What kind of other diseases do these cause?
They cause staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,
try and say that four times quickly. This
is a skin illness, as you can see here and
I think the name tells you what it looks like,
this mainly affects neonates. This is caused
by sloughing of the skin. The skin is coming
off. It’s red and angry looking, caused
by toxins produced by the staphylococci, specifically
exfoliative toxins A and B. Exfoliation, the
loss of your skin. You can also describe a
disease called toxic shock syndrome, TSS,
which became popular not very long ago. This
is accompanied by fever, skin rash, hypotension,
low blood pressure and also peeling of the
skin, exfoliation. Toxic shock syndrome was
first described in connection with the use of
highly absorbent tampons that allowed organisms
to proliferate. Now tampons went through a
revolution in their production, where they
became extremely absorbent and also would
block off the vaginal canal and the makers
thought this was a great thing, because it's
convenient for women, but it turned out that
these trapped the staph bacteria in the vaginal
canal, allowed them to proliferate in and
around the tampon and elaborate toxins and
this brand-new disease that had never been
seen before, toxic shock syndrome suddenly
was described and that's a staphylococcal
disease. Associated initially with the use
of tampons but now we know there are other
causes as well.
One of the main toxins produced by staphylococci
that causes toxic shock is called TSST-1,
toxic shock syndrome toxin number one and
this is an enterotoxin. It actually acts as
a super antigen. Super antigens bind the T
cell receptor and the major histocompatibility
protein on the surface of cells and cause
massive release of cytokines from macrophages
and T cells, that are then responsible for
the symptoms, say of toxic shock syndrome.
The whole idea of toxic shock elaborates from these
cytotoxins that are produced. Staphylococci can
also cause food poisoning, we've been
talking about skin diseases of various sorts,
but they can also be in your food and they
produce enterotoxins that are in the food
when you eat it, these make you sick. The
bacteria, if they contaminate the food, and
you can imagine that someone may have staph
aureus on their hands, they're preparing food,
they haven't washed their hands, they don't
wear gloves, you now have staph aureus in
the food, if it's not kept cold, if it's at
room temperature which sometimes happens during
food production or serving, the bacteria will
grow, they will produce their toxins and when
you eat it, you will get sick. This typically
happens with meats, including poultry, egg
products, salads, milk and dairy products.
So if you ever have been to a buffet where
there is lots of food spread out on the table,
if it sits there for hours at room temperature,
the bacteria can grow and make their toxins.
Next time you go to such a function, make
sure the people are wearing gloves, if they
are not, you should just stick with the wine
and don't touch the food. This disease, when
you ingest these toxins, causes nausea, vomiting,
stomach cramps and diarrhea and it's typically
a rather rapid onset. So food poisoning where
you are eating food that has a toxin in it
already, the onset is quick. So if you eat
something and in an hour or two later you're
vomiting, you can say well that could be a
staph aureus toxin caused food poisoning.
In contrast, if it takes a few days to get
sick, that means the bacteria have to replicate
in you before you get sick. So this is a rapid
onset food poisoning caused by staphylococci
and then in two or three days you recover.