
Quick Review: Erythema Nodosum

by Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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    00:02 Having done that, let's do a quick review questions.

    00:05 I'm going to ask 2 questions. I'll pause after the question, and you can pause the screen and try and come up with the answer yourself before I explain it. So, question number 1.

    00:17 All of the following are commonly associated with erythema nodosum except? The answer to this one is going to be scleroderma. All the other ones are very commonly associated with E. nodosum. Question 2. Which of the following is true of erythema nodosum? Well, we've talked before, a biopsy would not show a small to medium vasculitis. That would be for polyarteritis nodosum.

    00:54 A biopsy would show panniculitis. Erythema nodosum does represent a delayed type hypersensitivity reaction to various stimuli, so that is going to be our answer.

    01:04 But just to wrap up the other 3 things on the list there, it most commonly involves the anterior or pretibial region of the legs.

    01:12 It tends to resolve spontaneously, rather than just persisting indefinitely, if left untreated, and it is not typically associated with myalgias. That's it.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Quick Review: Erythema Nodosum by Stephen Holt, MD, MS is from the course Allergic and Immune-mediated Skin Disorders.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Histoplasmosis
    2. ACE inhibitors
    3. Irritable bowel syndrome
    4. Scleroderma

    Author of lecture Quick Review: Erythema Nodosum

     Stephen Holt, MD, MS

    Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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