Well, at that time, there
were many drugs or interventions that were
thought to help high blood pressure. Turns
out, not one of them really worked. Had they
worked, President Roosevelt might have lived
another 20 years.
We have many effective drugs today. The
next two slides, you’ll see a long list
of all of the drugs that have been proven
to be effective for controlling high blood
pressure and of course, I don’t expect you
to memorize these, even I don’t… think
about most of these drugs. What happens is,
most physicians, most cardiologists learn
to use one or two drugs in each of the classes
that we’re going to talk about in this lecture.
Understanding that there are other drugs with
similar effects in those classes, but that
you don’t need to use because the result
of using any one or two is the same as using
the others. And doctors will vary in their
propensity to decide, “Oh this is my favorite
Beta Blocker,” for example, or “This is
my favorite ACE inhibitor,” and we’ll
talk about that as we talk about each of these
And here’s a continuation of that list.
Lots and lots and lots of drugs have been
shown to be effective in controlling high
blood pressure. Now, there’s a lot of public
health data in the United States about high
blood pressure. As you can see here, in this
slide, on the left hand side, about a third
of the population have high blood pressure
and when comparing two eras, an earlier era
in the 90’s to an era in the 21st century,
you can see that the incidence of hypertension
has increased by a tiny amount. And in the
second slide, you’ll see that about 60 plus
percent of patients are actually being treated
and actually, the white slide… the white
bar there shows you that, in fact, we're
treating more patients, which is good.
How are we treating more patients? There are
widespread screening attempts. People set up
booths, often sponsored by the American Heart
Association in parking lots of supermarkets
and offer to do free blood pressure checks
on anybody who wants to come and get checked.
And if their blood pressure is high, the recommendation
is, “Why don’t you tell your doctor about
that? We’re going to write down the blood
pressure we recorded here and we’d like
you to tell your doctor and talk about treatment.”
Unfortunately, even though a lot of people
are being treated, as you can see in the third
bar, actual good control of the blood pressure
is really only about 40 to 50% of patients.
It’s better than it was back in the 90’s,
but still has long way to go. We would like
to see 80 to 90% of people with hypertension
identified and 80 to 90% of them well controlled.
But, we got a long way to go to do that.
So, you can see from the information that
we’ve just talked about. There are still
a lot of patients in the United States with
hypertension who are not identified and unfortunately,
even many of the patients that are identified
are not being treated adequately. So, the
question remains, what approaches can we use
to improve detection and control of hypertension?
Can we find high risk patients? People who
are likely to have a bad outcome if their
hypertension isn’t treated and can we get
them on effective treatment?
We also identify patients who are very high
risk for nasty events like stroke who are
hypertensive and those are the people we really
try and push as hard as we can to get treatment.
So, for example, it turns out that if you
have high blood pressure in the community
test, just when you’re… let’s say coming
to the supermarket, you sit down, you have
your blood pressure taken. If it’s already
elevated, you’re already high risk for problems
down the road. Of course, older aged individuals
with high blood pressure are at higher risk
for bad things happening, patients who are
obese, who are markedly overweight, patients
who have too much salt in their diet.
In general, the average American diet contains
way too much salt and that’s often the case
in Western European diets as well. And of
course, patients that have kidney disease
often have severe problems with high blood
pressure. Diabetics have more problems with
high blood pressure than non-diabetics. If
your heart is thickened, if the left ventricle
is hypertrophied or thickened, that’s a
higher risk situation.
It turns out, older women have more hypertension than
older men. So, there’s another risk factor
and it turns out that probably because of
diet and a number of other factors, residents
in the Southeastern United States are at higher
risk of developing high blood pressure and
stroke. We call that area of the United States
the stroke belt because there are a lot of
patients with hypertensive strokes.
So, again, what are the lifestyle changes
that contribute to hypertension? Well, I think
you probably have already guessed them. Let’s
start, obesity. Blood pressure is directly
related to weight. The fatter you are, the
higher will be your blood pressure. High salt
intake, I’ve already mentioned that. Many
people don’t even taste their food before
they, what I call put a snow storm on, onto
the food with a heavy salt load that raises
your blood pressure. Inactivity, failure to
exercise regularly, ingestion of high fat,
high… predictably high saturated fat foods
and high alcohol content, all increase blood
So, what can you do about it? Of course, you
can start an exercise program, you can start
trying to eat more healthy food and you can
drop your weight. You can cut back on salt
intake. Again, you can start doing a walking
program or some other form of regular exercise
together with diet that helps with weight
loss. You can change what you’re eating
to healthier selections and you can make your
alcohol intake more modest and perhaps, if
you drink because you’re stressed, you can
work on a stress reduction program. All of
these lifestyle changes are important in the
regulation of high blood pressure.
Now, it turns out that there are a number
of substances that are easily bought and at
least in the US, without a prescription that
can increase blood pressure. So, for example,
prescribed anti-depressant drugs can raise
blood pressure. It turns out that over-the-counter
drugs people take from the health food store,
for example, ginseng, can raise your blood
pressure. And of course, certain anti-cancer
drugs raise your blood pressure and as we
just mentioned, alcohol raises your blood
So, there are a number of things that you
take for perhaps appropriate reasons, but
we need to monitor your blood pressure to
make sure you’re not getting that adverse
effect from these drugs.
So, having heard this, we have a little quiz.
Are there lifestyle changes that should be
made by patients with hypertension who have
been started on medication to control the
blood pressure? In other words, should there
be lifestyle changes in addition to the drugs?
Yes or no? And the answer is of course, yes.
All the things we talked about before, weight
control, regular exercise, decrease in salt
intake, decrease in heavy alcohol intake,
there’s a whole variety of lifestyle things
that we talked about. If you’re a person
with a lot of anxiety, mind body programs
help. There are, and as we talked about, modest
alcohol intake. All of these things in combination
with the drugs usually results in excellent
control of the blood pressure, even in people
who have fairly severe high blood pressure.
Well, let’s now talk about the drugs that
help to keep people’s blood pressure down
below the magic number that we always shoot
for is less than 130/80. Now, what I usually
tell my patients is to buy one of these simple
automatic blood pressure cuffs and once or
twice a week, sit quietly for a few minutes
and record their baseline blood pressure.
What we’re shooting for is a home blood
pressure that’s less than 130/80. I usually
ask them to write it down and when I see them
in the office then after several months, I
can sort of see, are most of the time, are
they in fact under 130/80 or are there lots
of 150’s and 160’s being recorded? If
I see a lot of 150’s and 160’s, clearly
the patients need a change in their medical program.