00:04 Welcome, everyone. 00:05 We're going to let everyone join and get into the row. 00:08 We're excited to see you all here today for Chapter Two, The Qbank Roadmap. 00:17 Welcome, well everybody get comfortable? You'll be communicating via chat today. 00:23 So if you have any questions, any tech issues, please feel free to put it in the chat. 00:28 And we have several Lecturio team members in the room who will be able to help you. 00:34 If you have any tech issues, sometimes it's a matter of refreshing. 00:37 So if you see that your little dots not on and your name, then you'll know that maybe you need to refresh. So... 00:45 Well, everybody come in. 00:46 Hi, welcome. 00:48 Great to have you here today. 00:52 Hi, thanks for having us. 00:54 Thanks, you're having us. 00:56 We appreciate it. 00:59 Welcome. Okay, everyone's coming in now. 01:01 So we'll give it a couple more seconds. 01:05 And then we'll go ahead and get started. 01:08 Really excited for today's topic, I got a sneak peek. 01:12 And I learned something. So really excited. 01:16 Thank you. Great to have you here. 01:20 You're welcome, our pleasure. 01:23 We're really excited. 01:26 All right, so we're going to go ahead and get started. 01:29 This is Lecturio Study Hacks with DocOssareh and the Chapter Two: The Qbank Roadmap. 01:36 So you haven't joined us before. 01:39 Everything will be done via chat as far as communication. 01:42 So if you have any questions, please put them in the chat. 01:45 And we'll answer them as we go through the presentation. 01:49 But please feel free to put anything that you would like to know in the chat, we'll try to answer as fast as many as we can. 01:56 Let's go ahead and get started. 01:58 So we have plenty of time. 02:00 So my name is Nicole Shinn, I am responsible for Student Engagement in Lecturio. 02:05 Always excited to talk with students, especially now since I haven't seen a lot of you in person for some time. 02:13 But always a pleasure, we really want to make sure that we are part of the community and offer topics and things are engaging and things that you want to know. 02:24 And, you know, that may make sense for you to be part of Lecturio. 02:28 So if you have not looked at any of Lecturio resources, please do so because we are more than just YouTube when it comes to resources. 02:38 And you'll be able to see that as we go along. 02:41 But please feel free to check us out. 02:44 We really want you to be able to see everything we have to offer. 02:49 That being said, of course, our expert today, DocOssareh, and you've probably seen him on YouTube. 02:56 He is a YouTube star. 02:58 And I'm gonna let him tell a little bit about himself. 03:00 But he is one of a kind, always love having him join us because he really thinks out of the box when it comes to use your resources Qbanks USMLE prep, and you're going to be really thrilled at what he's going to share today. 03:16 So I will turn it over and the floor is yours. 03:20 Alright guys, thank you for that kind introduction. 03:23 Alright, so today oh, I guess a little bit about me. 03:25 Alright, so I'm DocOssareh. 03:27 I'm a Neurologist. 03:29 I'm Vascular Subspecialty trained. 03:31 And now I am officially two months working as a full attending. 03:35 And let me tell you it is heaven. 03:37 Just as a quick side note before we start talking about USMLE today, the last time we did this, I was like the last two days of fellowship. 03:45 Now I'm you know, been doing for two and a half months as an attending. 03:48 And let me tell you, the light at the end of the tunnel is as bright as my current room. 03:53 It's just heaven. 03:54 You have a better schedule, no one tells you what to do, patients are thankful, you have all this free time. 04:00 I've never had my whole life. 04:01 I don't even know what to do with my free time right now. 04:04 I mean, I have a baby. She fills it up. 04:05 But I mean, I'm just gonna tell you, the light at the end of the tunnel is heaven. 04:09 So yeah, so me DocOssareh been doing a lot of USMLE work. 04:14 Actually, I'm currently studying for vascular neurology boards. 04:17 I'm already a board certified neurologist, but let me tell you, Qbank never ends. 04:22 And that's pretty wild, you know, like I'm, you know, subspecialty trained, working, I've already lost all my hair so young with all this stress. 04:29 And, you know, I'm still studying. 04:31 And this just goes to say, "Hey, this is so valuable." That you know, Qbanking is life. 04:38 It's important as a, you know, three USMLE step 1, 2, 3, your specialty boards or general boards, whatever you have, and then even subspecialty boards, Qbanking doesn't go away. 04:48 So this is kind of like the roadmap to how to do a Qbank. 04:52 And I kind of liked the analogy of the Qbank, being like a roadmap, because it's not that easy. 04:59 Until someone tells you that it's so obvious. 05:02 I remember painfully during first year and second year of med school being so anxious and nervous about USMLE step 1. 05:12 It was miserable. 05:14 And I say that like very openly so you guys can, you know, realize like everyone's nervous and anxious. 05:18 No one's like walking around all proud and sure of what they're doing. 05:22 I remember even the summer before starting med school, I thought first aid for USMLE step one off Amazon, because at the time, I was like, on forums, forums were popular back then. 05:33 And I was just trying to figure out like, how do you do med school like, I didn't want to mess up. 05:37 And everyone talked about first aid and USMLE step 1 and then I realized like, oh, this thing is important. 05:42 Now it's pass fail, things changed. 05:45 But back then it was like, so paramount to get a good 3-digit score. 05:50 And even then I ordered the book early up in Amazon, I had no idea what it was, I mean, I physically bought it and it caught us. 05:56 I never knew how to read, I didn't know what I was doing. 05:58 But in the back of my head was this persistent anxiety of I have to do well on this exam. 06:03 And I did not get much good mentorship, unfortunately, or like guidance on how to study or how to use a Qbank. 06:10 And I even remember to this day, it's like PTSD, I was setting for step 1 and towards like, the last week or two before the exam, I opened up the Qbank, because I did not know that early that I needed to be doing Qbank. 06:24 The more questions you do correlates with a better end result. 06:27 All these things you know, I'm sharing with you, so you realize wherever you are in the path and you're training, you can be like, "Hey, whenever I can catch on to this, the better." And hopefully, everyone who's on it today can catch on to how to do a Qbank, and you can drastically improve your life if it's not already fantastic. 06:43 So I wanted to kind of share that with you to know, "Hey, I'm not special. I'm not gifted. 06:48 I'm a normal person, I had a hard time on step 1, until I finally figured out Qbanking just a week or two before the exam date. 06:55 And boy, once I figured it out, it was heaven." Yeah, quick side question. 07:01 You know, it is step past step 1 is not pass fail. 07:05 And it is, I would argue, as important as ever. 07:08 And this is the pain of it, the content on step 1 never goes away. 07:14 When you take step 2, it's there. 07:16 When you take step 3, it's there. 07:17 I took general neurology boards, it was there. It's insane. 07:22 So if you do not really master the content from step 1 early, you're kind of self-sabotaging. 07:30 This is one of my biggest fears when the exam became pass fail. 07:33 I was hoping that would be announced globally, it never really was. 07:37 But if you do not put in the effort on step 1, step 2 or 3 and on are just going to be painful, because you're going to keep missing points for no reason. 07:45 It's just carryover content from step 1. 