
Autoimmune Hepatitis

by Carlo Raj, MD

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    00:01 Our topic at first begins at Autoimmune Hepatitis.

    00:06 This patient as I've told you, hasn't touched a drop of alcohol.

    00:10 That's unfortunate.

    00:11 Your patient is most likely be a female. How come? Autoimmune diseases affect which gender more so? Females.

    00:18 if there is one autoimmune disease often times, there will be other autoimmune disease Maybe perhaps look for Hashimoto maybe Diabetes type I Diagnosed by chronically elevated levels of liver function tests.

    00:31 And upon histology expect to find autoantibodies Do not get your autoimmune hepatitis to confuse with later on we'll talk about a diagnosis called Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease So two major hepatitides in which alcohol is not involved.

    00:54 This is one of the two: This is due to autoimmune disease.

    00:58 Diagnosis by exclusion.

    01:00 Etiology unknown really. Maybe genetic susceptibility.

    01:04 These triggers are varied and often times mysterious.

    01:08 Maybe medications or there might have been a preceding viral infection.

    01:13 Remember, with viral infections there is every possibility that you have immunoglobulins being produced And some of these immunoglobulins will turn on thyselves.

    01:22 Improvement with prolonged corticosteroids.

    01:25 Maybe even a suppressive therapy or immunomodulators such as azathioprine And unrecognized disease may progress to Cirrhosis and that’s extremely dangerous, huh? Because of the manner in which the patient and how the pathogenesis takes place silently, there's every possibility that the doctor completely misses the diagnosis for years until it is too late.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Autoimmune Hepatitis by Carlo Raj, MD is from the course Liver Diseases: Basic Principles with Carlo Raj.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Autoimmune hepatitis
    2. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis
    3. Focal nodular hyperplasia
    4. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with cirrhosis
    5. Hepatocellular carcinoma
    1. Autoimmune hepatitis does not progress to cirrhosis.
    2. Autoimmune hepatitis is more commonly seen in women than in men.
    3. Autoimmune hepatitis is associated with diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
    4. Autoimmune hepatitis can show positivity for the presence of autoantibodies.
    5. Autoimmune hepatitis can show improvement with use of corticosteroids.

    Author of lecture Autoimmune Hepatitis

     Carlo Raj, MD

    Carlo Raj, MD

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