
Catheter-associated Infections – Complicated UTIs

by Amy Sussman, MD

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    00:01 How about catheter associated infections? It's another one of our categories under complicated UTI.

    00:07 About 10 to 25% of patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities have urethral catheters placed.

    00:15 The duration of that catheterization is going to directly correlate with the risk of developing catheter-associated back to urea.

    00:22 Most are asymptomatic bacteriuria.

    00:25 So patients who are catheterized may have bacteriuria that's colonizing that catheter.

    00:30 But it doesn't necessarily need to be treated.

    00:32 So when do they need to be treated? When patients become symptomatic that includes when that patient of hers is presenting with fever, chills, leukocytosis, in the setting of bacteria and pyuria.

    00:45 Diagnosis once again, we want to get that urine culture and sensitivity.

    00:49 It will be important to actually exchange that urinary catheter with a new catheter to obtain a freshly voided specimen.

    00:57 Treatment is going to consist of parenteral antibiotics that again, is going to be tailored to those antimicrobial sensitivities.

    01:05 The duration of treatment is going to be anywhere between 7 to 14 days depending on resolution of the patients symptoms.

    01:12 Now one thing that's critical is to think about preventive measures.

    01:16 We really try very hard to avoid using any or prolonged use of urinary catheters.

    01:22 They absolutely are associated with urinary tract infection again due to duration.

    01:27 So if you're patient doesn't need a catheter, please remove it or please don't use it.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Catheter-associated Infections – Complicated UTIs by Amy Sussman, MD is from the course Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Removing a catheter as soon as possible can help prevent CAUTI.
    2. Asymptomatic bacteriuria should be treated in catheterized patients.
    3. Samples for culture should be obtained from the old catheter.
    4. Pyuria is rare in CAUTI.

    Author of lecture Catheter-associated Infections – Complicated UTIs

     Amy Sussman, MD

    Amy Sussman, MD

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