07:47 So you know, it does put more pressure on step 2 to comment on the residency question, but I'm going to tell you do your best to just dominate the content. 07:56 It makes every other subsequent step easier. 07:59 Okay. 08:03 Let's see it like this. Okay. 08:04 So question today, you know, the topic is how do we effectively use a Qbank? And you should really get used to this format you see on the screen, when I was making these slides, and I saw this, I got PTSD. 08:16 It is so stressful when I see a blue screen now. 08:19 Again, not stressed, like negative, it's just you're so excited. 08:22 You spend so many months preparing, and you know, game day comes up for several hours, and you know, a screen well. 08:28 So when you see things like this, I mean, it just brings back so many emotions for me because it keeps reminding me this has become such a paramount part of medical education. 08:38 So it's in our favor to really dominate this, because it's not going away. 08:42 And people love it. It's an easy way to score people. 08:45 So you can't beat them, learn the game so that you do win. 08:49 Alright, so when it comes to actual USMLE question design step 1 exam. 08:55 So do the rest all use clinical vignettes to assess your basic science knowledge. 09:00 And each question has a very unique format. 09:03 So but the fun part is it's largely clinical vignettes, every now and then they'll ask you a simple, you know, biochem question but those are rare. 09:09 The majority of the time they're trying to make this physician like and place it in the essence of the clinical scenario. 09:17 So this is the format, each question is going to have a single patient centred vignette, that means that I can be talking about three patients at once, just one patient at a time. Easy. 09:28 And with every single question, there is about 4 or more answer choices that you can pick from. 09:33 So it's multiple choice. 09:35 There's no free typing nothing, you just click a button. 09:38 And what you have to do is important, you have to be able to assess the patient and the question, and you have to maybe interpret late lab data. 09:47 And you may not be I mean, you're not going to be comfortable interpreting lab data. 09:51 I'm just going to say that so if you don't feel comfortable, you don't feel weird, but like they were showing you sodium values and creatinine clearance and I was like I'm just you know, I took benzene rings and -- o Chem scuffle, you know, semesters ago, it's this, they show you a chest X ray, but you don't know how to read a chest X ray. 10:05 They're doing it on purpose, to mess with you to put content that's above your grade level to push you and kind of scare you and rattle you. 10:11 So you make an error. 10:13 But as you do more questions, you become familiar with the tricks they're doing. 10:17 And then you don't get distracted by that. 10:19 And they're going to show you charts because for some reason, USMLE test creators think the more complex charts they put then will only the smart kids are going to figure it out. 10:28 It's ridiculous. 10:29 But you have to use again, do more questions and start to realize that the charts are not hard to understand. 10:35 They just purposely make them confusing to throw you off. 10:38 And only the people who put in more questions are going to go with to figure it out. 10:42 And this is the key. 10:44 Each question for each clinical vignette will have a single question being asked, when I was an undergrad, my general chemistry teacher told me stop answering the question that you want to answer, answer the question being asked by the question. 10:57 And that subtle comment, but what she meant is sometimes answer choices are going to be right at first glance, but when you go back to the question stem and see what were they asking. 11:08 You realize it wasn't. 11:09 So you really have to pay attention and see what is that question that they're asking so you answered. 11:14 And it's very common for us to make that error. 11:16 So again, this is a key point. 11:19 People get burned on this all the time. 11:21 When I do like private coaching for step 1, this always is in problem that the test is trying to make use of like the single best answer to a question, and why do we highlight best? Because they do it on purpose to mess with you. 11:34 More often than not what more than one answer will be correct or partially correct. 11:39 And you're going to be tempted to just click it and go. 11:42 But they do that on purpose again, because if they don't make this challenging, almost every point is going to get a great score. 11:48 So they have to put in as many tricks as they can. 11:51 Because the people taking this test are pretty smart. 11:53 I mean, you guys are like pretty brilliant to be at this level. 11:57 And so they do it to trick you. 11:58 So it's your job to always ask yourself on every single question. 12:02 This is why I have PTSD when I saw the blue screen on Qbank. 12:05 It's so much pressure to keep asking yourself, Is this the best answer? Can I find anything else? But oh, well, you kind of get around that. 12:12 So push it and then kind of go from there. 12:15 So that's a key thing memorize the single best answer, not the one you want to answer what they're asking about. 12:22 So when it comes to into attacking a question, I have a non trademark method that's completely an acronym I wanted to just make for myself called the DocOssareh Method, why not? So it's just something I came up with. 12:33 So everyone's gonna have their own strategy. 12:35 And this one, I kind of developed myself with a little bit of guidance from senior people. 12:39 When I was actually taking step 2. 12:41 Step 1, I was on my own, just scrapping it together. 12:44 Step 2, I started to realize, "Hey, there's something going on here, there's got to be an algorithm I can follow." So I kept asking around, and I took little pieces of data, switch it together with what I came up with, and I developed this strategy. 12:56 So everyone's gonna have a different strategy. 12:58 I want to share mine and the logic behind it. 13:00 And maybe again, you can do what I did take some pieces of mine and put it with what you like, and have something that works. 13:06 So here's what I recommend, as a simple strategy. 13:10 Look is a roadmap. 13:12 Number 1. Start by reading the last sentence or two of the question. 13:17 And that is because you want to know what is the question being asked. 13:21 Well, before you even attack the question. 13:24 Often, the stem can be like super long. 13:26 And there's going to be a bunch of filler information in there, again, to make you waste time on reading it to drill down on the clock. 13:33 So don't just start from the top and start reading. 13:35 That's the mistake that I used it in the very beginning, start with the last sentence or last two sentences. 13:40 First is say, "Hey, what are they asking me?" Are they asking me what medication should I give? What's the best pharmacological treatment? Is there going to be a chart? I have to know. 13:50 Is it about something in biostatistics, etc, you just kind of anchor yourself on what am I looking for? After you read the last sentence, and you know, what question is being asked, then you actually look at the answer choices. 14:02 Next, you quickly scan them, just to get a sense again, of what are they going to be asking and what kind of choices are available. 14:09 This just gives you a simple again, kind of like framework when you're about to answer the question. 14:14 And at this point, you actually able to be able to eliminate a couple answer choices this early. 14:20 Yeah, reading the last sentence and scanning the answer choices. 14:22 You may be like,"Hey, I don't think these even makes sense just from what I'm even looking at from a category perspective." And then you may notice other test taking strategies. 