
Definitions: Types of Diarrhea

by Kelley Chuang, MD

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    00:00 Welcome, today we'll talk about the approach to the patient with diarrhea.

    00:05 We'll first review some definitions, identify some alarming features that you should always elicit and discuss clinical features to help you form a differential diagnosis.

    00:16 So, let's first begin with the definition.

    00:18 What is diarrhea? Clinically speaking, is the passage of watery or loose stools, at least 3 times in 24 hours.

    00:28 We also define diarrhea based on the duration of symptoms.

    00:32 So, diarrhea lasting for less than 2 weeks is considered acute diarrhea.

    00:38 When it is between 14 days and less than 30 days, we call this persistent diarrhea.

    00:45 Once diarrhea has lasted for longer than 30 days, we consider this chronic diarrhea.

    00:51 One last important definition to know is invasive diarrhea.

    00:56 This is how we describe diarrhea with visible blood or mucus in the stool.

    01:01 This is important because invasive diarrhea has a limited differential diagnosis.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Definitions: Types of Diarrhea by Kelley Chuang, MD is from the course Approach to Patients with GI Symptoms.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Diarrhea for >14 days but <30 days.
    2. Diarrhea for <14 days.
    3. Diarrhea with visible blood or mucus.
    4. Diarrhea for >30 days.
    5. Diarrhea for <7 days.

    Author of lecture Definitions: Types of Diarrhea

     Kelley Chuang, MD

    Kelley Chuang, MD

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    I love her confidence and knowledge she gave me thanks
    By Nassor mohammed J. on 31. December 2019 for Definitions: Types of Diarrhea

    this is the way exams and real patients occur and easy to understand how to apply the knowledge in real life and exams I recommend more of symptoms in other departments too like pediatrics gynecology and surgery