
Reasoning Beyond the Text: Learning Outcomes

by Lincoln Smith

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    00:01 Reasoning beyond the text questions are unique and that they introduced outside contexts in both the question stem and the answer choices.

    00:09 To master this type of question, you should be familiar with the following learning outcomes.

    00:14 You should be able to engage in a lateral thought processing between two different fields that have some things in common, but which nonetheless differ in certain important ways.

    00:26 You should be able to take a passage and think of the points mentioned in the passage as givens and then the question stems as eliciting different conclusions from those givens.

    00:38 You should then be able to define exactly what constitutes a correct CARS answer selection for testing.

    00:45 You should be able to use the words likeness, similarity, and analogy in the fashion that the test writers use them.

    00:52 From there, you should be able to create an analogy of your own and boil down abstract logic within a passage into kind of an operationalized concrete form.

    01:09 Next, you should be able to view CARS passages as malleable, able to be reshaped and reformed based on context introduced in the question stem.

    01:19 And you should be able to answer "what if" and "least amount of change" questions for the CARS section.

    01:25 Last but not least, after you've applied all the strategies we've discussed, you've given your absolute best to a CARS question and you're taking more than about a minute per question, you should be able to take strategic guest for any given question in order to get on track for time.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Reasoning Beyond the Text: Learning Outcomes by Lincoln Smith is from the course CARS Theoretical Foundations.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Motion is a defining part of their existence.
    2. They both swing through the air.
    3. They require observation to function best.
    4. They travel towards nutrition and away from toxic substances.

    Author of lecture Reasoning Beyond the Text: Learning Outcomes

     Lincoln Smith

    Lincoln Smith

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