14:31 These are kind of basic, but they work. 14:33 My roommate taught me these when I'm studying for step 2. 14:35 Jason, thank you. 14:37 You know, if you notice that two answers are pretty but just kind of worded differently. 14:42 Neither one can be accurate, they cannot make it that close. 14:45 Or if the wording is too similar. 14:47 You can automatically eliminate so there's options we have here. 14:50 Now, then, after you've read the last sentence, scan the answers, maybe eliminated something then you go and actually read the question stem carefully. 14:59 This is important. 15:01 Don't just skim it, because that's where you missed questions. 15:03 So we read the last sentence, we skim the answer choices, put in the effort to read the question stem one time, and one time only, and read it thoughtfully and carefully, quick. 15:14 Don't skim it and think I could always come back, going back is a time waste, you cannot afford that time loss. 15:20 So read it carefully, once. 15:22 That's kind of a rule that I have. And I think it works. 15:25 So you only have about a minute and a half to read and answer a question. 15:29 So you need to read it carefully. 15:31 But you know, efficiently, you don't just sit there. 15:33 But that's the point, you only have a minute and a half. 15:35 After you've read it and looked at the answer choices, you don't have time to go back and read it again and try again, there just isn't time. 15:42 So read it carefully, one time move on. 15:44 And for some questions, you know, they may have images, chest X rays, lab data. 15:49 And again, that's going to be time where you have to look at that, interpret that, go back to the vignette, then pick an answer. 15:54 So these are all things that they do to make the question more complex, and again, eat at the time. 16:00 So after you write it again, you look at the answer choices, you may be able to eliminate answer choices again, and some just may not be like the others, some are identical again, etc, you can start eliminating. 16:11 Now, this is another important point. 16:13 This is where having done lots of question. 16:16 Question bank questions comes in handy. 16:19 You start filtering the wording of questions, how they present data, how they present charts, there's only so much they can do. 16:26 And after you've done a Qbank more than once, and you've done a lot of questions, you know, 100, so you know, close low 1000s. 16:33 You are in the zone, you know this, they can't trick you. 16:37 Because it's all you've been doing and these are really familiar with it. 16:40 It's like when you sort of binge watching your show. 16:43 Let's take for example, Breaking Bad. 16:45 If you're watching the show, and episode and episode after episode, go on, you serve to kind of catch here's the intro music theme, they're going to show me this, there's going to be some excitement, there's going to be some kind of hang at the end and then the next episode. 16:57 So you know, hashtag Netflix examples. 17:01 Mr. White, thank you. That's why I shaved my head. No. 17:04 But that's the point I'm trying to make. 17:06 Anything in life when you put in enough binge work, you start to see the pattern, same thing for Qbank, binge it every single day, and you will start to be the one who says I know where it's going, I caught the trend. 17:18 That is literally what the people who get the top scores do. 17:21 They do it so many times that they can know the trends better without even really reading the question sometimes. 17:28 Already. Now, since the question is being asked and you scan their answer choices, you come up with an answer before you look at the answer choices. 17:35 This is a subtle thing that I do not everyone does this. 17:38 So you know, you looked at the question stem looked at the answer choices, you read the whole question stem carefully. 17:44 And then you can think to yourself, What do I think is the answer? And then you can look at the answer choices. 17:48 Not everyone does this, I tend to do it more often than not. 17:52 The reason why not everyone does this is it's hard to know the answer choices after you only skim them once and then carefully read an entire question stem. 18:00 But again, you don't have to, I just bring this up as it's an option of something that you potentially can do. 18:06 And again, the key to all of this is that never start reading a question by just hitting next and then question number 14 here and just starting at the top reading the whole stem, reading the last sentence and looking at answer choices. 18:19 That's not an efficient way. 18:21 That's how I unfortunately started in the very beginning. 18:23 I don't recommend it. 18:25 And then overall, use our strategy. 18:27 Questions stem last sentence, scan the answer choices, the whole question, try to come up with an answer, eliminate answers. 18:35 Notice I didn't say pick the right one eliminate. 18:38 Because once you eliminate what's wrong, because there's going to be, say there's five answer choices, there's going to be four wrong, and only one correct, you can eliminate things usually pretty quickly. 18:48 And then you can focus on how to pick the final right answer, as opposed to try to look at all of them and thinking which one could be right. 18:55 It's easier to think which one can be wrong. 18:59 All right. 19:00 Now again, question banks are pretty phenomenal. 19:04 I remember I was a third year med student and like my stroke attending told me when he was studying for his subspecialty boards, he's like all I did was Qbank I never cracked a book, and I remember thinking that rattled my brain. 19:15 I was like, ''What do you mean?" And he's like, it's the best way to learn from a question. 19:19 Reading chapter after chapter, you don't know what's high yield. 19:22 How do you even know if that's going to come up on the test? Question banks are designed with an intent to have every question teach you a high yield lesson. 19:30 If the question bank is created intelligently. 19:33 So this is why question banks are amazing. 19:36 It's there's really, in my opinion, no better way to learn than actively engaging with a question and then trying to learn from the answer choices. 19:44 But the challenge here is that not everyone does or use question banks correctly. 19:49 I didn't use them correctly. 19:50 So let's kind of talk a little bit about how to effectively use a question bank you know, for each variable that's in it. 19:59 So first, when using question banks, you have an option of how many questions to do in a block? What do I recommend? Always do 40 questions. 20:09 40 questions are... 20:12 How many are on the actual USMLE Step 1 test for every single block? So what are we doing? We are mimicking test environments. 20:20 You know, I know some people may say, "Hey, I'll just do five questions, I'll do 20, etc." I really think you should try to do 40 at a time. 20:28 And why? Muscle memory. 20:30 If your brain is used to sitting down and doing 40 questions every single time, that's what you're used to, you don't know anything else, your stamina, your focus, your fatigue, everything is set up around the world of 40 questions. 20:44 And that's perfect, because that's a real test day is. 20:48 So why not do that. 20:49 So again, it's my opinion, I'm kind of strict about this. 20:52 I don't do 5 questions in the morning, you know, I get up early, and I crank out 40. 20:57 Or I just don't do it. 20:58 But again, then I feel guilty for not doing it. 21:00 And then I forced time in my life to make sure I did do my 40. 21:04 And that's just me, I prefer to do it. 21:06 I always think if you're going to practice, always practice in, you know, warlike conditions that you're going to be engaging in. 21:13 And for this, it's going to be you're always given 40 questions every block, there's no variety. 