
Other General Dermatologic Terminologies

by Mohammad Hajighasemi-Ossareh, MD

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    00:00 Dermatopathology -- Other general dermatologic terminology.

    00:06 Plaque. A plaque is an elevated, solid, superficial lesion greater than one centimeter in diameter.

    00:16 Examples include psoriasis, Bowen’s disease, mycosis fungiodes, eczema, and tinea corporis.

    00:26 Patch. A patch is a flat skin discoloration.

    00:32 A large macule is when it’s greater than one centimeter in diameter.

    00:38 Examples are the nevus flammeus here on the left, and vitiligo on the right.

    00:45 Wheel. A wheel is a plaque that is evanescent, quickly fading, and pruritic or itchy.

    00:53 Examples are urticaria and dermatographia.

    00:58 Vesicle. A vesicle is a papule that contains clear fluid or a blister.

    01:06 Examples include herpes zoster on the left and herpes simplex on the right.

    01:13 Bulla. A bulla is a large vesicle with localized fluid collection that is greater than half a centimeter in diameter.

    01:23 Examples include bullous pemphigoid here on the left, bullous impetigo and pemphigus vulgaris.

    01:31 Pustule. A pustule is a papule that contains purulent material.

    01:38 Examples include acne and pustular psoriasis, also impetigo and follicullitis.

    01:47 Cyst. A cyst is a nodule with fluid or semi solid material.

    01:54 Examples include a epidermoid cyst on the left and cystic acne on the right.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Other General Dermatologic Terminologies by Mohammad Hajighasemi-Ossareh, MD is from the course Inflammatory Skin Diseases.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Macule
    2. Papule
    3. Patch
    4. Bulla
    5. Plaque

    Author of lecture Other General Dermatologic Terminologies

     Mohammad Hajighasemi-Ossareh, MD

    Mohammad Hajighasemi-Ossareh, MD

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