
HPA Hormones & Targets and Posterior Pituitary Hormones

by Thad Wilson, PhD

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    00:00 When dealing with hypothalamic pituitary axis hormones and targets, we really need to talk about four main items.

    00:12 And that is, What is the anterior pituitary target? What stimulates it? That's the hypothalamic hormone.

    00:22 And then, What pituitary hormone is released? And then, Where is it going? And what is it going to do? Let's start off with CRH.

    00:32 This will stimulate corticotropes to release ACTH.

    00:40 ACTH then binds to the adrenal cortex and causes release of hormones.

    00:49 The TRH stimulates thyrotropes.

    00:56 And that releases TSH which than goes to the thyroid gland to cause the release of T3 and T4.

    01:06 Growth hormones releasing hormone or GHRH, goes to somatotropes and somatotropes release growth hormone.

    01:18 This has a lot of widespread effects causing growth and anabolic type of response.

    01:25 Somatostatin also goes to somatostropes but it is a negative inhibitor of growth hormone and it effects on growth hormone are widespread.

    01:38 Because if you prevent the release of growth hormone, growth hormone will not have it's growth like effects.

    01:46 Somastostatin is interesting because it inhibits more than just somatostropes.

    01:53 It also inhibits thyrotropes.

    01:56 This will change the TSH levels and therefore, inhibit thyroid hormone release.

    02:04 The next hypothalamic hormone we need to deal with is GRH.

    02:09 GRH will stimulate gonadotropes and that will release lutenizing hormone or LH.

    02:17 LH effects the gonads and will start androgren production.

    02:22 GRH also does one other thing, it also releases follicles stimulating hormones or FSH.

    02:31 That too helps maturation processes occur in the gonads.

    02:39 Things like follicle formation and spermatogenesis.

    02:42 Finally we have dopamine.

    02:45 Dopamine acts on lactotropes and causes the inhibition of the release of prolactin.

    02:55 So you normally would get prolactin release unless dopamine is present.

    03:00 When dopamine is present it inhibits prolactin.

    03:03 Prolactin is very important with the mammary glands.

    03:07 This will allow for milk production.

    03:09 The posterior pituitary hormones again come directly from the hypothalamus.

    03:16 These posterior pituitary hormones are oxytocin.

    03:20 And oxytocin primarily, effects the uterus as well as breast tissue or mammary glands.

    03:29 Antidiurectic hormone is the other posterior pituitary hormone.

    03:34 And that effects places like the collecting duct on the renal tubule to help you reabsorb water.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture HPA Hormones & Targets and Posterior Pituitary Hormones by Thad Wilson, PhD is from the course Endocrine Physiology.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Thyrotropes
    2. Corticoteopes
    3. Somatotropes
    4. Gonadotropes
    5. Lactotropes
    1. Somatotropes
    2. Corticoteopes
    3. Thyrotropes
    4. Gonadotropes
    5. Lactotropes
    1. Follicle-stimulating hormone
    2. Androgens
    3. Growth hormone
    4. Prolactin

    Author of lecture HPA Hormones & Targets and Posterior Pituitary Hormones

     Thad Wilson, PhD

    Thad Wilson, PhD

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