21:17 So just do that. 21:20 And then, you know, like I said, some questions say, "Hey, I'll just do 10 because I'm short on time." And again, this is a tough talking point, because I think you should only do the 40 to train your brain to sit and focus for 40 questions. 21:32 It's not easy. 21:33 And you know, I've seen people even like Seph, you know, in a line at a coffee shop, and just kind of skimming you world, or they're like to your Q bank, and I'm just like, what are you doing? During those times, you know, a Qbank requires a lot of dedicated focus and attention and blocking out interruption. 21:49 And we're going to talk about in the next few slides here, how to really learn from the Qbank, not just how to attack the question. 21:56 So because you know, you're you'll see, hopefully, by the end of this, that it's insane to think you could do it casually on your phone, you really need to be sitting down blocking everything out. 22:06 So what could you do? You could watch Breaking Bad. Sure, a break is good. 22:10 Or what I kind of did was, I was watching videos on topics, or reading PDF, like little paragraphs, while I was in mind, why I like doing that, I find that if you're just kind of reviewing material randomly, or not randomly, like random times like this, like add a line at Starbucks, it's kind of long for like 2-3 minutes, you could easily watch that video, as opposed to just skimming through Instagram, which has no yield for you. 22:35 The value is you have to pick one very focused topic that is not random, something that you care about. And you're like, hey, yeah, yesterday, we were talking about, you know, thalamic strokes, I don't really get why they have an aphasia, let me quickly Google that. 22:49 You know, something simple and focused, then you've you know, kind of grown in that short, little moment. 22:53 So that's why I recommend you do in these old downtimes, if you want to try to be academic. 22:58 And again, Qbanks really do require your full experience, your full focus, so don't use them passively. 23:05 That's I think the most prone error you can make is to do a bunch of questions and do them wrong. 23:12 And then you think, "Oh, I did a bunch of questions." Well kind of, it didn't count. 23:15 So that's the pain here, you really got to try to do it in a way it's effective. 23:19 And we'll talk about that right now. 23:21 So oh, looks up. Yeah. So yeah, someone's asking you about Time Mode and what mode you do? I'll tell you right now. 23:29 So you know, so the first thing that Qbank will ask you is how many questions do you want to do? We should do 40. 23:36 And then second, they'll ask you do you want to timed or untimed. 23:40 And if you want to do it in test mode, or tutor mode. 23:42 So again, presuming you kind of catch the model or they go here, you want to mimic test day strategy, test day experience. 23:52 So we want to always simulate the test day environment. 23:57 So I always do it timed never untimed. 23:59 The rationale why is if you're doing 40 questions, and you click timed, it will naturally put a clock up there, it's going to be the exact same clock that you are going to experience on exam day. 24:11 So that you whenever you open a question, you don't just sit there and you play on your phone. 24:14 Oh, yeah. What was that question? No. 24:16 If you see a question, you could trigger your full focus, you're trying to read the question stem, the answer choices, picking it etc. 24:25 Within a minute and a half a pick a choice, and you move on. 24:28 There is no rereading or rethinking all this stuff. There's no time. 24:32 So that's why I think you should do a time because again, you need to put yourself in the experience zone of doing it time because that's what you're going to do one exam day, why practice anything different? Second, I think you should do it to test mode. 24:46 And again, the so like, what is the difference between, you know, test mode and tutor mode? Tutor mode every time you click an answer, it'll give you the answer solution right away to know if you're right or wrong, and it'll give you the full explanation. 25:00 Tests mode, it makes you do all 40 questions. 25:02 And at the very end, it'll give you answers to all of them. 25:05 I think you should always do it in test mode, because that's what the real test is. 25:12 You don't, you know, in real tests that you don't pick it, and they tell you if you did it right or wrong, that kills the flow. 25:17 So do it in test mode, do all 40 questions, focus on interrupted, building that stamina. 25:23 And I will tell you from personal experience, again, it is not easy to do 40 questions back to back to back every block, like, you're fresh and ready to go. 25:33 It's not, it's actually hard. 25:35 So that's why you need to train like that. 25:37 You do 40 questions, you do them timed, you always do them in test mode, because that's what you do on game day. 25:43 And you start to build the stamina, the focus, and you know, fatigue resistance to do well at that. 25:49 And again, that's what the whole focus is. 25:51 A couple questions here. 25:55 You know, we're going to highlighting key words in the question stems. 25:59 I think it's a great idea. 26:01 Good point, I didn't think about that, they didn't think about saying that. 26:04 I think it's a phenomenal idea. 26:06 I do it because I need to engage myself, like back in the day when I was in college, most things were on paper. 26:13 So I always like underlined with like the pencil I had. 26:17 Now everything's on the computer. 26:18 So I physically use the cursor to highlight certain selective words, not like the whole thing. 26:24 And again, I just do it to keep myself focused. 26:28 But again, that comes with strategy, the more questions you do, you will develop a sense of what you'd like to highlight. 26:34 Some people have had almost every word is just like, okay, that worked for you. 26:38 There's no wrong way. 26:39 Some people just stare at it, don't even touch the mouse, that's okay too, do whatever works. 26:43 I like to do it to engage myself to make myself focus. 26:46 Because again, doing lots of questions builds fatigue, it's not easy, it's not that much fun. 26:51 You want to kind of get it over with and go on with your life. 26:53 But I use it as a way to really keep myself engaged in the screen focus on the question, not getting distracted, getting the most out of it. 27:03 Let's see, here are the questions. 27:05 How many questions you do every day to get the information normal range? You can do the things you can, you know, it's completely up to you. 27:15 You know, if you could do three, four blocks a day, wow, or just two blocks a day, that's okay. 27:19 When I was doing full Qbank, I could only do two blocks a day, do a block in the morning, takes an hour spent four hours going through everything, another block in the afternoon after lunch and another four hours. 27:29 That's, you know, 10 hours already gone for that day. 27:32 So I can only do two blocks a day. 27:34 But I was slow and very thorough on my reading, which we'll talk about how to do that here in a few moments. 27:39 But that's just me. Some people could do many blocks a day. 27:42 I don't know what they're getting on a bit, hopefully a lot. 27:44 Maybe they're just faster than me. 27:45 But in my slow and thoughtful strategy, I could only do two blocks a day. 27:50 And again, yeah, the highlighting feature is available in the build test. 27:52 You can also right click on the answer choices to put a line through it and kind of gray's it out. 27:57 So you don't even see it that much. 27:58 And you just see the rest answer choices that you're working through. 