
Ischemic Stroke: Characteristics

by Carlo Raj, MD

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    00:01 What are the characteristics of our ischemic stroke? Well, it's important to understand where did my stroke take place? We call it a Cerebral Vascular Accident, don't we? A CVA.

    00:11 In the cerebral vascular accident, where was the location of this particular stroke? Which blood vessel was it affecting? Was it a large blood vessel? Was it a little blood vessel? What part of the brain was affected? Was it a dominant or non-dominant side? Do you understand that at this juncture, it would be a really good idea for you have a firm handle of the neuroanatomy, right? Make sure you know where all the important significant blood vessels are located.

    00:39 What part of the brain that they are supplying? And make sure you understand that part of the brain, what is it responsible for? What kind of activity? Is a motor or sensory? So on and so forth.

    00:53 Those kind of questions become important for us.

    00:55 And it's important that you understand what part of the brain is responsible for what kind of function? Maximal at onset.

    01:04 Remember that husband of sitting on a recliner chair, watching TV and all of a sudden boom...

    01:11 it happen quickly.

    01:12 Slurring of the speech, was unable to walk, maybe blurring of the vision.

    01:17 That's characteristic of a stroke.

    01:20 May have a stepwise progression depending on the etiology.

    01:23 Now, you've heard of multi infarct dementia may be perhaps.

    01:27 So therefore, as you have more and more of the blood vessels that are being blocked and blocked and blocked.

    01:33 And then the dementia that is setting in takes a step wise like well, deterioration.

    01:41 Stop further about risk factors.

    01:44 Hypertension, being one of the most common common risk factors for ischemic stroke.

    01:50 And if it is hypertension, then what made them happen to the blood vessel focally? Good.

    01:56 Talking about benign, chronic type hypertension.

    01:59 And you know, about Hyaline arteriosclerosis.

    02:02 That could be a possible risk factor.

    02:05 What about diabetes itself? Diabetes...

    02:08 most of the time accompanied by hyperlipidemia, resulting in atherosclerosis.

    02:13 Stroke.

    02:14 Tobacco with history of stroke or TIA.

    02:17 Now, smoking itself or tobacco is a injurious agent.

    02:21 Heart disease.

    02:22 For example, we talked about atrial fibrillation.

    02:25 What if there was valvular disease or cardiomyopathy? Take a look at those conditions, please.

    02:30 All those conditions are the perfect environment to develop a thrombus and then eventually embolize, resulting in a type of focal stroke.

    02:40 Patient has hypercholesterolemia and age.

    02:43 These are common sense type of risk factors, but nonetheless, important ones that you want to keep in mind.

    02:49 Genetic conditions.

    02:50 Now these you may or may not be too familiar with, but I would recommend that you have a pretty good idea, as to some of these conditions genetically.

    02:59 There's something called CADASIL, which is your Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoencephalopathy.

    03:09 And specifically, this gene is called Notch3 gene.

    03:13 CADASIL.

    03:14 So this patient unfortunately, develops a stroke, and risk factors are not present, but genetically is prone to have one.

    03:24 Sickle cell disease, hypercoagulable state, for example, cancer is almost always associated with a hypercoagulable state.

    03:32 Pregnancy.

    03:33 Hypercoagulable states.

    03:36 What else? How about antiphospholipid syndrome? Protein C deficiency.

    03:41 So think about protein C.

    03:43 Think about protein S.

    03:45 These are little proteins that come from the liver.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Ischemic Stroke: Characteristics by Carlo Raj, MD is from the course Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Diabetes
    2. History of aspirin use
    3. Alcohol abuse
    4. Alzheimer disease
    5. Sickle cell disease
    1. Protein C deficiency
    2. Hemophilia
    3. Cystic fibrosis
    4. Major depressive disorder
    5. BRCA1
    1. Oral contraceptives
    2. Atrial fibrillation
    3. Von Willebrand disease (VWD)
    4. Hypertension
    5. Diabetes

    Author of lecture Ischemic Stroke: Characteristics

     Carlo Raj, MD

    Carlo Raj, MD

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    ischemic strokes could be focal or global
    By Neuer S. on 16. April 2017 for Ischemic Stroke: Characteristics

    very clear explanation and easy to understand great examples and easy to follow