
Quick Review: Inflammatory Myopathies

by Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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    00:01 With that we'll move on to two review questions.

    00:03 So as always, I'll ask a question, pause the screen, and when you're ready to hear the answer, unpause the screen.

    00:09 Question one, all of the following are common findings in dermatomyositis except: Alright, I mentioned there's a lot of different skin conditions you can see with this condition.

    00:22 Erythema nodosum is not one of them.

    00:25 Gotton's papules on the back of the hands, the shawl sign around the neck and the upper back, the heliotropic rash around the eyes, and mechanic's hands between the thumb and the first and second finger would all be characteristic of dermatomyositis.

    00:38 Our answer is erythema nodosum.

    00:41 Next stop, what are some differences between polymyositis and inclusion body myositis? Great, let's take a look at a summary slide to help us answer this question.

    00:54 Again both of them will have a lymphocyte predominant inflammation but inclusion body myositis is gonna have these little inclusion bodies embedded within the muscle and that's shown on the picture on the far right.

    01:07 In addition, the big differences between them is a much more indolent onset over the span of many, many months even years for IBM.

    01:15 In addition, you're gonna have asymmetric findings; both proximal and distal muscles involved with inclusion body myositis and typically a younger age of onset.

    01:23 Neither one of them responds great to treatment but inclusion body myositis is a much more challenging disease to treat.

    01:30 And with that we've covered our inflammatory myopathies.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Quick Review: Inflammatory Myopathies by Stephen Holt, MD, MS is from the course Connective Tissue Diseases.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Good response to treatment
    2. Asymmetric muscle weakness
    3. Insidious onset of weakness
    4. A biopsy that shows lymphocytic infiltration.
    5. Proximal and distal muscle weakness

    Author of lecture Quick Review: Inflammatory Myopathies

     Stephen Holt, MD, MS

    Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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