4 Salud Publica, Promocion a la Salud, Prevención Extramuros y Apoyo a la Salud (ENARM)

4 Salud Publica, Promocion a la Salud, Prevención Extramuros y Apoyo a la Salud (ENARM)

by Jill Beavers-Kirby, Jessica Reuter, Joanna Jackson u.a.

Course Details

  • Videos 205
  • Duration 21:04 h
  • Quiz questions 698
  • Concept Pages 105


Your Educators of course 4 Salud Publica, Promocion a la Salud, Prevención Extramuros y Apoyo a la Salud (ENARM)

 Jill Beavers-Kirby

Jill Beavers-Kirby

Dr. Jill Beavers-Kirby is a board-certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner at Bicycle Health Clinic in Arizona, USA.
She obtained her Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Ohio State University in 2011. Currently, she works with individuals with lymphoma and leukemia, and is an author, speaker, and health advocate in the areas of addiction medicine, primary care, hematology/oncology, critical care, clinical research, nursing education, and leadership.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Beavers-Kirby teaches courses on Mental Health (Nursing) and Psychosocial Integrity (Nursing).

 Jessica Reuter

Jessica Reuter

Jessica Reuter, formerly Spellman, is Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice at the Ohio State University (OSU) College of Nursing, in Ohio, USA.
She obtained her Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Nursing Administration from Otterbein College in 2004 and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Kent State University.
Currently, she teaches in the undergraduate nursing program at OSU and implements the OR specialty elective at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center.
Within Lecturio, Jessica Reuter teaches courses on Nursing, specifically the Management of Care.

 Joanna Jackson

Joanna Jackson

Dr. Joanna R. Jackson is the Assistant Professor of Healthcare Management at Winthrop University, in South Carolina, USA.
She obtained her PhD from Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) in 2019. Currently, she works as an independent contractor Medical Compliance Manager, establishing federal, state and local standards of nursing policies in clinics.
She has worked as a Research Assistant at IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Jackson teaches courses on Mental Health (Nursing), Health Promotion & Maintenance (Nursing).

 Diana Shenefield, PhD

Diana Shenefield, PhD

Dr. Diana Shenefield is an Associate Clinical Professor, and (Interim) Director of Nursing at Northern Arizona University (NAU) in Arizona, USA.
She obtained her PhD in Nursing Education from Capella University, Minnesota in 2012. Formerly, she was Assistant Director CEP, RN-BSN, and PL at Northern Arizona University (NAU) from 2018 to 2020.
She is a member of the National League of Nurses, and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Shenefield teaches courses on Mental Health (Nursing) and Physiological Integrity (Nursing).

 Tarry Ahuja, PhD

Tarry Ahuja, PhD

Dr. Tarry Ahuja is a Manager of Program Development Pharmaceutical Reviews and Real-World Evidence Advisor at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies (CADTH).
He obtained his PhD in Neuroscience with a specialty in electrophysiology and pharmacology from Carleton University, Ottawa. Currently, he is a University Lecturer in Biological Foundations of Addictions and Health Psychology at Carleton University.
He has undertaken clinical research with the National Research Council of Canada and worked in sleep disorder clinics for 10 years.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ahuja teaches courses on Psychology and Sociology.

 Charles Vega, MD

Charles Vega, MD

Dr. Charles Vega is the Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of California, Irvine in California, USA.
He obtained his Medical Degree from the University of Wisconsin, and completed residency training in Family Medicine at UC Irvine. Currently, he is the Executive Director of UCI’s Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community.
Due to his achievements, he earned a Macy Faculty Scholarship to improve patient-centered health education at UCI.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Vega teaches courses on Family Medicine.

User reviews

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By Vanezza T. on 09. March 2024 for Components of Attitudes (i.e. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral) – Attitudes (PSY)

I am looking for a better learning explanation. I am looking at teaching communications. Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. I scanned the page in my book and this was the lecture?? How do we identify learning needs?

By Andres G. on 31. January 2024 for Forgetting: Decay and Interference – Memory (PSY)

Good lecture and well lectured. Very good. I learned something and am glad.

Great lecture
By Mariana . on 13. January 2024 for Structure and Function of the Eye – Vision (PSY, BIO)

I enjoy Prof. Tarry's energetic lecturing style and also how he gives out practical examples to facilitate learning. Way to go prof!

By Khin ma ma H. on 03. November 2023 for Nervous System: Structure and Function of the Peripheral Nervous System – Biological Bases of Behavior (PSY, BIO)

All information is carefully thought out and clear! As a student who is starting to learn about behavioral science, these lectures are perfect for me!