<b>Muscles and bones are interesting organs.</b>
<b>Sure, you could look at the obvious
and say they provide structure,</b>
<b>they provide movement,</b>
<b>and that’s what’s right there in front of you.</b>
<b>But they’re also organs that make blood,</b>
<b>make energy, and do a lot more for our body.</b>
<b>So the idea that I want to change here</b>
<b>is not just looking at the structure</b>
<b>of the musculoskeletal system,</b>
<b>but look at the interaction of
the musculoskeletal system</b>
<b>with the whole body because
the bone is an organ.</b>
<b>It’s made up of living tissue</b>
<b>and it makes blood in the tip of the bone.</b>
<b>It stores calcium and phosphate</b>
<b>which goes back and forth within the blood.</b>
<b>It helps regulate potassium.</b>
<b>It’s highly vascular and highly innervated</b>
<b>so that we have a sense of what’s going on.</b>
<b>But when most people look
at the bone, they say,</b>
<b>“Yeah, it defines the structure of the body,</b>
<b>the size of the body.”</b>
<b>And we want to get past that
and move forward.</b>
<b>When we talked about the ribs, we talked
about it being a protective case.</b>
<b>The skull is also a protective case.</b>
<b>A lot of our bones protect</b>
<b>the vasculature and the
nerves underneath it</b>
<b>and it does provide leverage for movement,
activity, and other things.</b>
<b>The bone system—the skeletal system—
develops neural crest cells</b>
<b>early on in development—early
on in embryology.</b>
<b>The 4th week is when it starts</b>
<b>and by the 9th week it’s pretty
much complete,</b>
<b>and the bony skeleton has been set</b>
<b>and it just needs to grow in size.</b>
<b>And when we look at where growth
is occurring in bones,</b>
<b>when we’re children,</b>
<b>it’s usually the epiphyseal plate.</b>
<b>So we’re going to look at epiphysis, the end</b>
<b>which stores a lot of the blood
and produces blood,</b>
<b>the metaphysis which is
right below it which</b>
<b>holds the growth plate,</b>
<b>and the diaphysis or the shaft,</b>
<b>and each part of the bone has a
different function in metabolism.</b>
<b>If there’s damage or disruption
to the epiphyseal plate,</b>
<b>then growth is going to be impaired.</b>
<b>And that’s why when you’re looking at x-rays,</b>
<b>you want to make sure, particularly
in pediatrics,</b>
<b>particularly in young patients, that
it’s intact and not separated</b>
<b>and that there’s no lines through it</b>
<b>or impairment of the epiphyseal plate.</b>
<b>Abnormal development can be
from birth, from heredity.</b>
<b>It can be from differences in use,</b>
<b>it can be from trauma,</b>
<b>and some kind of deformities
occur in each level.</b>
<b>Torsional deformities are when
people walk wrong,</b>
<b>use their limbs wrong, or have breaks.</b>
<b>Tibial torsion will cause toeing in
and other changes in the foot.</b>
<b>So that’s something to be aware of.</b>
<b>Congenital deformities include limb
length, limb size, limb symmetry,</b>
<b>and also you can have differences in
the number of fingers and toes,</b>
<b>and the numbers of bones in the body.</b>
<b>So those are all things to keep in mind</b>
<b>when we look at the body structure system</b>
<b>and the skeletal system.</b>
<b>Some deformities are apparent</b>
<b>and look different because they are
different and they stand out.</b>
<b>Others may be unapparent, like
the number of wrist bones</b>
<b>or the number of bones in the hand or foot,</b>
<b>may or may not be noted.</b>
<b>But those differences can
cause contractures,</b>
<b>dislocations, and distortions of bone</b>
<b>that are going to effect functioning.</b>
<b>Hereditary deformities like
osteogenesis imperfecta</b>
<b>may lead to increased breaks</b>
<b>and difficulty in bones’ functioning</b>
<b>as efficiently as we would like.</b>
<b>You can also see a development of
developmental dysplasia of the hip</b>
<b>as a common bone deformity
as well as club foot,</b>
<b>or talipes is another term used
to describe club foot.</b>
<b>One of the most common deformities
we see is scoliosis</b>
<b>and scoliosis could be a
sidebending deformity</b>
<b>with abnormal twisting</b>
<b>or it could be a rotational deformity,</b>
<b>and a lot of that is determined by heredity.</b>
<b>So always assess whether or not a scoliosis</b>
<b>is something that is lateral or rotational</b>
<b>and you also want to note if it
goes away with motion.</b>
<b>A lot of early scoliosis is postural</b>
<b>and that changes as someone gets
older and as the bones solidify.</b>
<b>Some of it is structural and
will not change</b>
<b>with sidebending or motion.</b>
<b>We do classify scoliosis as
being congenital,</b>
<b>neuromuscular, or idiopathic.</b>
<b>Paget’s disease is a skeletal disorder</b>
<b>that has excessive bone
destruction and repair.</b>
<b>The bones are going to look
different on x-ray</b>
<b>and the bones will function differently,</b>
<b>and may not be able to provide
the same support to the body</b>
<b>in terms of blood formation
or mineral regulation</b>
<b>without growing out of proportion
to what we’d expect.</b>
<b>So you may have increased bony deposition</b>
<b>and you may have increase in the
size and shape of the bone</b>
<b>in certain areas of the body.</b>
