Student Success Stories
Get inspired by the students who use Lecturio and see how they achieve their study goals every day

Paige Davis
New Orleans, USA
“Thanks to Lecturio, my Step 1 to Step 2 score increased by 30pt, far higher than the average medical student. Before I discovered Lecturio, I was using every resource I know of, but consistently scored low in cardiology. Since I really enjoy watching videos, I came across the Lecturio lectures. In the end, Cardio turned out to be my highest scoring section on my final Step 2 CK exam.”
Ed Rysal
Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Fort Smith, USA
“Thanks to Lecturio I aced my last Biochem exam. My score represents the 88th percentile score of the entire class! I’ve also consistently scored much higher on all exams; higher than the average student in my year! Besides, my stress levels have decreased since I have Lecturio by my side. I feel way more confident and ready for the challenges to come.”

Amanda Kohler
St. James School of Medicine; Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Springfield, USA
“I was one of five people in my class who successfully passed the NBME comprehensive exam on the first attempt! St. James University, requires this test in order to take the USMLE Step 1 exam and continue the MD path in the States. Not only did I pass, I also scored fairly high. This success gives me the confidence I need to do exceptionally well on my Step 1 exam, which I plan to take in a couple of weeks.”
Yaniv Itzigsohn
“I scored a 9 out of 10 on my final Neurology exam—one of the best scores of anybody in the course! For me, Lecturio played a key role in understanding the materials presented in Internal Medicine 1 and 2. This comprehensive review helped me to get an excellent score.”

Kristin Auge-Bronersky
“Lecturio’s practice questions were great for my Bugs and Drugs test prep; I scored 82% on that exam—the average was 75%. I understood early on that preparing with a Qbank for any exam and for every medical school year is the best way to achieve high scores. It’s been working for me ever since. I always score higher than the class average.”