28:01 So other pretty fun. 28:04 Options, you have an exam day. 28:07 Okay. 28:08 So here the benefit here is that yeah, so again, so, you know, again, why do I push doing Qbanks in a certain way? Timed 40 questions, test mode, because you're going to spend a solid hour going through 40 questions just like you do on exam day, you then finish the block, and then you get to go through each question and carefully read it. 28:26 So that's what we do, you know, test mode, 40 questions, and you treat each question like game day. 28:32 And then when you are done now is the most important part, I'm going to tell you more than anything is how do you learn from the Qbank? If you do this part wrong, you're doing questions, and I don't know what you're getting out of it. 28:43 How do I know that because I mess up in step 1 setting until the very end, and then I had to scram to figure it out. 28:48 So when you sit down for a while, the questions again, clear up an hour of your time, sit in a location that's like test day, I would be at a cubicle at the library. 28:59 I put everything off my desk, I had just a laptop, the phone was in airplane mode or turned off. 29:05 I didn't have anything else on the desk that was allowed to add a pencil and a piece of paper because that's what they let you do. 29:11 And that was it. 29:12 Because again, I wanted to simulate exam day. 29:14 I don't have music on or TV or food on my desk. 29:18 You know, I'm all crazy about it. 29:19 I wanted to emulate and simulate the real testing environment. 29:24 So I said I think you should do. 29:25 And yeah, Andreas, that's okay. 29:27 If you can't do more than one block a day that is perfectly fine. 29:30 Because that's all you can do in life. 29:32 This is like a bigger principle, but you cannot sweat the small stuff like this. 29:36 If someone is doing a few blocks a day, who cares? We're going to quote one of my good friends, Warren Buffett He's not a good friend and I wish he was. 29:44 But he does have this analogy that I like and he calls it the internal report card. 29:50 This is probably the most thoughtful thing you need to know in medicine. 29:53 It's very easy to compare yourself to other people. 29:57 Oh, he says he's getting this kind of score percent correct on Qbank, he's doing this many blocks a day. 30:02 He's read all these questions he's done, you know, the Qbank on the third run now, it's eat, who cares? And that's really hard to ignore all that stuff. 30:12 Trust me, I know. 30:13 But what you have to ask yourself is how am I doing compared to myself yesterday, last week, a month ago? That's all that matters, because you're the only person that you can work on yourself. 30:23 As long as you are moving up and improving, you're doing good. 30:25 So if you can only do one block a day, so be it. 30:30 Do one block a day. 30:31 And then keep putting in the effort. 30:33 Keep putting in the time and watch yourself go to more than one block a day. 30:37 Who cares what other people are doing? But it's extremely hard to not compare yourself. 30:41 It's like a human nature trade. 30:43 But we all have to do it every day. 30:45 So after you take in the full block and full test mode, 40 questions timed. 30:50 Now we have to go through the question. 30:51 This is where the rubber meets the road. 30:53 This is the most important thing. 30:55 This is how you use a question bank. 30:57 This is why you buy the question bank is boring this moment. 31:00 So start with the first question. 31:03 And so now we're like in tutor mode, let's say we're going to you know, we've done the 40 questions, we click Submit it told us you got this many questions correct and these many questions wrong. 31:12 Sure, you're going to care about the percent of right or wrong because as human instinct. 31:17 Don't worry about it. 31:19 You worry about it towards the end, when exam day is coming. Sure. 31:22 But again, maintain that internal report card concept and just watch your score hopefully go up. 31:28 If it goes down every now and then goes back up, whatever, you got to kind of zoom out some blocks are just going to be harder than others. 31:34 But just worry about yourself, look at that percent correct. 31:37 And the beginning ignore it. 31:39 We don't care what you're getting right. 31:41 This is like a big thing that I teach on the private side, when you are starting out in the Qbank, we don't care what percent you get right or wrong, because it means nothing. 31:49 You haven't even seen the value of the Qbank yet. 31:52 Once you start learning from the Qbank, like we're going to talk about right now, then later, the percent correct matters. 31:57 So hit next after they tell you your percent correct? And then just start with the first question. 32:03 Because they're going to open up the whole block to you again and let's learn from it. 32:06 So the first thing you should do is to reread the question stem and again, scan the answer choices. 32:12 And even if you got the answer right or wrong, we're going to do the same thing every single time. 32:16 So after you read it, then you're going to get an explanation, where they're going to tell you the correct answer was whatever. 32:23 And then they'll give you a little bit paragraph usually about you know what it means and what you can learn from it. 32:29 And then there'll be answers as to why every single other answer choice was wrong. 32:35 This is very valuable. 32:36 This is where you should really be putting in your time. 32:38 This is why it took me 4 hours to go through a block of 40 questions on review. 32:43 Because I didn't just skim this and go, "Okay, got it right. Yeah, I knew it. Next." You have to read painfully here. 32:48 So what I want you to do, and it's my recommendation, this is the valuable part, go through the description below and read the correct answer choice. 32:55 Whether you got to right or wrong, you do the same thing every time. 32:58 You don't get confident because you got it right. Nobody cares. 33:01 Read the description, and see if there's any part of it that you don't know we have an absence of knowledge, or you didn't maybe interpret the data correctly, you didn't read the image right. 33:11 The chart was confusing to you. 33:12 You need to identify, where did I go wrong? Even if you've got it right, you need to go why did I get it right? Did I guess? Did I eliminate answer choices that were wrong? And that's how I figured it out. 33:23 You need to know why you got it wrong. 33:25 Or why you get it right, because you need to know an answer. 33:28 Now, maybe you misunderstood the question being asked or maybe you asked the question that was partially right, but not the best answer. 33:35 You need to ask yourself with every single question all these questions to yourself, what happened? And this is why it takes so long. 33:43 This is also why I recommend doing a question block and then reviewing it immediately thereafter. 33:48 If you do a question block today, and then you start trying to review it tomorrow, you're not gonna remember the thinking you had in your head as to why you behave the way you did. 33:57 Why you picked answer choices the way you did. 33:59 So it's really in your favor to try to do the review right after doing the question block. 34:05 So again, the purpose of this about why you want to go to the correct answer first is you want to figure out why the correct answer is correct. 34:11 And then you want to go through the process to figure out why was every wrong answer wrong. 34:15 This is also important because really, then every question becomes five hidden questions in one. 34:21 Because you never know the wrong answer choice could be the core of the content for the next question being asked or maybe on real exam day. 34:28 So you get just as much data from the wrong as you do the correct answer. 34:33 Now, you need to again, you need to like we said be able to identify from each question and why you got it wrong or why even got it right. 34:41 And they need to see if it was a lack of knowledge now if say, Okay, I didn't know this content, I wasn't too sure. 34:47 Then you need to say something what I'm doing like going on to the next question. 