
Physiological Changes by System: In a Nutshell (Nursing)

by Jacquelyn McMillian-Bohler, PhD, CNM

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    00:01 So, in a nutshell, the uterus typically decreases by 1 cm per day.

    00:08 And it's nonpalpable by 2 weeks postpartum.

    00:12 Postpartum contractions or after birth pains get more intense with each pregnancy.

    00:17 So a grand multip and a primer grabit are going to have slightly different experiences postpartum.

    00:24 Lochia rubra is noted on days 1-3; serosa days 4-10; and alba, days 11-6 weeks postpartum.

    00:35 The cervix remember has been really beat up and it remains edematous and soft until about day 3 postpartum.

    00:43 The multiparous os or the opening in the cervix has a slit rather than a circle.

    00:49 Colostrum is going to be usually present the first 3 days postpartum, and mature milk production is going to be enhanced by more feeding.

    00:58 So the more frequent the baby feeds, the quicker the mature milk will come in.

    01:03 Postpartum bradycardia may be noted down to 40 beats per minute.

    01:09 The white blood cell count may increase up to 25,000 and still be normal.

    01:15 But don't forget, always check for other signs of infection.

    01:19 The hematocrit will drop depending on the amount of blood loss during delivery.

    01:23 So if it starts to drop more than is normal, then we want to go back and double check that.

    01:29 Prolactin levels are going to remain elevated in breastfeeding clients.

    01:34 And ovulation may be delayed by breastfeeding up to 6 months, provided that the mother is not going longer than 6 hours between feeds.

    01:43 Diuresis is normal after the first 12 hours postpartum.

    01:48 A bowel movement may be delayed 2-3 days postpartum because of decreased peristalsis or emptying during labor or medication.

    01:58 The rectus abdominis muscle returns to normal by about 6 weeks.

    02:03 And 80% of clients experienced transient moments of feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

    02:09 And remember, this should go away by 2 weeks postpartum.

    02:14 Taking in is passive and the client or the client is passive and they're self focused.

    02:20 Taking hold, the client is more independent and is starting to care for the baby independently.

    02:26 And letting go, the client is usually hopeful and is fully embrace the baby and is ready for their new role in the family.

    02:34 You did it.

    02:36 All done.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Physiological Changes by System: In a Nutshell (Nursing) by Jacquelyn McMillian-Bohler, PhD, CNM is from the course Physiological and Psychological Changes and Assessments (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Mature breast milk production is enhanced by frequent feedings.
    2. Ovulation may be delayed up to 6 months if the mother is breastfeeding.
    3. 80% of clients experience transient moments of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed.
    4. Postpartum contractions get less intense with each pregnancy.
    5. The cervix returns to normal immediately after delivery.

    Author of lecture Physiological Changes by System: In a Nutshell (Nursing)

     Jacquelyn McMillian-Bohler, PhD, CNM

    Jacquelyn McMillian-Bohler, PhD, CNM

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