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Start NowDr. Tarry Ahuja is a Manager of Program Development Pharmaceutical Reviews and Real-World Evidence Advisor at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies (CADTH).
He obtained his PhD in Neuroscience with a specialty in electrophysiology and pharmacology from Carleton University, Ottawa. Currently, he is a University Lecturer in Biological Foundations of Addictions and Health Psychology at Carleton University.
He has undertaken clinical research with the National Research Council of Canada and worked in sleep disorder clinics for 10 years.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ahuja teaches courses on Psychology and Sociology.
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Good job on introducing and explaining sensory subject. Thank you.
I am looking for a better learning explanation. I am looking at teaching communications. Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. I scanned the page in my book and this was the lecture?? How do we identify learning needs?
Good lecture and well lectured. Very good. I learned something and am glad.
I enjoy Prof. Tarry's energetic lecturing style and also how he gives out practical examples to facilitate learning. Way to go prof!
User reviews
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Good job on introducing and explaining sensory subject. Thank you.
I am looking for a better learning explanation. I am looking at teaching communications. Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. I scanned the page in my book and this was the lecture?? How do we identify learning needs?
Good lecture and well lectured. Very good. I learned something and am glad.
I enjoy Prof. Tarry's energetic lecturing style and also how he gives out practical examples to facilitate learning. Way to go prof!
All information is carefully thought out and clear! As a student who is starting to learn about behavioral science, these lectures are perfect for me!
Dr. Tarry was able to summarize a really complex concept in a shot video with simple, clear and concise language, well done.
Nice lecture, as always Tarry is clear and direct to the topic. In general the video accomplish the task of giving the bases to further psychological knowledge.
Nice lecture, Tarry is really clear when communicating ideas and it seems he knows a lot
very good short and detailed. I like how instructor was able to break down the concept into simple words and use simple examples to convey the main points of the lesson
This course helped a high school student study for HOSA.
I feel that I had taken the same course somewhere a long time ago. The material seems familiar to me. I am impressed with how easily I can relate to it. Sincerely, Ronald K. Marshall
logical process of behavior change and decision-making using cognitive theory
Not a fan of misogyny, "nagging wife" isn't cute or professional. I wish i could have selectively not heard that. My eyes rolled so hard they almost evacuated my head.
I like it. The information or definition are great. However, an example of the definition would be great to get a clearer understanding. Overall it’s excellent
Dr. Ahuja has a great pace and explains things well by using real life examples and simple concepts and throws in humor as well!
Please ask the instructor to do a video on research methodology. This topic is commonly tested by MCAT.
Absolutely fantastic. I love how engaging the videos are. Dr Tarry is truly gifted
Great summary and information. This helped me understand concepts better than just reading
Dr Ahuja makes the Psych Soc videos fun to watch making it easy to learn. Thank you Dr Ahuja.
Excellent delivery and breakdown of the information. The examples given helped with the understanding.
I relly like this course, since it gives me a really good idea about a lot of disorders and even examples with which its easier to imagine what the person is going through and what we can do to help them. I can also go through some pretty interesting articles and quizes in which I can test my knowledge and go over the things I learned so I can see what I have to improve and go over again.
I like all doctor Tarry's lectures, he delivered them simple and somehow easy to understand well and he added easy to remember examples.
Explained very well made it relatable. Great lecturer explained very well and gave good examples.
Clear and concise! It linked to my knowledge of addiction and reinforced my understanding. I particularly enjoyed the breakdown of addiction into physical and psychological dependence
This lecture series is quite informative and helpful. The instructor is good at breaking down complicated psychology and sociology concepts, especially for those of us with limited neurological sciences, psychology, and sociology background. He is animated and very well informed and good at explaining the concepts and practical applications in clinical and research settings.
Very good presentation, clear slides but I am a non native english person, Dr Tarry's speaking to fast.
The teacher is excellent, straight to the point and very engaging, yet professional. And most importantly, the syllabus follows the MCAT AAMC outline to the T! It takes away the stress of having to worry that you miss a topic. It’s better than Khan Academy P/S in my opinion. And their P/S covers absolutely everything you need for the MCAT. No more, no less! I wish all lecturios MCAT subjects were designed that way. Their P/S is definitely one the best out there for the MCAT!!
This course was quite information, presented by a professor with a vast knowledge of subject matter and the linguistic ability to express such an understanding coherently and with enthusiasm. As a result, I would feel thoroughly comfortable suggesting this series of Micro-lectures to anyone interested in preparing for the Psychology and Sociology sub-section of the Medical College Admission Test. Furthermore, this resource is very helpful as a basis for understanding Psychology and Sociology - With that said, do not depend on this resource as your only means to education reference for the subsection Psych/Soc on the official MCAT.
I thought the ideas posed in the lecture were well presented and easily understood.
