
Learning Outcomes – Observational Studies (Study Designs)

by Raywat Deonandan, PhD

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    00:00 So what have you learned? You're now familiar with the main observational study designs, the cohort, the case-control, the cross-sectional and you know the difference between prospective, which moves forward in time and the retrospective, backwards in time. You know why matching is done, to control for certain confounding influences, and you know when some designs are more appropriate than others, using those characteristics like, which is rarer, the exposure status or the outcome status. Thank you.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Learning Outcomes – Observational Studies (Study Designs) by Raywat Deonandan, PhD is from the course Types of Studies.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Confounding
    2. Effect modifiers
    3. Gender biases
    4. Loss to follow up
    5. Recall bias
    1. Outbreak investigation
    2. A common outcome with a rare exposure
    3. Incidence of a disease
    4. Prevalence of a disease
    5. A rare outcome with a rare exposure
    1. Associations between factors that typically do not change
    2. Associations between a rare exposure and a rare disease
    3. The mortality risk of a specific disease
    4. Association between a common exposure and a rare disease
    5. The incidence of a disease over the course of a year

    Author of lecture Learning Outcomes – Observational Studies (Study Designs)

     Raywat Deonandan, PhD

    Raywat Deonandan, PhD

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    Good Lecture
    By Irfan M. on 25. March 2021 for Learning Outcomes – Observational Studies (Study Designs)

    Very through and the fact that most lectures had summaries of the previous video made it very easy to understand.