
Quick Review: Examination of the Lymphatic System

by Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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    00:01 All right, so let's do one quick question to review some of the content that we've covered.

    00:06 Which of the following is true? A. Epitrochlear nodes are located just distal to the medial epicondyles.

    00:14 B. The thoracic duct drains into the left-sided great vessels.

    00:18 C. The vertical chain of inguinal lymph nodes drains the genitals.

    00:22 Or D. Virchows node is associated with right-sided lung cancers.

    00:30 So Epitrochlear nodes around your elbow are actually located just proximal to the medial epicondyles just medial to the end of your biceps muscle.

    00:41 The thoracic duct does in fact drain into the left-sided great vessels, that's going to turn out to be our correct answer.

    00:49 The vertical chain of inguinal lymph nodes actually drains the lower extremities whereas the horizontal chain is going to drain the genitals.

    00:58 And a Verchows node up here in the left supraclavicular fossa is actually associated with left-sided of cancers, any cancers in the abdomen and then of course, any cancers in the lower extremities, whereas a right sided lung cancer typically would drain up into the right great vessels.

    01:14 So the answer is B.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Quick Review: Examination of the Lymphatic System by Stephen Holt, MD, MS is from the course Examination of the Breast and Lymph System.

    Author of lecture Quick Review: Examination of the Lymphatic System

     Stephen Holt, MD, MS

    Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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