On this slide, we’ll talk about the natural transmission of
Yersinia pestis
and starting with the flea and the rodent.
It participates in what is known as a sylvatic transmission
cycling between the flea and the rodent. The flea takes a
blood meal from the rodent
and in the flea the organism grows, does its thing
and then it’s transmitted back to the rodent's bloodstream
via the bite of the flea,
back and forth, back and forth.
Occasionally, an amplifying host such as another
warm-blooded mammal
like the raccoon will be involved in the cycle
and because it’s a larger animal with a more robust immune
the organism load the number of Yersinia bacteria within a
specific aliquot of blood will increase in density.
At some point, this natural transmission between flea-rodent
and other mammals
will exit accidently into a human.
On the left side of slide if it is due to a direct contact
with a bite either from the infected rodent
or raccoon or the flea it will cause a specific bubonic
plague infection
which in general creates a localized site of inoculation and
then an infected lymph node
which is proximal to the site creating a bubo.
Bubo simply means a lymph node which has been processing and
growing Yersinia pestis,
developing in size and eventually becoming clinically
On the right side of the slide we can see the exit of the
sylvatic transmission cycle
into a human via a flea bite or direct contact
but in some way creating an aerosolization or an aspiration
of the Yersina pestis.
Now the patient has a pneumonic or pneumonia form of the
and can become quite contagious creating airborne
transmission to other humans.
So, as with other infectious agents and Ebola virus would be
one example,
normal sylvatic transmission within the animal kingdom and
the insect kingdom occurs,
humans are accidental host.
What happens after that accidental transmission to the
First, the Yersinia pestis is phagocytosed by a monocyte or
a macrophage, not a neutrophil,
and after so doing it is able to avoid killing within that
macrophage as we’ve seen with other organisms.
It’s able to prevent fusion of the lysosome or enzyme
containing vacuole
with the phagosome where the organism lives.
Within the macrophage it then is able to proliferate
and grow in number as you see to the right side of the
Also, the macrophage, either already fixed in a lymph node
or as a mobile dendritic cell
is able to travel to the lymph node in proximity to the site
of inoculation
and there one can see ongoing proliferation of further
infected macrophages
which will then increase the size of that infected lymph
At some point, the Yersinia pestis is able to release
exotoxins which cause further cellular damage
and further recruitment of lymphocytes and even some
which then increases precipitously the size of that infected
lymph node turning it into the bubo that we just discussed,
and then further dissemination can occur into the blood
So if we compare the forms of the plague. In the middle
column pneumonic plague,
on the right column bubonic plague.
The transmission is simply how the patient is exposed to the
Yersinia pestis.
In pneumonic plague it will be some form of inhalation of
infectious droplets
either by being exposed to aerosolized respiratory droplets
from a mammal
for example a prairie dog in a prairie hole or by
inoculation via bite of a prairie dog
or bite of the infected flea, that would be for bubonic
The incubation period for pneumonic plague is quite rapid,
two to three days,
and in a case of a bioterrorist attack, some cases can be
rapid as one day because the inoculum,
the amount of organism which was aerosolized and delivered
to the victim was quite large.
In bubonic plague, seven days is the number of days for
typical trans -
excuse me, for incubation - only because it's a small amount
of inoculum
which then must travel retrograde to the proximal lymph node
and start to develop the bubo.
The signs and symptoms are also somewhat different.
In pneumonic plague, the fever malaise is quite prominent as
you would anticipate in a flu-like illness,
but after that first day of fever, the patient rapidly
develops respiratory not just problems
but respiratory failure over the course of one to two days,
they may require ventilation
and respiratory support.
In the bubonic plague, the fevers start, followed in a
gradual process
by that painfully swollen lymph node, the bubo.
Most buboes are found in the groin or in the axila because
most inoculation sites
or bites occur on the distal extremity - legs or arms.
After a certain amount of time and this could range from
several days to up to a week,
the patient may then develop secondary signs of infection
including conjunctivitis,
rigors with the fevers along with the bacteremia.
Untreated infection by Yersinia pestis is quite fatal.
Untreated pneumonic plague
almost 100% of patients will die and bubonic plague at least
¾ of them will die, 75%.
The third form of the plague is septicaemia
plague, which is defined as having no
bubo or other localising signs, and
therefore this can be quite difficult to
recognise. Note, however, that septicemia is
still common with the other
forms of the plague.
Septicemia plague accounts for 10 to 20% of
diseases caused by Yersinia
pestis and again is characterized by that
absence of localizing signs.
It is transmitted by the bite of an infected
flea, and after an incubation period of
several days, patients will develop fever
and become very ill appearing
bordering on toxic.
They may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and
non-specific abdominal pain.
Again, a very difficult illness to diagnose
up front.
However, later on, the disease progresses
into hypotension to shock
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy or
disc and multi-organ failure.
Unfortunately, in the absence of treatment,
septicemia plague has a very high mortality
rate greater than 90%.
But with treatment, the mortality rate is
less than 15%.
The rule of thumb for Yersinia
pestis is that
if you have a high clinical suspicion, start
your treatment, start your antibiotics
without waiting for the diagnostic test to
Clues to consider would be your clinical
So compatible clinical illness, fever,
lymphangitis, hypertension.
Having pneumonia with him.
Ptosis and a gram negative rod, of course,
but especially picking up travel to an
endemic area and a recent animal contact,
especially a rodent
exposure. So this again is another example
of taking a very good and thorough
history. Cultures can be obtained from most
body fluids, so blood,
sputum, cerebrospinal fluid or the buboes.
And then rapid tests are done using
antibodies, monoclonal antibodies to the
F one antigen.
However, those tests, of course, can be
expensive and time time significant.
Other forms of testing include serology,
such as your ELISA enzyme
linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase
chain reaction your PCR.
But those also have longer processing times
on the slide.
On the right we see a photo micrograph of a
right stain blood specimen from a plague
victim, which shows the presence of Yersinia
And you can see those bipolar ends that are
darkly stained the red arrow in the lower
right part of that slide.
It looks just like a safety pin.
Again, a good key factor to remember for
So what can we do about Yersinia pestis?
First and foremost, pest control and in fact as we control
not just the fleas
but also avoid exposure to infected rodents.
We also need to be aware that this is a very contagious
organism so a patient
who has been exposed for example, somebody traveling in a
prairie dog haven
who might have been exposed needs to be monitored carefully
for signs and symptoms of pneumonic
or bubonic plague and if they start to develop them put into
So pest control, very important, isolation - even empiric
and early isolation is very necessary.
There are vaccines available although their validity and
efficacy remain to be established.
They do appear to be effective against the bubonic plague
but keep in mind that there were very small numbers used to
test the success rate of those vaccines.
Empiric treatment, meaning before confirmation of the
diagnosis is most likely to be successful again
because the mortality or death rate for both forms of the
plague is so severe.
Streptomycin or gentamycin are the two possible drugs which
are most efficacious.
If the patient may have underlying renal failure which would
compromise use of an aminoglycoside
like either streptomycin or gentamycin then use of
and chloramphenicol might be useful as well.
In fact, as an empiric choice, a drug-like tetracycline or
which might cover other vector borne infection such as tick
associated diseases
maybe the most initially effective. However, after
confirmation of infection of Yersinia pestis,
transfer to an aminoglycoside is the way to go.
Fluoroquinolones are also
accepted as first line
treatment and those include levothyroxine,
ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin.