
Mycoplasma Hominis

by Sean Elliott, MD

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    00:01 Now let’s turn our attention to mycoplasma hominis, the other typical human pathogen in the mycoplasma family.

    00:07 This microorganism is facultatively anaerobic and when it grows or appears it looks exactly like a fried egg appearance which you see are represented in the image in front of you.

    00:20 The two colonies encircled in green, to me, look like a sunny side up egg, that’s a fried egg appearance, very typical for the appearance of mycoplasma hominis.

    00:30 Most cases of mycoplasma hominis are sexually transmitted and affect some location in the genitourinary area.

    00:38 Pyelonephritis, a kidney infection; pelvic inflammatory disease.

    00:43 Also post abortal fever and postpartum fever, all can be associated with presence of that organism somewhere in the urogenital tract.

    00:52 So we haven't spent a lot of time on mycoplasma hominis because it is most often a relatively low virulence - lowly or slowly progressing organism.

    01:04 Far more attention is derived toward mycoplasma pneumonae as a frequent cause of atypical pneumonia and other sinopulmonary infections.

    01:12 And with that I’ll conclude all that we know about mycoplasma.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Mycoplasma Hominis by Sean Elliott, MD is from the course Bacteria.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Colonies with fried egg appearance
    2. Mucoid colonies
    3. Purple colonies
    4. Filamentous colonies
    5. Brittle colonies

    Author of lecture Mycoplasma Hominis

     Sean Elliott, MD

    Sean Elliott, MD

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