Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior

Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior

by Tarry Ahuja, PhD

Humans are social creatures, and social interactions are among the most important stimuli we experience since the first moments of life. An argument could be made that social structures are dependent on the psychological models that people incorporate into their psychic apparatus to successfully perform tasks and navigate the world. Due to this, social interactions hinge on the individual, including one’s genetic factors, as well as the larger social context.

In order to explore this interplay of factors, two sciences come into the play: psychology and sociology. Psychology is the branch of health science dedicated to the study of the functions of the human mind, with a special focus on factors that influence behavior. Sociology is the science that focuses on the study of social relationships and the human psyche.

In this course, the student will be introduced on how humans sense and understand their environment. The factors that influence behavior as well as social interactions, social thinking, social structures, and the concept of self-identity will also be discussed. For optimal comprehension, the student is required to have a good grasp of the physiology of the neurosensory organs, endocrine organs, and sleep, in addition to a thorough understanding of the pharmacology of addictive substances.

A competent healthcare professional must understand that all individuals play important roles in the social structures to which they belong, and that disease processes can hinder their ability to adequately respond to the obligations inherent to their role. A working knowledge of psychology and sociology enables healthcare professionals to address these aspects and maximize the effectiveness of interventions.

Course Details

  • Videos 162
  • Duration 17:00 h
  • Quiz questions 550
  • Concept Pages 53


Your Educators of course Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior

 Tarry Ahuja, PhD

Tarry Ahuja, PhD

Dr. Tarry Ahuja is a Manager of Program Development Pharmaceutical Reviews and Real-World Evidence Advisor at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies (CADTH).
He obtained his PhD in Neuroscience with a specialty in electrophysiology and pharmacology from Carleton University, Ottawa. Currently, he is a University Lecturer in Biological Foundations of Addictions and Health Psychology at Carleton University.
He has undertaken clinical research with the National Research Council of Canada and worked in sleep disorder clinics for 10 years.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ahuja teaches courses on Psychology and Sociology.

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By Vanezza T. on 09. March 2024 for Components of Attitudes (i.e. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral) – Attitudes (PSY)

I am looking for a better learning explanation. I am looking at teaching communications. Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. I scanned the page in my book and this was the lecture?? How do we identify learning needs?

By Andres G. on 31. January 2024 for Forgetting: Decay and Interference – Memory (PSY)

Good lecture and well lectured. Very good. I learned something and am glad.

Great lecture
By Mariana . on 13. January 2024 for Structure and Function of the Eye – Vision (PSY, BIO)

I enjoy Prof. Tarry's energetic lecturing style and also how he gives out practical examples to facilitate learning. Way to go prof!

By Khin ma ma H. on 03. November 2023 for Nervous System: Structure and Function of the Peripheral Nervous System – Biological Bases of Behavior (PSY, BIO)

All information is carefully thought out and clear! As a student who is starting to learn about behavioral science, these lectures are perfect for me!