Right, so now we are
going to move on to talk
about Tuberculosis. Now, Tuberculosis is one
form of what we might call a sub-acute lung
infection. Pneumonia is a subject of another
lecture and that is a very acute lung infection
of the alveoli associated with short history
a big inflammatory response, quite extensive
shadowing in this lobar distribution as you
can see in the x-ray left hand side in general,
and a very high C-reactive protein showing
quite a marked inflammation.
When we talk about sub-acute lung infections
we are talking about infections which develop over a much
longer period of time than the few days that
the pneumonia takes, we're talking about a few weeks
and in fact even months sometimes.
The disease itself tends to be more localized
than an acute pneumonia and the consolidation
you see will not necessarily be in a lobar
distribution, and is often associated with
nodules and cavitation. And as well as its
longer history the patients tend not to have
such a marked inflammatory response or lower
C-reactive protein and the hypoxia is not
particularly a major problem in these circumstances
because not much lung is affected. And the
commonest cause of these sub-acute infections
is tuberculosis is by far the commonest cause.
There are other causes and these are listed
in the table, so you see on the right hand
side as well as tuberculosis, there are other
organisms called non-tuberculosis mycobacteria
and these are relatives of the tuberculosis
bacterium but they live in the environment and
occasionally cause infections, which are similar
to tuberculosis. You can also get sub-acute
lung infection by gram-negative bacteria,
Nocardia, another unusual kind of bacteria that
lives in the environment.
Actinomycosis which is again another unusual bacteria which
normally actually lives in your own area of
your mouth, and various fungi can cause similar
diseases. And this is a very different range
of organisms for those that cause acute pneumonia
which are discussed in detail in the other
lecture, but mainly include pneumococcus,
haemophilus influenza, staphylococcus aureus,
and influenza A, as well as the atypical bacteria
such as mycoplasma and chlamydophila. So those
are quite a different range of organisms to the
sub-acute pneumonia organisms.