I've mentioned bag and mask ventilation a number of times in these
lectures and this is what it looks like. Basically, the bag
is on the anesthetic circuit, you've seen
that in previous pictures. The mask
is just a standard medical mask, it's placed
over the patient's face to produce a seal
around the nose in the mouth, the thumb
and forefinger force the mask down over the face,
the middle finger and other fingers lift the chin up.
And it's important to pull the chin right up.
And you can see that this anesthesiologist
is bagging with his or her right hand,
while positioning the, positioning
the patient's face and head so that
it's easy to ventilate the patient. These
are laryngeal mask airways. These devices
are meant to sit above the glottis. So not
through the end, not through the cords of the patient,
not into the trachea but above the trachea.
And they hold the epiglottis up and hopefully,
if they're perfectly in position,
look right down through the cords into the trachea
of the patient. The beauty of this
device is that, even when it's not perfectly
positioned, it's often usable. And you can
get out of a lot of trouble using this device, even in situations
where you're having great difficulty with intubation.
This is how it works. Dr. Brain,
who invented this device,
recommends the following technique, and I know because
he was in my hospital for a number of weeks and taught myself
and my colleagues how to use this. Basically,
he thinks that you should deflate the cuff
of the laryngeal mask, push it down while you're deflating it
so it's completely flat, and then take your index finger,
put it down right on, under the lip of the cuff,
and pass the device into the mouth,
putting firm pressure on the palate as you proceed
into the back of the airway. And it's basically
this motion, kind of back and then forward again.
And you can push the laryngeal mask right down
into the upper airway, and you can see it, the mask
is in place. It's not occluding the airway,
it's above the airway, and it's holding
the epiglottis out of place. It's very useful.
These are standard laryngoscope
blades. The blade on the right is
a Macintosh blade. Most of us use the Mackintosh blade
pretty much routinely. The blades on the left are the Miller
blade. I can tell you I haven't used a Miller blade
in probably 30 years, but there are some
anesthesiologists who swear by it, and use it
in preference to the Mackintosh blade. And you
can see the various sizes, they go all the way down
to very small, for children. And in small
children, the Miller blade, the straight blade
is often the preferred blade to use. These
are endotracheal tubes. These come in various
internal diameters. You can see that there's
a cuff at the end of the tube. This is inflated
with air once the tube is in place. And this
acts as a seal to prevent material passing down
through the trachea into the lungs,
or coming the other way, up around the end of tracheal
tube and it basically seals the airway,
and allows ventilation to occur.