
Managing Emotions and Long Term Patient Relationships in Telehealth (Nursing)

by Amber Vanderburg

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    00:01 We interact and build connections differently on screen.

    00:05 Emotions are involved in both interactions, but not always communicated the same way.

    00:12 Telehealth consultations can be emotionally demanding and effectively regulating your emotions while maintaining empathy, professionalism, and delivering high quality care can be challenging.

    00:26 As opposed to in person care, You can't simply leave a room for a moment and take a breath.

    00:34 Interacting with patients who are experiencing physical or emotional distress, technical difficulties or language barriers, and delivering challenging diagnoses remotely, can be very challenging through a screen.

    00:50 If you find your emotions rising in a telehealth conversation, take a moment to pause. Take a few deep breaths.

    01:01 This simple act can help you ground yourself and regain composure before responding.

    01:08 The pause allows you to shift from a reactive state to a more thoughtful and centered approach.

    01:14 In addition to breathing, consider adjusting your body language, perhaps from sitting to standing, a different chair or body posture to relieve tension.

    01:26 Also recognize that you are not in this practice alone.

    01:31 Discussing challenging cases while keeping patient confidentiality in mind with supervisors, mentors, or colleagues can provide valuable insights and emotional support.

    01:42 Sharing your experiences and feelings in a safe and confidential environment can help you process your emotions and gain a fresh perspective on the situation.

    01:53 Connect with other telehealth providers or join online support groups to share experiences, offer mutual support, and learn from one another's coping strategies.

    02:05 Knowing that you are not alone in facing emotional challenges can be comforting and empowering.

    02:12 Also establish clear boundaries between work and personal life to prevent emotional spillover.

    02:21 Allow yourself time and space to decompress after particularly challenging consultations.

    02:28 Engage in activities that help you recharge and find joy outside of work.

    02:34 Engage in stress relieving activities or hobbies.

    02:38 It is normal to have emotional reactions when dealing with patients in distress or with complex medical conditions.

    02:47 Acknowledge your feelings without judgment and give yourself permission to experience and navigate these emotions.

    02:57 Lastly, build resiliency through your mindset.

    03:01 Building resilience is an ongoing process that involves adapting positively to adversity.

    03:09 Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

    03:14 Cultivate a positive mindset and focus on your strengths and achievements as a telehealth provider.

    03:21 Talk to others in telehealth.

    03:23 Establish boundaries and adjust your mindset.

    03:26 This is a challenging but so worth while profession.

    03:32 Telehealth adds new challenges and opportunities.

    03:38 Take a breath. You got this.

    03:41 Oscar Wilde wrote that, “Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.” The trust, respect, rapport you build in your patient relationships help to build long-term relationships over time.

    04:02 So, how can you maintain and elevate virtual relationships? First, build trust.

    04:12 Trust is built through consistent action repeated over time.

    04:18 Strive to provide consistent, high-quality care in each telehealth interaction.

    04:26 Follow-up with patients regularly, whether through virtual check-ins, emails, or phone calls.

    04:34 Show that you are invested in their well-being and committed to their long-term health.

    04:40 Also, tailor your approach to each patient's unique needs and preferences.

    04:45 Take the time to learn about their medical history, lifestyle, and personal goals.

    04:50 Use this information to develop personalized care plans and treatment options.

    04:56 Acknowledge the patient's individual circumstances and cultural background to provide more inclusive and patient centered care.

    05:07 Empower patients with knowledge about their health conditions, treatment options, and preventative measures.

    05:15 Provide educational materials, resources, and links to reputable and health information sites.

    05:22 Educated patients are more likely to be engaged in their care and make informed decisions.

    05:30 Recognize the emotional impact of health related challenges on patients well being.

    05:37 Offer emotional support and empathy during these difficult times.

    05:43 Such as when dealing with chronic illness or making complex medical decisions.

    05:49 Your relationship with your patients, same as all relationships requires time, intentionality, and communication.

    05:59 So, here's what I want you to do.

    06:03 Build trust with your patients through consistent action repeated over time.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Managing Emotions and Long Term Patient Relationships in Telehealth (Nursing) by Amber Vanderburg is from the course Telehealth Bedside Manner (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. By switching positions from sitting to standing or vice versa
    2. By leaving the room temporarily
    3. By turning their camera off
    4. By telling the client the appointment needs to end
    1. By joining support groups
    2. By scheduling time for self-care activities
    3. By setting strong professional boundaries
    4. By reminding themselves that their emotional responses are not normal
    5. By discussing client details with other providers not in their circle of care
    1. By tailoring their approach to each client’s unique needs
    2. By following up with clients regularly
    3. By providing reputable educational resources
    4. By focusing on building trust
    5. By developing generic treatment plans that clients can personalize independently

    Author of lecture Managing Emotions and Long Term Patient Relationships in Telehealth (Nursing)

     Amber Vanderburg

    Amber Vanderburg

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