<b>So you’re going to have the increased
structural changes</b>
<b>that may be a tower skull, it
may be long arms,</b>
<b>but they’re going to look different.</b>
<b>Bones tend to grow and get
reformed by themselves.</b>
<b>They have different mechanisms
that tell many to be reformed.</b>
<b>So when somebody is active,</b>
<b>their muscle use, their pressure
they put on the bones,</b>
<b>will say that the bone needs to be reformed.</b>
<b>Wolff’s law talks about the area
of greatest bone growth</b>
<b>is the area of greatest pressure.</b>
<b>So if you lift weights, you’re going
to help grow bones.</b>
<b>The other force that’s involved is
called piezoelectric forces,</b>
<b>and those are the electric forces
that come from the muscle</b>
<b>that stimulate bone growth</b>
<b>where the muscles are using
the bones for leverage.</b>
<b>So it’s a nice feedback mechanism
that determines how big,</b>
<b>how long, and what size and shape
the bone is going to be.</b>
<b>We also have some feedback from</b>
<b>the vascular system in cytokines</b>
<b>that will help reform the bone.</b>
<b>We do know that there are 4 types
of cells involved in bony regrowth.</b>
<b>Most of the time we talk about
osteoblasts and osteoclasts</b>
<b>but there are also osteoprogenitor cells</b>
<b>which are stem cells that
can become either.</b>
<b>There are also osteocytes</b>
<b>which is after laying down bone,</b>
<b>the osteoblast gets caught in that area,</b>
<b>and becomes more mature</b>
<b>and helps maintain that area of bone.</b>
<b>And osteoclasts are the ones that
remove the bone matrix</b>
<b>and help stimulate reformation
of bony tissue.</b>
<b>So every canaliculus, every blood
supplied area of bone,</b>
<b>can reform every 3 months.</b>
<b>Not everyone is doing it at the same
time, so every 2 to 3 years,</b>
<b>a bone is completely reformed</b>
<b>and that maintains the structural integrity</b>
<b>and maintains the strength of the bone.</b>
<b>When we talk about the bone,
bones are an encased organ,</b>
<b>and they’re encased by periosteum.</b>
<b>The periosteum has an outer fibrous layer</b>
<b>where the muscles attach</b>
<b>and an inner osteogenic layer</b>
<b>which helps maintain the integrity,</b>
<b>and the osteogenic layer also has
osteoclasts and osteoblasts</b>
<b>that are not caught like the osteocytes.</b>
<b>The vascular supply is critical for
maintaining nutrition to the bone,</b>
<b>making sure bones have what it needs,</b>
<b>and giving feedback to the periosteal
and the bone system.</b>
<b>When we talk about bone growth</b>
<b>and bone structure,</b>
<b>it’s important to know what the
bones should look like,</b>
<b>which ones are predetermined by
hereditary—by genetics,</b>
<b>which ones are going to be determined
by your ethnic group, your sex,</b>
<b>and basically your history of what size
you are meant to be.</b>
<b>We also know that at different
ages it changes</b>
<b>even though the bone shape and
structure is determined</b>
<b>at about 9 weeks of gestation.</b>
<b>Bone growth in the first 4
years of life is critical.</b>
<b>That’s when arm length, leg length,</b>
<b>and the length of the trunk</b>
<b>versus the length of the extremities
pretty much gets set.</b>
<b>We normally say that the
ASIS to the shoulder</b>
<b>should be equal to the distance of
the ASIS to the medial malleolus</b>
<b>as long as nutrition is good,</b>
<b>proper sun exposure is obtained,</b>
<b>and you get the minerals and
nutrients you need to grow.</b>
<b>In areas where you do not
have good nutrition,</b>
<b>where people are sun sensitive—they stay
inside—and don’t get proper activity,</b>
<b>they’re going to have smaller leg
length to trunk length.</b>
<b>The trunk will be longer than the legs.</b>
<b>You bring them from that environment</b>
<b>to a healthy environment with a good
diet and good nutrition, their legs—</b>
<b>if it’s under 4 years of age—will grow longer.</b>
<b>And again, the nutrition is important</b>
<b>whether or not they get calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus,</b>
<b>and the other nutrients necessary
for growth.</b>
<b>Other issues that matter</b>
<b>in terms of bone growth is
physical activity.</b>
<b>People who are more sedentary are going
to have smaller, weaker bones.</b>
<b>Weight, up until a certain level, matters.</b>
<b>If you’re underweight, you’re not going
to have strong bones,</b>
<b>and this is usually set by 25 years of age.</b>
<b>So people who are chronically thin,
chronically malnourished,</b>
<b>will not reach their predetermined bone
mass activity that’s possible.</b>
<b>Other things we’re seeing in today’s
modern society, is lifestyle choices</b>
<b>are effecting bone growth.</b>
<b>People who try and maintain a low body mass,</b>
<b>a low body weight tend not to reach it.</b>
<b>People who drink a lot of
alcohol and caffeine,</b>
<b>people who smoke tend not to
reach peak muscle mass.</b>
<b>And we’re seeing supplements blanching bone</b>
<b>and we’re seeing drugs like steroids
and antiseizure medicines,</b>
<b>also can effect the ability of the body
to get to a particular body structure</b>
<b>that is most efficient, most
effective and strongest.</b>
<b>So those are all things we
have to be aware of.</b>