I'm a visual learner and Dr Ahuja explains psychology and sociology very clearly and into layman terms. And I absolutely love the fact that the lectures follow the MCAT AAMC outline to the T. This takes out so much anxiety from me. I know that I'm covering everything needed on the MCAT with a highly qualified teacher and excellent production.
That's great course and it's very simple one thanks alot
Dr. Ahuja clearly illustrates the defining characteristics of schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, as this lecture translates the DSM-V material into a brief review of key points.
Khan Academy shows the path it takes for a message to be received which is missing from this video (i.e. the target characteristics first determine whether the message or source is evaluated). "The central route is used when the message recipient has the motivation as well as the ability to think about the message and its topic" "The peripheral route is used when the message recipient has little or no interest in the subject and/or has a lesser ability to process the message." Both should be on the same slide introducing the concepts of central/peripheral routes. "The theory states that when people observe a model performing a behavior and the consequences of that behavior, they remember the sequence of events and use this information to guide subsequent behaviors" Should be the definition of SCT. Much clearer.
Great lectures! I hope much of I learn here will be on my exam too.
This was very clear and simple and extremely helpful thank you
I Like Tarry's lecture. They are straight to the point and very easy to understand. He does a good job with his explanations
I found him to be one of the better lecturers at Lecturio. Easy to follow, fluidly makes sense of the material, which drastically helps me learn.
I use Altius for my MCAT course book, but learn better with watching videos. You guys line up pretty well with their content and it makes it easy to follow! I also love the examples that make it relatable.
there are more areas involved in language control, and different types of aphasia.
The lecture was very well explained with very practical examples
You are doing a great job teaching me about all of this stuff white youre help i will devinitly gratuad collage.
Engaging with good use of humor, well structured, generally his videos are excellent
Dr. Ahuja does a great job of concisely presenting information in a tone that is upbeat and engaging.
It was a nice lecture but, IT-guys, can you please add the stuff to speed up a video. Thanks.
It's one of the most useful skills. Memory is a major part of our lives in medical school.
lecture has been nicely explained . i like the little humor in lecture .
Dr. Ahuja provides great examples to easily understand the topics for recall later on.
I extremely enjoyed this lecture. He is very clear about what he is stating, and he states it in a very comprehensive manner, which is extremely crucial if you have yet to have medical talk down pat. I learned a lot, and I do have learning disabilities, so it can be hard at times. But this isn't one of those times! Love love love it! Much appreciated!
lecture slides are well organized and he is always clear
The lecture made this concept so easy to comprehend and it is just straight to the point. Thank you Dr.Ahuja
it was very helpful and engrosing for me and it is explained in a nice and simple way.
Very good lecutures !!! They are a little bit basic but I like them!!
physical activity , smoking cessation, unhealthy diet ,obesity,overweight,alcohol, change behavior
Thank you so much for you effort, I couldn't imagine that one day i would start to like psycology
This is an extremely basic review. Unbelievably, after referring to DSM 5, many of the diagnoses presented were DSM IVR, and are not in the DSM 5. About half of the lectures referred to MCAT preparation. There were grammatical/typographical errors in several of the questions. In the schizophrenia lecture the word “dissociating” is used when “discriminating” is meant (“… having trouble dissociating between reality and delusions or hallucinations”).
VERY high quality lecture. GREAT professor. Clear and concise. Awesome
great lecture. Very easy to understand with examples! very informative
I enjoyed this lecture because it was interesting and came with great examples. The questions really make you think this was fun.
Concise. Informative. Engaging:) Lecture was formatted to the layperson and easy to follow.
I love your lectures!! I'm studying the topic neurophysiology from the physiology subject (medicine), but it's everything much better explained here than just physiology. I understood everything perfectly!
I am not a pre-med or medical student; physical therapy instead. So far in the first hour of viewing this site I am impressed. Hopefully it will help me achieve my goals. This lecture was outstanding too! I really enjoy the association style teaching Dr. Tarry uses.
Very useful, he explained the topic in such a simple manner.
Presentation nice and to the point.Each lecture is clear and relevant to today's syllabus.
This course was very helpful! The examples that were given made it more relatable.
I Like That's Concept...Just Easier to understand all of medicine
very helpfull lectures, ??? ?????? ?? ?? ?????? ????????..???? ???
Clearly explained and very engaging. Spoke at a good pace. diagram was a useful demonstration easy to grasp and understand. Brilliant!
I would recommend this course very much. Tarry is a great lecturer. I love the short length of the individual component lectures. It means I can watch one or two during my breaks at work on my iPhone.
I have to say out of all the premed courses this has to be my favorite. Dr. Tarry Ahuja does a great job explaining the psychological theories, terms and concepts. His anecdotes keep me coming back. Thanks Doc.
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