
Introduction – Antiarrhythmic Drugs

by Pravin Shukle, MD

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    00:01 Welcome to pharmacology by Lecturio. I am Dr. Pravin Shukle.

    00:06 We're going to be talking about antiarrhythmic drugs today.

    00:10 When we take a look at antiarrhythmic medications, they are quite conveniently divided into different groups.

    00:16 Group 1 are agents that act on sodium channel blockers. Group 2 are agents that act on the beta receptor or beta blockers.

    00:26 Group 3 are potassium channel blockers. Group 4 antiarrhythmics are calcium channel blockers.

    00:33 And group 5 is kind of this miscellaneous grab bag of a whole bunch of different drugs.

    00:40 So here you have all of the groups of drugs listed in one slide.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Introduction – Antiarrhythmic Drugs by Pravin Shukle, MD is from the course Cardiovascular Pharmacology.

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    1. Class 4
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    5. Class 5
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    1. Class 3
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    5. Class 5
    1. Class 5
    2. Class 1
    3. Class 2
    4. Class 3
    5. Class 4
    1. Potassium channel blockers
    2. Sodium channel blockers
    3. Calcium channel blockers
    4. Beta blockers
    5. Alpha blockers

    Author of lecture Introduction – Antiarrhythmic Drugs

     Pravin Shukle, MD

    Pravin Shukle, MD

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