
Posterior Compartment of Leg

by Stuart Enoch, PhD

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    00:00 What about the posterior compartment of the leg? Yeah, so you have superficial and deep.

    00:07 What is in the superficial part? Gastrocnemius.

    00:10 Soleus, gastrocnemius, soleus.

    00:12 Plantaris.

    00:13 Plantaris, so these are the three superficial ones.

    00:15 And deep ones? Tibialis posterior.

    00:24 Flexor digitorum longus, flexor halluces longus and popliteus.

    00:32 So seven muscles, three are superficial and four are deep.

    00:36 Gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris are all superficial.

    00:40 Tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus and popliteus are deep.

    00:46 They're all supplied by the tibial nerve.

    00:49 So if the tibial nerve is injured, then the patient is unable to plantar flex the foot, quite an important action.

    00:57 The four muscles were flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus tibialis posterior and popliteus.

    01:08 If the sciatic nerve is injured, then clearly, patient is unable to flex the knee and the entire angle is gone, no flexion, no dorsiflexion, no plantar flexion, no inversion, eversion.

    01:24 That's the level of nerve injury.

    01:25 Now, I mentioned about the popliteal artery.

    01:29 Remember, I told you it comes off there from the Hunter's canal, it comes to the posterior compartment.

    01:36 That's the popliteal artery.

    01:38 Then classically, it trifurcates, or it can bifurcate.

    01:43 When I say trifurcation, it divides into anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and peroneal.

    01:52 Posterior tibial, as the name says, posterior to the tibia and accompanies the tibial nerve.

    02:01 Anterior tibial accompanies the deep peroneal nerve.

    02:08 It comes all the way up to the dorsum, to the anterior aspect of the angle joint and continues as the dorsalis pedis.

    02:17 Posterior tibial runs in the posterior surface, turn around that way for a minute, and runs behind the medial malleolus.

    02:26 I’m sure you know where the posterior tibial is.

    02:29 So those are your artery, nerve, and vessel.

    02:32 You can sit down now.

    02:34 In summary, you can sit, thank you. You can sit down now.

    02:34 In summary, you can sit, thank you.

    02:37 In summary about the lower limb, four compartments.

    02:40 You need to know what is in each compartment, what nerve, what artery, and what muscles.

    02:47 Do you want to just take about 20 seconds to think about the muscles in each compartment, and the nerve, and the artery? In the ankle, the other thing we need to remember is you have the tibia and the fibula.

    03:39 What's a bone on that? Talus and the calcaneus.

    03:44 One of the questions they ask is where do you have dorsiflexion of the foot? Do you have in the ankle joint or the subtalar joint? Tibiotalar joint, that's where you get the dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.

    04:00 So in the subtalar joint, you get inversion and eversion.

    04:06 Weber’s fracture, you may be asked. Yes, Weber’s fracture can be asked.

    04:13 Weber’s fracture is quite easy to remember.

    04:24 So that's the tibia, fibula. Weber 1 is below the syndesmosis, Weber 2 is at the level, and Weber 3 is above. That’s all, 1, 2, and 3.

    04:43 Do you want to think of anything else? We have covered everything we have to do on that.

    04:56 Do you want to look at any question, anything you want to or you're unsure of? Origin and insertion of lower leg, you’re right.

    05:14 Which one? All of them.

    05:16 No, there are few things. You probably need to remember a little bit.

    05:22 One is on the middle side of the foot here, middle side of the tibia, you have something called the pes anserinus.

    05:31 What are they? Semitendinosus, semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius.

    05:37 So say grace before tea.

    05:38 So first is sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus. So these are the three here.

    05:44 On the lateral side, you have the biceps femoris attaching to the head of the fibula.

    05:49 On the medial side, you have the semimembranosus, semitendinosus.

    05:52 Those are the things.

    05:54 Tibialis anterior and posterior, where do they attach? It's attached to the medial cuneiform, here on the middle side.

    06:04 You don't really have to, I don’t, I haven't really seen that much sporadic about origin and insertion.

    06:10 Nerve supply - probably they’ll give you a bone or give you the articulated foot.

    06:20 Hello Johnny, thank you very much for your time.

    06:22 Hope you enjoyed it.

    06:22 Give him a warm applause, guys.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Posterior Compartment of Leg by Stuart Enoch, PhD is from the course Upper Part of the Body Anatomy.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Esophagus and anterior and left vagus nerve
    2. Trachea and vagus nerve
    3. Esophagus and left phrenic nerve
    4. Right vagus
    1. Lower border of L1 vertebra
    2. Upper border of L1 vertebra
    3. Lower border of T10
    4. Upper border of L3
    1. Transpyloric flexure
    2. Transesophogeal flexure
    3. Anterior mediastinum
    4. Left lower quadrant
    1. Kidneys
    2. Heart
    3. Gallbladder
    4. Lungs
    1. Renal artery stenosis
    2. Renal vein stenosis
    3. Diabetes
    4. Alcohol abuse
    1. Arcuate line
    2. Inguinal ligament
    3. Linea alba
    4. Falx ligament
    1. Scarpa’s fascia
    2. Camper’s fascia
    3. Subcutaneous tissue
    4. Peritoneum
    1. Transverse abdominal muscle
    2. Pyramidalis muscle
    3. Peritoneum
    4. Fascia
    1. The posterior rectus sheath
    2. Anterior rectus sheath
    3. Inferior rectus sheath
    4. Fascia
    1. The pubic tubercle to the anterior superior illac spine.
    2. The pubic tubercle to the inferior illiac spine.
    3. T10 to the anterior inferior illiac spine.
    4. The PSIS to the anterior superior illiac spine.
    1. Lower border of T12
    2. Upper border of T10
    3. Lower border of L1
    4. Upper border of T12
    1. Right gastric artery
    2. Common hepatic artery
    3. Splenic artery
    4. Left gastric artery
    1. Thrombosis of the superior mesenteric vein.
    2. Thrombosis of the inferior mesenteric artery.
    3. Thrombosis of the superior mesenteric nerve.
    4. Thrombosis of the inferior mesenteric nerve.
    1. Superior rectal vein
    2. Inferior rectal vein
    3. Middle rectal vein
    4. Posterior rectal vein
    1. Left gastric vein and azygos vein
    2. Right gastric vein and colic vein
    3. Azygos vein and superior rectal vein
    4. Paraumbilical veins
    1. Cecum to ⅓ of the transverse colon
    2. Rectum to ⅓ of the ascending colon
    3. Cecum to ⅔ of the transverse colon
    4. Rectume to ⅓ of the transverse colon
    1. Extended left hemicolectomy
    2. Right hemicolectomy
    3. Transverse colectomy
    4. Sigmoidectomy
    1. Loop colostomy
    2. Total colonectomy
    3. Sigmoid colostomy
    4. Cecum colostomy
    1. Round ligament
    2. Spermatic cord
    3. Femoral vein
    4. Femoral artery
    1. Rectus Abdominis
    2. external oblique
    3. inguinal ligament
    4. transversalis fascia
    1. Direct
    2. Indirect
    3. Femoral
    4. Diaphragmatic
    1. L1-L4
    2. T11-L3
    3. L1-L3
    4. L2-L5
    1. ilioinguinal nerve
    2. Femoral nerve
    3. Posterior scrotal nerve
    4. Inguinal nerve
    1. Lesser Saphenous vein
    2. Femoral vein
    3. Epigastric vein
    4. Illiac vein

    Author of lecture Posterior Compartment of Leg

     Stuart Enoch, PhD

    Stuart Enoch, PhD

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