
Lymphatic Drainage of the Abdominopelvic Region

by James Pickering, PhD

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    00:01 Now, let's have a look and see how this map signs in the abdominal region.

    00:05 But let's look at some principles first of all.

    00:07 The organization of the lymphatic system.

    00:10 So here we can have the stomach as an example.

    00:13 And around each of the organs you'll have some visceral lymph nodes.

    00:17 And these are like I said located around the various organs.

    00:21 We also have passing from the visceral lymph node, parietal lymph nodes, and these are located around various blood vessels.

    00:29 So, we can see lymph from the organs will drain to lymph, so visceral lymph nodes.

    00:35 And these will then pass towards parietal lymph nodes around blood vessels.

    00:39 From these parietal lymph nodes associated with the abdominal pelvis region, they will pass to a structure known as this cisterna chyli.

    00:48 And that's located within the abdomen and it's formed just inferior to the diaphragm.

    00:53 The cisterna chyli this large dilation will then pass up as the thoracic duct.

    00:59 And the thoracic duct then passes all the way back up to the left hand side of the body as we spoken about.

    01:06 The internal jugular and the subclavian veins on that left hand side.

    01:10 So, here we can see the liver, gallbladder, the stomach, spleen, pancreas, small intestines, and the right half of the large intestine, all passing their lymph towards this intestinal trunk, which goes towards the cisterna chyli.

    01:25 The various lymph nodes will pass all the way through to the cisterna chyli.

    01:30 This then returns via the thoracic duct, all the way up towards that left side of the body we spoke about.

    01:37 We also have from this intestinal trunk, a right lumbar trunk.

    01:42 We're going to have a left lumbar trunk as well and these are identical.

    01:45 So, the right kidney, the right ovary and testi, and the right half of the uterus and bladder drain into the right lumbar trunk.

    01:53 And the left lumbar trunk is going to receive similar lymph from these structures.

    01:59 Left kidney, left ovary or testis, the left half of the uterus and bladder.

    02:03 So the right and left trunk pass also alongside the intestinal trunk in the cisterna chyli.

    02:10 And here we're having all of the lymphatic fluid from the abdominal pelvic region, passing up ultimately into the thoracic duct.

    02:18 We can also hear see the slight difference finally in the left half of the large intestine.

    02:25 So draining into the intestinal trunk centrally, we have the right half of the large intestine.

    02:30 The left half of the large intestine is picked up by the left lumbar trunk.

    02:36 Let's have a look at some lymph nodes as groups.

    02:39 So, we have a group of lymph nodes around the celiac trunk.

    02:43 We have a group of lymph nodes around the superior mesenteric artery.

    02:47 These we call the celiac and the superior mesenteric lymph nodes respectively.

    02:51 This pattern continues.

    02:53 So, the ovarian testicular arteries that are going to be associated with the lumbar lymph nodes.

    02:59 And the inferior mesenteric artery will also have inferior mesenteric lymph nodes.

    03:04 We can see the common iliac artery here is going to have some common iliac lymph nodes.

    03:09 And all of these are going to be receiving lymph from organs, which those blood vessels go on to supply.

    03:16 So, you can see now how these tubes are running pretty much in parallel to the major blood vessels that we have.

    03:22 But returning all of this lymph ultimately, back to the thoracic duct.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Lymphatic Drainage of the Abdominopelvic Region by James Pickering, PhD is from the course Lymphatics and Nerves of Abdominopelvic Region.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Parietal lymph node
    2. Visceral lymph node
    3. Efferent lymph node
    4. Afferent lymph node
    1. Thoracic duct
    2. Low cervical region
    3. Upper paratracheal region
    4. Subcarinal duct
    5. Hilar duct

    Author of lecture Lymphatic Drainage of the Abdominopelvic Region

     James Pickering, PhD

    James Pickering, PhD

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