Get Ready for the Next Generation NCLEX-RN® (NGN) with

Practice Questions

Explore both traditional NCLEX-RN questions and new NGN item types with our 30-question test drive. Analyze your performance and get ready to succeed!

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Free Next Generation NCLEX-RN Sample Test

Lecturio’s Free Next Generation NCLEX-RN Sample Test was created to help students measure their preparedness and get firsthand experience in a simulated NGN testing.

This sample test comprises 30 realistic questions that blend new NGN item types with traditional NCLEX-RN questions.


Take the Next Generation NCLEX-RN Sample Test

Get a realistic test-taking experience with traditional NCLEX-RN questions and new NGN item types, all within an updated exam interface.


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Don’t let wrong answers hold you back: Lecturio’s adaptive review includes detailed text-based rationales and in-depth video explanations.

Frequently asked questions about the new NGN item types

The NCLEX exam is currently undergoing a major update that is going into effect on April 1st, 2023. The new format is intended to more effectively test the skills that are required of nurses in today’s healthcare environment, focusing more strongly on clinical judgment and critical thinking.

The NGN exam features new question types like multiple-response questions, bowtie, highlight questions, drag-and-drop, and matrix/grid questions. The new question formats require stronger critical thinking skills of test-takers. New content areas tested are e.g. nursing informatics, genomics, and social determinants of health. 

Multiple-response items require the test-taker to select more than one correct answer from a list of options.

For extended multiple-choice items, students have to select one best answer from a list and additionally have to provide the reasoning for their response. 

Hot spot items assess knowledge with anatomical landmarks, e.g. where to insert IVs or where to listen for a maternal heartbeat. The answer to the question will be given by marking an area on a procided image or graphic.

In highlight-text item type questions, you are required to mark parts of a text that are relevant to your answer. 

In these items, the task is to sort the response items in the correct order, usually by drag-and-drop. It could require the student to order the steps of a dressing change, a procedure like a tube insertion, or deciding which client to see most urgently. 

With the newly-formatted questions, it is even more crucial that aspiring nurses practice for their NCLEX with a properly formatted test environment that simulates the real exam. The earlier you get used to the question mechanics, the more secure you can feel in the exam. Whichever question format you’re facing, always remember why you’re taking this exam: It is to make sure you are safe to practice as a nurse, and the questions make sure to test that. Read the question thoroughly, identify how it works, the context, and which nursing topics you studied are relevant. Then, always view the questions from the angle how each option might affect the client and choose the response that is safest. 

Aside from studying up on the nursing content, make sure to:

  • Review the test blueprint
  • Practice with sample NGN questions in the new format
  • Focus on developing your clinical judgment and decision-making skills