nothing new to add to the lecture and the fact that he swipe the tablet for the next sentence to appear slows down the lecture even more. It's really hard to advocate for the program. The word of mouth is not helping here. Ive showed it to friends and they are not willing to purchase the course, not to mention I've reported 4 mistakes in the anatomy material so far. Im glad we have the 10 days testing period, because Im cancelling the subscription. It hasnt proved to me the material is worth $60.
It was very simple and understandable. I could keep up without being confused.
Very good preparation for USMLE. For more details you need an anatomy book.
Dr. Canby makes neuroanatomy very simple to understand! This lecture covers all the essentials, with great, colorful slides, perfect for visual learners!
Lecturer is great and thorough, I like that he takes space so that you can note something down etc.
I thought it was very straight forward and informational. Pretty good just for starters.
I really do enjoy the way the app is constructed and the bookmatcher feature is absolutely amazing. This app has allowed me to regain control of information I had learned previously and order it in the manner it requires for understanding and ultimately, utilisation. Every medical student could benefit immediately by using this app.
Dr Craig speaks clearly and slowly so it is easy to follow
I will choose Lecturio over any other online medical lectures. Your team of lecturers are so Superb. This lecture has thought me a lot and all details I need to know about Cardiovascular histology. Thanks a lot Dr. Meyer and Lecturio.
I wish I discovered this at the beginning of the course so I would have done better on the course. Great lecturer.
The videos were really helpful. The lecturers explained the concepts very clearly.
so boring, it's no easy to follow. More pictures would be appeciated
I choosed this rating because it explains the topic very well, and I also like the clarification of the functions of a nerve.
lacklustre explanation and too concise - neuroanatomy is a subject that needs far more explanation even if just a review
I didn't like because (comparing to microbiology) he speaks faster and the resources are poor. To much information without a satisfactory resource. I did graduated in 2009, so it was a long time ago to remember histology. I need to check every detail so it was hard to follow.
It's very good and I think I have learnt a lot and I will like to watch the other videos.
Everything is perfectly explained. Maybe I've missed Pineal Gland but I don't have more words for all the videos that I'm watching from Lecturio. Is a new system to learn, and in my opinion, I'm learning more than in classes because you can stop the video in any time. Thanks
The information is sound but he's boring, He does not make the material interesting. I find it hard to pay attention or not fall asleep during his lectures and therefore i do not do well with the quizzes.
Explains it to a point where the visual pathway is simple.
A broad, comprehensible lecture on the lymphoid tissue and organs in the body
Really detailed and to the point. It was broken up where I could understand and comprehend for later.
Very beautiful picture and nice identify the cell. I really like this lecture .
simple to understand and straight to the point......loved it
It was very simple, the explanation is ideal for those who are starting on the subject and the images are awesome
The video was very helpful and the information communicated was good. But, a deeper explanation of the right answer would be helpful.
Needs more review questions, like the rest of the lectures.
really nice ,lecture and also good questions at the end to assess,thank you
sir very good explainations,,,,,,,,,,following the course,,need more questions,so that it could help in doing uworld and STEP 1 ,,,,thankyou
really good sir,we need more questions after the lecture,my exam in june,step 1,so i opted for lecturio,by coming across on youtube,really good,
because it is free and I want to learn anatomy from videos
I did MSK and so far so good, I have a much better understanding so far.
good knowledge i like this wedsite very very very much...........i like this professor craig candy his lecture was very good and i had taken very much knowledge.....
-Very concise and to the point -Pictures were very helpful for clarity -presentation was succinct and relevant -I have no prior mastery of the content but was able to follow and grasp the content Excellent presentation overall!!! A lifesaver. i have a neuro exam coming up in 2 weeks
So much knowledge to get from here! And amazing way of teaching, everything is just brilliant. Soon i will buy 1 year membership.
It's well categorized and to the point. It saves a lot of time
A really clear and complete explanation throughout the course was given by Professor Meyer. I really liked the pace of each leason and I would love to see the comprehension questions for some lessons. Good job Lecturio!
we need more details about the sym/para outflow please
very helpful and was brilliant.i think it will assess pre clinical students up to best
when he explained of the bony landmark in the head of the humerus he called greater trochanter couple of time but the lecture didn't fix it .
The lecture was complete and concise. Very helpful especially for visual learners
I am in love with this site. Seriously. I have been up and down looking for help and this was the place for me. I use my books along with this site as I am a visual learner so thank you for doing this. Plenty of free lectures for financial strugglers like me. Very helpful. I've already shown two of my classmates.
I really liked the way that the Professor explains but I believe there are things missing in the course. For example, the microscopic aspect of the brain stem. I think that Neuroanatomy is a very crucial course in Med school and worth giving a little more emphasis. Thank you for helping me out !
Being a visual learner, I found this course the best I've ever done at University. Plus the images are very clear and everything is ordered.
Fantastic course, would definitely recommend to anyone that wants to study histology. Very clearly explained and makes covering the range of content a breeze. Thankyou Professor Meyer
The courses and lectures are great. They have great information, and the lecturers go at a good pace. It has been a great supplement to my histology class, and has been a very useful resource. It has all the information I need, and is easy to follow with Dr. Meyer.
Missing alot of important information Missing alot of important information
i liked as a study guide. I think it could have more details.
Prof. Geoffrey Meyer is amazing, he is exactly the kind of teacher I learn the most from. I have been using Lecturio as my main study resource for Histology and so far I've been doing great in that class and everything I've learned, or at least most of it, is staying in my memory for a long time.
Well done ! I recommend this course to any medical student Nice explanation.
Explained clearly, great use of images, quiz questions would be great though
It has been amazing beginning with the lectures on Tissues. The questions that pop up at intervals, I believe help keep one focus and reinforce retention of the material. I am hoping that these lectures will help me become a better student.
it was very basic and very easy to understand...Prof. Craig Canby is a great teacher.
Brilliant!! Such an eye opener with meticulous presentation. I now know where to go for clarification
It's an absolute pleasure to learn histology with these lectures! Every concept is broke down and explained concisely and fully. Thank you professor Meyer!
I enjoyed this presentation quite a bit. I feel like the information will be well remembered thanks to the excellent delivery.
Very concise and clearly explained. The material is presented in an organized outline so you don't become confused about what exactly is being explained. I lost hours with other materials and so I was reluctant to watch a 40 minute lecture on the areas that I needed help on, but it was well worth the time it takes (which is a med students most valuable commodity!)
Extremely informative. Well presented Lecture. Your voice is perfect to enable the information to be understood easily. Thank you.
Thank you prof u made everything clear and easy I really enjoyed watching this course and I'm looking forward to finishing it soon
I had been watching videos on youtube all day and getting more and more frustrated and how unproductive it had been. They were either too full of details and with poor didactics, leaving me overwhelmed and a bit lost, or they were too long winded over very simple things. Then I came across the trailer for this course, it blew me away just how GOOD the professor is at relaying information at a pace and in a sequence that works perfectly. I signed up immediately and a few hours later I'm here writing this review. It is fantastic. This is THE BEST video material for medical school Ive ever seen, and definitely worth signing up to the whole website for.
Individual components explained and well reasoned to make the information easy to understand
I Love Dr. Pickering! Entertaining, engaging and competent. He provides all you need to know. Excellent content!
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