
Introduction to High Blood Pressure Medication – Drugs in Hypertension

by Pravin Shukle, MD

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    00:00 Welcome to Pharmacology by Lecturio.

    00:04 I’m Dr. PJ Shukle. We are going to talk about drugs in hypertension today.

    00:09 When we talk about drugs in hypertension, it’s a huge class.

    00:13 So, I am going to go over each of the classes one by one.

    00:17 We are going to divide up the classes into two types of classes.

    00:21 The first type are drugs that act through the kidney or hormones made by the kidney.

    00:26 And the second type of drugs or the second class of drugs are those that work outside of the kidney.

    00:32 Lets talk about Renal drugs used in high blood pressure.

    00:36 We have Diuretics.

    00:38 And we have Angiotensin antagonists.

    00:41 Now, the Angiotensin antagonist were divided into two major groups.

    00:45 The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitors or ACE inhibitors, and the Angiotensin Receptor blockers.

    00:52 Now, we do have another category called the Direct Renin inhibitors.

    00:56 And there is only one drug in this drug class. We’ll cover that as well.

    01:02 So there you have it those are the renal drugs in high blood pressure control.

    01:06 Lets take a look at the Extrarenal Drugs that are used in high blood pressure control.

    01:12 We have in a first group agents act through the Sympathetic Nervous System.

    01:17 This drugs include Sympathetic outflow track inhibitors, drugs that work on the Ganglia, drugs that work on Nerve terminals, and drugs that work on either the alpha or the beta receptors.

    01:32 The other class of the drugs are the Direct Vasodilators.

    01:36 those can include: Calcium channel blockers, Potassium channel openers, Nitrodilators and Endothelin antagonists.

    01:46 So this extrarenal drugs are fairly large class.

    01:50 But as we go through the lectures you will realize that the drugs that are on the left side of the screen or probably less important from a clinical point of view but they are still going to be on your exam.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Introduction to High Blood Pressure Medication – Drugs in Hypertension by Pravin Shukle, MD is from the course Cardiovascular Pharmacology.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Captopril
    2. Clonidine
    3. Propranolol
    4. Prazosin
    5. Hexamethonium
    1. Vasodilation
    2. Decrease sympathetic outflow
    3. Blocking beta-receptors
    4. Blocking alpha-receptors
    5. Stimulating the renin-angiotensin system

    Author of lecture Introduction to High Blood Pressure Medication – Drugs in Hypertension

     Pravin Shukle, MD

    Pravin Shukle, MD

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    By Jim T. on 04. July 2017 for Introduction to High Blood Pressure Medication – Drugs in Hypertension

    very is one of the best video of cardiology.