Malingering is not a medical disorder, but a behavior of an individual. Malingering is characterized by the intentional falsification of symptoms for an external benefit. Patients Patients Individuals participating in the health care system for the purpose of receiving therapeutic, diagnostic, or preventive procedures. Clinician–Patient Relationship may either invent new ailments or exaggerate current symptoms. Common examples of secondary gain include financial compensation Compensation Respiratory Acidosis, avoidance of work, obtainment of prescription medications, and avoidance of criminal charges. After ruling out organic medical diseases, providers must confront the individual in a nonjudgmental fashion.
Last updated: Nov 10, 2022
Willingness to undergo evaluation | Intentional deceptive behavior | Evidence of external reward | |
Illness anxiety Anxiety Feelings or emotions of dread, apprehension, and impending disaster but not disabling as with anxiety disorders. Generalized Anxiety Disorder disorder | + | – | – |
Somatic symptom disorder Somatic symptom disorder Somatic symptom disorder (SSD) is a condition characterized by the presence of 1 or more physical symptoms associated with excessive thoughts and feelings about symptom severity. Symptoms are usually not dangerous, but the patient devotes excessive time and energy to figuring out their underlying cause and how to treat them. Somatic Symptom Disorder | + | – | – |
Factitious disorder | + | + | – |
Malingering | – | + | + |
Clinicians must remain clinically neutral and provide a differential investigation.
Identify common secondary gains:
Therapeutic interaction may only be abandoned after the patient is adamantly unwilling to interact with the clinician Clinician A physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or another health professional who is directly involved in patient care and has a professional relationship with patients. Clinician–Patient Relationship (other than manipulation for a secondary gain).