34:50 I'm going to open up my video series, I'm going to open up a book, whatever I need to, to try to then learn the content for that moment and then take notes somewhere or in the book you have it's your high yield book, maybe its first aid book or whatever you like, and just start writing in there what you got wrong from the question. 35:07 So that later if you look at that book, you'll go yeah, this is a kind of a high yield topic that I didn't understand that's related to this content. 35:14 Now, if again, like we said, if you were then lacking, maybe not knowledge, but in test taking strategy, where you were kind of confused or tricked by the wording that they use, then you need to make yourself aware of these mistakes, and try to focus on it. 35:27 This is a lot harder, because you can't just open up a book and find testing strategy errors that you made. 35:33 You need to kind of find this out to yourself. 35:36 You could say, hey, they worded this really odd, technically USMLE is not supposed to use double negatives. 35:43 And I supposed to say which of the following is not like, you know, they're not supposed to use the not phrase too much. 35:48 But if that happens, you think about it. 35:50 If you say hey, you know, I quickly read the last sentence, and I thought I knew the question, but then I came back to it later, I kind of got confused and forgot. 35:59 And I picked an answer choice. I just felt right. 36:01 You need to think about that. 36:02 And make like mental notes to yourself on how are you managing your test taking strategy. 36:08 That again, is another big reason why names I always like to say, review the question the same day after doing the 40 questions. 36:16 If you try to review it the next day, or even worse, after that, you're not gonna remember what you were thinking or what you were feeling with respect to test taking strategy. 36:25 So like we said, you're going to go through all the other answer choices that were wrong and figure out why they are wrong. 36:31 Again, yes, this takes forever. 36:33 This is why it takes so long. 36:34 This is why it takes me about 4 hours to go through a Qbank after I've done it. 36:38 Because you're putting in all this time and thinking about the question. 36:41 And again, learning about why the wrong answer choices wrong, helps you know more thoroughly about why the correct one is correct. 36:48 And again, on the real test. 36:50 Remember, you pick a topic that may come up maybe one of the wrong answer choices from a Q bank question, and then maybe the real question later. 36:59 So again, every Q bank question has multiple learning points, not just one. 37:05 Now, like we said earlier, after you've reviewed it, and you find a gap knowledge in your thinking or your understanding, you got to open up the book, video series, YouTube, whatever you do, and fill in the knowledge that you did not know that you're going to say is high yield. 37:20 In my opinion, if it's in a Qbank, and you didn't know it is high yield. 37:24 No one's gonna make a Qbank question for minutiae. 37:27 And again, if you need to do more learning what better time this is analogous, this is maybe a kind of a hard analogy, if it's something easier. 37:36 But like, once you're on the wards in the hospital, they say the best way to learn a topic is to read about every single patient. 37:42 So if you had a patient come in with a left MCA syndrome, and then you read about left MCA syndrome, it's easier to remember because you remember the patient in your head, you remember reading about it, you connected to it, make sense of it. 37:54 And it's kind of easier to remember, same thing here. 37:57 If you have a question. 37:58 And again, you're seeing how much time we're putting into reading the answer and the solution and the explanation. 38:04 While you're reading all these things, when you stop and then take a book open or watch a video and keep learning about the same topic at the same moment. 38:12 Same analogy, it's getting ingrained in your head, you're not spending all these minutes and 10s of 20 minutes just on one question sometimes. 38:20 But by the end of it, you've really wrapped your head around it and filled in that knowledge base. 38:24 There's nothing better you can do. 38:26 This is why a Qbank is so valuable. 38:28 You entrench yourself in every question, and you get the most out of it. 38:32 You cannot do that if you're flying through questions. 38:34 If you find through questions, you're not much isn't sticking to you. 38:37 But if you entrench yourself, it's like glue. 38:40 And then you do better. 38:41 The value of this is, after you've done like a couple 100 questions or a little low 1000s. 38:46 You just catch this trend so much better. 38:49 You review faster, you will know the content better, you remember, oh yeah, I've seen things on this before, and you just get better at it. 38:56 So don't be discouraged when you're very slow in the beginning, it is natural. 39:01 But every time it's so hard, but you will you know, get better at it. 39:05 Alright, so here's a question. 39:08 How close are Qbanks to? Oh, oh, yeah. Okay, kind of a tough question. 39:12 Because it depends on the Qbank you're using. 39:16 So if you're using a good Qbank, it's going to be very much like the real test day. 39:22 And if you're using a garbage Qbank, then it's going to be garbage. 39:26 This is hard. 39:28 Of course, we're on a Lecturio platform, here at the best Qbank you can ever get. 39:33 I mean, it's obviously a very good Qbank. 39:34 I wouldn't be supporting it if it wasn't. 39:36 But you know, this is I think, where you kind of have to do your own due diligence and talk to senior members of your school or people you respect. 39:44 And people are going to tell you what they use and you use the Qbank yourself. 39:48 And if you start to think like this, this is kind of worded kind of weird. 39:51 I don't know. I don't know if I like it. 39:53 You can also do the USMLE mock exams of the actual USMLE releases themselves once you got to pay for and you can do that Questions and kind of do an internal reflection of, "Is the Qbank I'm using good?" And I'm just going to also say this, if you're using a mainstream Qbank, you're fine. 40:10 You know, if you're using some weird book, okay, don't use a book. That's crazy. 40:13 Everything's online now. 40:15 So if you're using like a mainstream big Qbank that everyone else uses, it should be fine. 40:19 If you're using something weird and minor in esoteric stuff. 40:23 So again, it's kind of, you know, asking people and doing your own internal review. 40:27 But if you're using something mainstream, it should be perfectly fine. 40:31 Alright, so again, learning from a question bank, as you can see, this civil lengthy process is painful. 40:39 You know, it's in time intensive, it's very active thinking, reading, contemplating to yourself, coming up with a strategy as to why did I make errors? Why did I think about that? It's like, very intense, internal review, and it requires your full attention. 40:56 This is why you can't if now that you see how I review the question, no way you can do this. 41:00 Well, it's like walking through a Starbucks line, you need to sit and be completely entrenched in the screen and thinking about it, and eliminating other distractions. 41:08 And yes, it's time intensive, it requires your full attention, you get drained after doing a Bach... 41:13 I used to get into the library, when 7 or 8am, do the block 8-9, 9 to like, 9, 10, 11, 12 to 1 I'd be reviewing, I go home, eat lunch, like walk around for a little bit and come back within an hour, and then do the same thing. 41:28 So it's so intensive, I took like an hour long break between doing blocks when I was studying. 41:33 So it's that kind of strategy. 41:35 But again, as you can see, it makes sense. 41:39 It's something this I mean, hopefully you can just see the logic behind this method. 