Now let's put it altogether and in this table we're going to walk through the 4 most
common causes of dementia and look at their differentiating features. We're
going to talk about Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, dementia with Lewy
bodies, and vascular dementia and look at the onset of symptoms, the types of
cognitive dysfunction, and the presence of motor symptoms. With Alzheimer's disease,
we see an insidious onset, a decline in memory and executive dysfunction, and motor
symptoms are typically rare. Frontotemporal dementia occurs typically at an earlier
onset of age. We see declines in executive function, frontal tasks like speech,
and temporal tasks like semantics and verbal fluency. And motor symptoms can be seen
but only in selected cases. In dementia with Lewy bodies, we see an insidious
onset. The cognitive modalities that are affected include visual spatial dysfunction
and early visual hallucinations as well as the potential for neuroleptic sensitivity
and we see prominent motor symptoms, Parkinsonian symptoms, rigidity, bradykinesia
and postural instability that follow closely to the cognitive symptoms. And in vascular
dementia we see a stepwise progression. With decline in executive dysfunction
and the presence of motor symptoms varies with the presence of prior arterial
strokes and the location of the lesion.