
Proteins, Catabolism of Fats and Metabolic Regulation: Introduction

by Georgina Cornwall, PhD

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    00:01 So now that you have a good understanding of the general pathway for cellular respiration, lets talk a little bit about some of the other fuels that we might need to catabolize or breakdown in order to obtain energy, make ATP. By the end of this lecture, you should be able to identify the various entry points for proteins as well as fats in cellular respiration and describe some key intermediates in the cellular respiration pathway where these molecules enter. Finally, you should be able to recognize how cellular respiration can be modulated by negative feedback mechanisms We're very familiar already with the general central view of the metabolism of carbohydrates.

    00:49 We'll revisit those a little bit in this lecture. However, the main emphasis is going to be where fats and protein fit into the scheme of things. Because we all know in our dietary intake, we will generally have a proportion of carbohydrates, and we'll also consume some fats as well as proteins.

    01:07 So it's important to understand how they are broken down and how they fit into the scheme of things.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Proteins, Catabolism of Fats and Metabolic Regulation: Introduction by Georgina Cornwall, PhD is from the course Energy, Enzymes and Metabolism.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Fatty acids and glycerol
    2. Amino acids and glucose
    3. Sucrose and fructose
    4. Glucose and fatty acids
    5. Glycerol and amino acids

    Author of lecture Proteins, Catabolism of Fats and Metabolic Regulation: Introduction

     Georgina Cornwall, PhD

    Georgina Cornwall, PhD

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