41:42 It's not like I'm, it's not weird. 41:44 It's just you're putting a lot of time you're being thoughtful, you're entrenching yourself in the moment. 41:48 And you know, it's proven to lead to success. 41:50 And hopefully, it's logical to you. 41:52 You don't have to trust me, you can just use your own barometer and see if that makes sense. 41:56 So again, let's kind of summarize what we've talked about here. 42:00 Step 1, questions are in the format of clinical vignettes. 42:03 And each question focuses on a single patient, and every question has a single best answered, just try your best to remember that always, it's an easy trick they use, especially when you're pressured under time, you're anxious on exam day, etc. 42:18 This is where they get you. 42:19 And then studying for it requires using your question bank, and whenever you do use a question bank, simulate the exam day 40 Questions timed test mode, nothing else. 42:30 And I'm strict about that when it comes to myself. 42:33 Because once I start to give myself a little bit of leeway... 42:36 Oh, all the 10 questions on do not timed, it's all gonna fall apart. 42:40 So keep it tight, have a strict program with yourself and you will do better. 42:45 And again, when studying from the question bank, you want to use the careful process of really learning from every question, the correct answer that was supposed to be for the question, and also all the wrong answer choices. 42:58 Because again, this is where it takes so much time to read through each question, each question that is not only a learning point as to what was right, it's also a learning point as to what was wrong. 43:08 And as you learn the wrong answers, you start to learn that content more deep, and I guarantee you wrong answers become the ninus for the next question is just what question bank creators do, how innovative can they really be? So it's in your favour to do so. 43:22 And you know, as you're studying each question, use text, video references, whatever you have to study, because again, it keeps you engaged in the moment with that question, and you're learning better. 43:34 Alright, so here's like, some marketing info. 43:38 So to prepare for the USMLE with a comprehensive Q bank, try a one week free Lecturio Qbank, no credit card necessary. 43:46 Again, this is nice, because I really do believe use the barometer technique I'm telling you about. 43:52 Go buy, like one of the USMLE question banks from the company, do those questions, do Lecturio thing, it's free for a week. 43:59 See if you like it, you know, if it's not for you, that's okay. 44:02 If it is, you know, I'm gonna be pretty surprised if it's not because the content is so strong. 44:08 And it's very much like the test and you'll like it. 44:11 And otherwise I wouldn't be putting all this effort to support it and try and teach you guys, I want you to have access to a good Qbank. 44:17 I want you to have tools to win. 44:18 I recommend it. 44:21 Wow, that was fantastic. 44:22 And we have over 2000 Step 1 Qbank questions. 44:25 - So a lot. - Wow. 44:27 Yeah, we're always... 44:28 And people do the Qbank more than once. 44:30 Imagine doing 4000 questions before exam day. 44:33 Exactly. And that's not including the spaced repetition questions. 44:36 So we have so many questions. 44:39 And I thought it was a great point you added about not doing things in the Starbucks line. 44:43 So with our app, you can actually download our video library. 44:48 You cannot the video lessons and do those in line versus Qbank questions. 44:54 So I thought it was really great. 44:55 So well, we have a little bit of time. 44:58 So if there any questions, please free to put them into chat box. 45:01 We answered some throughout the presentation. 45:04 But that was really great information. 45:07 And I think a really great way to learn how to methodically and strategically tackle those Q bank questions, because we all we're always talking about them. 45:17 Like how to really use them effectively is something that I don't think I've heard before. 45:25 So I thought it was wonderful. 45:27 Sorry, does anyone have any questions? So we're actually working on what we call our concept cards, which is something a little bit more high tech and high yield. 45:44 And so you're really like them. 45:46 So look on the on the lookout -- , because we're doing a lot of things where we're kind of rearranging and packaging things where it's going to make a lot more sense. 45:55 And you'll love it even more than flashcards, I promise. 45:58 We're doing a lot of research on how students can effectively learn and manage your time and get the most and especially with for retention. 46:08 So you want to look out. 46:11 The other questions, let's see. 46:14 Oh, this is a very good question. 46:16 Is it better to do random block for specific subjects at once? That's a very good point. 46:21 In the beginning, I always tried to mimic the content that you're learning in the coursework during medical school with the Qbank content. 46:28 So you're learning, hopefully good content in school, usually it's not. 46:33 It's not usually a high yield. 46:34 And then but you can say, okay, we're doing cardiopulmonary right now, I will do cardio and pulmonary questions in the Qbank. 46:40 That's what I do in the beginning. 46:41 Once you've reviewed most of the content in the Qbank, then I go to mix subject, because then it's what the exam is doing. 46:48 The exam doesn't give you like, "Oh, it's just a heart now, oh, it's just a kidney." They mix it up random. 46:53 So in the beginning, I don't do it random, because you're just still learning the content. 46:57 But once you've covered the content and learned it, then go mixed, because that's an exam that is like exam day. 47:08 One question that just came up. 47:11 Which one? Do you see it? So the question is, is it good to just do only one type of Qbank question before the exam? Oh, yes, if you're somewhere, is it good to do just one on one time. 47:34 I know what that means... 47:35 Maybe... 47:37 getting more content, maybe by subject. 47:41 Do you mean by... 47:44 If it's before the exam, you know, in the very beginning to a bisubject because you're learning the content, but once you've reviewed the content ones, always mix it up. 47:52 And then on exam day, I recommend not doing questions in the morning, you can if you want. 47:57 But again, random. 47:58 Do not, you know in the beginning, subject to help you learn towards the end, random because that's what exam day is. 48:10 We have way, way more questions. 48:15 Yeah, I didn't... 48:19 -- So that is actually again, I think the value is up to you. 48:24 What I like about Lecturio over UWorld is Lecturio has other content built into it to help you learn. 48:31 You will learn on your own. 48:33 So here there is pages, the first eight and a just go straight to the videos. 48:38 But you know, either way, I'm going to argue do whatever works for you. 48:41 If you like to look at me, you'll be hopefully using both and learning from everything. 48:45 But you will find what works for you and just stick with it. 48:50 But I have a preference because it's kind of unless you know all your resources. 48:53 It's a little bit tricky. 48:55 And just as a question regarding a comment regarding resources, really trying to have as few as you can. 49:01 It is impossible to have many resources. 49:04 I feel like this is also one of the things that I had anxiety about when I first started med school. 49:09 It was I wanted all the resources. 49:10 But I thought I felt sick, it was like more blankets around me and I felt more safe and warm. 49:15 It is hard to have lots of resources and you cannot master them. 49:19 So I picked one resource for every topic and some resources banned as many topics as they were still good. 49:26 And I stuck with it. 49:27 And it was really hard because I hear some people saying, "Oh, I'm using this. It's amazing for me." Who cares what's good for them? There's no winner out there. 