
Asthma Medications

by Pravin Shukle, MD

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    00:01 Welcome to pharmacology by Lecturio. My name is Pravin Shukle and I will guide you through respiratory pharmacology.

    00:09 When we talk about drugs used in asthma, we have lots of choices. We have the bronchodilators such as the beta agonists, the methylxanthines, and the muscarinic antagonists.

    00:20 We also have a choice of a number of anti-inflammatory agents including release inhibitors, slow anti-inflammatory drugs, antibody based therapies and of course steroids.

    00:31 And finally, we have the new class of drugs called the leukotriene antagonists.

    00:35 They can be lipooxygenase inhibitors, or they can be receptor inhibitors.

    00:40 These drug classes represent the entire armamentarium in asthma.

    00:45 and we're going to go over each of them in turn.

    00:48 Before we do though, let's start off with principles of therapy behind asthma treatment.

    00:52 An inflammed airway has thick airways and the airway itself is narrow.

    00:59 So, when you take a look at a normal airway down here, you can see that the walls are not thick, and the walls are wide and open. When you take a look at a constricted airway, you can see that the walls are still the same thickness, but the entire diameter of the airway has narrowed resulting in a narrower lumen.

    01:18 When you take a look at an inflammed airway, even though the walls have not constricted in, the walls themselves are thicker, so you end up with a narrower airway.

    01:29 And finally, in end stage asthma, you will have a constricted and inflammed airway which results in a very narrow lumen and real illness from a clinical point of view.

    01:42 So, inflammed airways, the walls are thick, airway is narrow. A constricted airway, the walls are "closed in" and the airway is narrow.

    01:50 Now, treatment involves two types of therapy. You can bronchodilate or you can give anti-inflammatories to reduce thickness, or you can do both.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Asthma Medications by Pravin Shukle, MD is from the course Respiratory Pharmacology.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory agents.
    2. Antibiotic therapy and hydration
    3. Vaccination and oxygen supplementation as needed
    4. Diuretic therapy and blood pressure control
    5. Antihistamines and cough suppressants
    1. Inflamed and constricted
    2. Inflamed only
    3. Constricted only
    4. Porous only
    5. Inflamed, porous, and constricted

    Author of lecture Asthma Medications

     Pravin Shukle, MD

    Pravin Shukle, MD

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    medicamentos para el asma
    By wamira jhianel h. on 04. February 2018 for Asthma Medications

    una buena explicación con datos infaltables y resumen bien dado. Ademas las preguntas al final sirven demasiado para poder poner a prueba el aprendizaje del receptor

    love it?
    By Neda'a S. on 08. January 2017 for Asthma Medications

    Asthma medication ? by Pravin Shukle , Simplified explanation, I love the simple explanation (Y)