
Foundations of Comprehension: Learning Outcomes

by Lincoln Smith

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    00:01 Let's go ahead and summarize the learning outcomes you should have mastered, or at the very least, be extremely familiar with after having watched this series of video lectures.

    00:13 You should be able to answer direct main idea questions.

    00:17 After this, we should then be able to place individual aspects of the passage into the context of that main idea.

    00:25 Branching off from there, you should be able to infer the overall flow of a passage with things such as the thesis, support points, counter arguments and digressions.

    00:36 Next we looked at how to identify rhetorical devices, and distinguish individual ideas from the main idea.

    00:43 We delineated when an author expressed their own opinion as opposed to citing sources from an external source of authority.

    00:51 Once an author does include multiple sources, then you need to infer are the supporting the thesis or are those sources simply being discussed to establish credibility.

    01:03 Next, we examined a few common rhetorical devices you can expect to see show up and discussed the general idea of rhetoric a little bit further.

    01:13 Next, we discussed how to determine how word choice and strategic omission serve the same purpose as strong statements of opinion.

    01:23 Your next up learning outcome would be to familiarize yourself with common passage structures based on the topic such as pointing counterpoint for political science passages.

    01:35 You should be able to explain why an author will deviate from standard language usage, as well as to answer questions referencing passage usage of contradictory language definitions in context and abrupt transitions.

    01:50 Next, you should be able to use context to clarify otherwise, ambiguous, or confusing passage language, and to delineate the crowded nature of certain CARS passages and to pick out different voices in that crowd.

    02:05 You should be able to identify how tone shows meaning in individual aspects of a passage.

    02:14 Next, we learned how to analyze how tone communicates the overall purpose of a passage, and how to kind of parry with the skill of showing not telling that author's use when crafting written communication.

    02:28 You should be able to interpret connotative language and demonstrate the use of figures of speech as a rhetorical device.

    02:37 You should be able to recognize how the CARS section is designed to make you feel short on time.

    02:44 But then to make up that time to identify the most important aspects of a CARS passage according to my recommendations, as well as the test writers themselves.

    02:54 Finally, you're going to want to craft a plan for what to do with 5 minutes left on your CARS section and one passage as well as 10 minutes left and two passages.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Foundations of Comprehension: Learning Outcomes by Lincoln Smith is from the course CARS Theoretical Foundations.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Familiarizing yourself with the 20 or so topics that CARS passages are pulled from, as well as the basic structures academic writers use for these topics
    2. Outside reading in either nonfiction or thesis-driven fiction, preferably in topics on the CARS section
    3. Practicing the "5 minute drill" for when you have one passage remaining on your exam
    4. Obsessing over wrong answers such that it prevents you from taking more practice passages
    5. Trying to memorize outside information so you can be a content expert on the CARS topics.

    Author of lecture Foundations of Comprehension: Learning Outcomes

     Lincoln Smith

    Lincoln Smith

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