49:35 Try them all out and see what you think works for you and just stick with it and ignore the other resources. 49:40 That is hard to do. 49:42 But I really believe strongly in... -- And so we have a question. 49:48 Do you have RM preparation Qbank? So I'm going to assume for nursing, if that's correct. 49:56 So absolutely. It's on a different platform than our med resources. 50:00 So you'll go to lecturio.com/nursing. 50:03 And you'll be able to see all of the resources there. 50:05 So I'm hoping you're nursing and not right now. 50:10 So hopefully I got that acronym correct. So... 50:14 But yes, we absolutely do. 50:17 Any other questions? Oh, my goodness, I cannot believe. 50:23 You have 10 minutes, guys, any questions? I can work very efficient, very efficient. 50:36 I want him to just make I don't want to cut off too early, I want to make sure that we answer all the questions. 50:43 Well, let's see I we had a poll. 50:44 So let's just see how many of you, but we can watch the flow. 50:48 How many of you are already premium Lecturio members? Let's just take a poll real quick. 50:53 And see, they'll give us ideas. 50:55 So quick things we can tell you about just knowing the audience. 51:00 So we have some premium members, some free versions. 51:06 As we have, I used to have it previously, but not anymore you got to come back as a -- computer new. 51:17 So what I'll say is that one of the one of the great things about Lecturio is that as we added more resources, there's no additional charges. 51:26 And I think that's like fantastic. 51:28 And that gives you opportunity to have access to resources, not based on what you can afford, but based on what you academically need to study. 51:37 And I think that's really, really important. 51:39 So if we add in another 300 video lessons tomorrow, if you're a premium member, you automatically have access. 51:48 And I think that's one of the great things about Lecturio. 51:51 The other thing is that if you haven't checked our exam preparation link, we have study plan subject exams. 51:59 So if you're just focused on one particular subject, you can do you can just focus on that subject. 52:05 And that's really great, because it includes video lessons, Qbank questions, space retention questions, which are content questions. 52:14 Everything you would need for that particular subject. 52:16 So all in one place. 52:18 And so you don't have to go around looking and searching, it's totally up to you how you want to use the resources. 52:23 So if you have the free version, you'll only see some of the resources. 52:28 Obviously, if you have the premium membership, you have access to everything. 52:33 But with the free trial, you'll have access to the premium membership for a whole week. 52:38 And you can really test out these methods, this method that we've introduced to you today, you can test that out and that one. 52:49 Yeah, and the concept of the this is, I think, a very unique thing. 52:53 Space repetition is hard to do, because it sucks. 52:57 Who wants to see the same thing all the time over and over again? You know, if you if you weren't good at it yesterday, it's not fun to see it today. 53:03 No, you're still not good at it. Probably. 53:05 When I was doing this, there was no Qbank that has faced reputation built in. 53:09 I was using this like archaic software called -- on keys , people still use it, but it's just like clunky. 53:14 And it was painful. 53:15 I had to make all my own flashcards with all my own content. 53:19 And it sucked. 53:20 And I say that because again, I want you to know not everyone's like running around med school thinking, "Oh, this is so much fun and learning every day. This is a blast." No, it sucks. 53:28 You know, it's fun being rich on a yacht. 53:31 But again, like you know, we're all making it through med school. 53:34 So I want you to know that like, you know, I was doing it that way through on key. 53:37 And that's because if we know the value of spaced repetition, it's not fun, but it really does help cement the content in there. 53:43 And if it's built in here, that's just you know, that's just really convenient. 53:47 It helps it do spaced repetition. 53:50 If you haven't, if you don't know what it is YouTube it today, - it's important to you're life. - Go to lecturio.com and check it out. 53:58 So Jimmy has a question. 54:02 You need to learn use YouTube. 54:03 I use YouTube a lot. I love it. 54:05 So Jimmy has a question. 54:07 If you can score 70% or more each time and each subject, can I tell myself ready at the end? I have no idea. 54:19 Because again, it's you have to be careful, like did you get 70%? And then after you reviewed it you're like, "Well, I kind ofguess on these I don't even know how I got this one right." I never saw this but I did it based on test taking strategy. 54:30 You have to kind of know to yourself. 54:33 You know, am I getting the score that I got because I really knew the content or were using was I using test taking strategy etc? It is perfectly fine to get correct answers on the basis of test taking strategy. 54:44 Part of some questions are actually rooted in that. 54:47 They don't expect you to know an esoteric topic, but they expect you to know why all the other wrong answers are wrong. 54:54 And that is the basis of that question for example. 54:57 So it's kind of painful, but they will give you topics you do not know or have you ever heard of, and they will just expect you to know that it's not the other choices. 55:05 And you'll get it right. 55:06 So that's kind of like the internal feedback you have to give yourself, is the percentage correct I'm getting based on knowledge and testing strategy, or am I getting lucky? And then along that same line, don't look at a raw percent. 55:20 You just need to again, look at that internal report card and see, am I going up? If you went from, you know, in the beginning, people start like a 30, 40%. 55:28 Don't feel guilty. If you do, who cares? Just move up. 55:31 And if by the end, you're scoring much higher, it's in your favor. 55:34 So I don't look at a hard cutoff threshold, I just want to see upward trajectory. 55:39 Because realistically, at the end of the day, you don't have forever to take this exam. 55:44 We have some timeline, you're not going to wait a whole year again to take it. 55:47 You just need to do the best you can within the time you have, the resources you have. 55:51 You take it and you move on. 55:53 That's just kind of real life with medicine. 55:55 Any final thoughts? Or was that it? Well, thank you all for being here. 56:09 Please check out the resources. 56:12 We are so happy to have you all take a little bit of time out your day. 56:16 And to learn more about Lecturio and learn this Qbank method. 56:20 I think this is really awesome. 56:22 And I'm hoping that everyone will try to use it as soon as they can and see success. 56:28 Because every day you get a little closer, and it gets a little bit better. 56:32 So we appreciate you all having this interest in learning more about Lecturio and what we have to offer. 56:40 And of course, always DocOssareh has a wonderful job as usual. 56:45 And we love having you here. 56:46 So thank you all for coming today. 56:50 -- - Alright, thanks a lot, guys. - Thank you. 56:54 And please let us know guys what you would like see, some topics you'd like to see us cover. 56:59 And we will try to see if we can build those in. 57:02 So thank you all have a great day and we will see you the next time. 57:09 Thanks, bye. 57:12 Goodbye.
The lecture Study Hacks with DocOssareh – Chapter Two: The Qbank Roadmap by Lecturio Online Courses is from the course Lecturio’s Free Student Events On-Demand.
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