Alright, so let's do some review questions.
I'll ask a question, pause the screen and unpause when you're ready to go over the answer.
Number one, all of the following are associated with drug-induced lupus except --
So as I said before, the anti-histone antibody is very specific for drug-induced lupus,
so that's gonna stay there.
ANA is also associated with drug-induced lupus.
The anti-Smith antibody however is specific for SLE.
You shouldn't see that with drug-induced lupus.
Finally just to round things out, drug-induced lupus is associated
with equal gender predisposition and normal complement levels.
So the answer is number three.
Okay, next question. Which medications are classically associated with drug-induced lupus?
Well, you remember our med ship delivering goodies, medications, and lupus symptoms?
It's methyldopa, etanercept, diltiazem, sulfasalazine, hydralazine, INH, and procainamide.
You may not be able to remember all seven of those medications
but at least if you're thinking whether a medication could causes drug-induced lupus,
ask yourself if it starts with anyone of those letters.
Next stop, which of the following is not part of the diagnostic criteria for lupus?
Alright, remember our 4 Skin RASHNIA criteria?
That includes the Malar rash, the presence of anemia
which is a hematologic manifestation, seizures which is a neurologic manifestation, fever is actually not on the list.
Constitutional symptoms like fever are not part of the diagnostic criteria cuz they're too non-specific.
The pericardial effusion in contrast would meet the serositis criteria. So the answer is number four.
Okay, next stop, how does one treat lupus nephritis?
So there's a couple different ways you can answer this question; you could start with an ACE inhibitor,
you could add on steroids, and often times you're gonna add on mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide.
One last question, which of the following is not typically associated with mixed connective tissue disease?
Like many diseases, there are families associated with certain conditions.
And it's important for you to recognize which diseases run in families.
So the mixed connective tissue disease family includes lupus, systemic sclerosis, polymyositis,
and rheumatoid arthritis along with things like the Raynaud's phenomenon.
Sarcoidosis alas is not part of the family.
And with that, we've concluded our discussion of systemic lupus erythematosus.