There are important
considerations when one is a clinical
investigator that I'd like
to walk through with you.
First to be recognized
that there's a dual role
of being both a clinician
and an investigator.
The differentiation
being that in practice,
you know,
when we're taking care of patients,
our objective is to enhance
the well-being of those patients.
Whereas in research, we're hypothesis
testing to increase knowledge.
So the clinician investigator is
trying to serve both purposes.
This dual role can create
conflicts of obligation
that may manifest itself
in subject recruitment.
So questions about,
you know, can a clinician
enroll their own patients
as research subjects?
It may involve the
informed consent process.
So how a clinician investigator
presents the research study,
how they frame that in the
context of the patient's clinical care,
there might be,
you know, influences
on the informed consent process.
It also might involve
the conduct of the study.
So, how you conduct the study,
the procedures that are done,
are they mainly to answer
the study hypothesis?
How much are they for the
clinical care of the patient?
When it's the investigator?
How adherent do they
need to be to a protocol?
And how much can
they deviate from that
when they think it's,
you know, for the clinical
best interest of the patient?
That there's this conflict or,
you know,
desire to serve both purposes.
But sometimes, there's going
to be challenges and difficulties.
Another aspect of this, you know,
when we're thinking about
clinical investigation is
from the patient perspective
when they are a
research participant,
the concerns of a
therapeutic misconception.
So the belief that the
purpose of the clinical trial
is to benefit the individual
patient rather than
to gather data
for the purposes of
contributing to
scientific knowledge.
So they think they're getting therapy,
when in actuality,
it's for a research aim or
answering a hypothesis.
And what happens is that
there can be a tendency
of that patient subject to
overestimate the benefit,
when they think that,
you know, there's going to be
a likelihood of
direct benefit to them,
in actuality, it's pretty low.
Or, you know,
there might be, you know,
research design,
such as a placebo-controlled trial
where you know that
half of the study population
is going to be precluded from
getting any kind of direct benefit.
And they're still
thinking that there's
going to be this
therapy for them.
So one of the roles of
the clinician investigators
make sure to avoid the
therapeutic misconception
both on their own behalf,
but also in the minds
of the patient who
becomes a research subject.
It does raise an interesting
question of whether it's
permissible to use
placebos in clinical research.
So the Declaration of Helsinki,
one of these guiding
documents about how to do
clinical research does talk
about the use of placebos.
So, in general,
you'd want to use a proven therapy,
you know, what's already in
existence as the standard of care
as the comparison when
you have a new intervention.
So you're going to
have a study design
where you have the new
intervention and maybe
the other study arm
is the standard of care,
the proven intervention
that's already in existence.
Sometimes that is not possible.
So either there is no proven
intervention that exists
or there might be
compelling scientific
or other reasons to
say it's methodologically
more important to
compare this to a placebo.
And you might get a, you know,
answer to the scientific question
quicker if you use a placebo
rather than the standard of care.
The justification of
that has to be sound,
you have to say why
you're using the placebo,
why you might decide
to use no intervention.
And there have to be acceptable
reasons for why that might be pursued.
And the patients who
receive any intervention
that is less effective
than the best
proven one what's
already in existence.
If they're either receiving a
placebo or no intervention,
they have to recognize
that there might
be additional risk
from their involvement.
They might, you know,
have more serious harm
as a result of they're receiving
this placebo or no intervention,
rather than the best
proven intervention that they
might have gotten had they
gone with standard of care.
So the use of placebos, according
to the Declaration of Helsinki,
you know,
has to be done with extreme care,
really need to avoid any
kind of abuse of this option
and make clear why
you might need to use
a placebo in a
particular research study.
Another consideration
for clinical investigators
is going to be something
called equipoise.
So this is known as clinical
or collective equipoise.
So in general, a physician
that is taken care of a patient,
you know, is trying to abide by
the Hippocratic maxim that says,
"I will benefit my patients
according to my best judgment."
Whereas when
you're a researcher,
you're trying to
answer the hypothesis,
you're trying to answer
the research question.
So when there are
concerns about equipoise,
this is saying,
it's permissible for a physician
to enroll a patient in
a study when there is
uncertainty about
the proven benefits.
So the scientific community
as a whole collectively feels,
there's uncertainty,
we need to do the research study
in order to get an answer
as to whether or not
this new therapy is going
to be effective or not.
And it's not necessarily the,
you know, the individual clinician,
the individual investigator,
they might have their own leanings,
or hunches as to what
might be a better therapy.
But they're suspending
that and allowing
the research to
answer the question.
And, you know,
if it's two arms in a study,
determining the relative
merits of each arm of the trial,
to resolve this equipoise,
this uncertainty.
Another consideration when
we're thinking about clinical
investigators is going
to be conflict of interest.
So this is when a secondary
or a personal interest
competes with a primary
interest or primary obligation.
So for example,
when you're an investigator,
you need to have
objective, safe research.
And, you know,
might be personal interests that then,
you know,
threaten that primary obligation.
Lots have been written
about conflicts of interest,
you know, people mainly focus
on financial conflicts of interest.
So, if the results of
research are positive,
there might be financial
gain to the investigator,
we see that as a
conflict of interest.
There may also be
other personal interests
that are not tied to
finances or economic gain.
Those things like what
you see in academia,
you know, getting publications,
getting grants,
getting promoted,
getting, you know,
some amount of
prestige for your research,
those are personal
interest that might influence
or seem like they are in
conflict with your primary
obligation to perform
objective safe research.
And where you get concerned
about conflicts of interest,
it's going to be in
the study design.
So if you are doing an
investigational drug or device,
are you designing the study
in such a way that, you know,
the results of that
investigational drug or
device are going to be
more likely to happen?
That's the driver for how
you've designed the study.
Or their, you know,
are you working with industry,
a particular company that
might design the study to be
more favorable to their
investigational drug or device?
There may be concerns
about conflict of interest
affecting your attention to
the safety of research subjects
as they are participating
in the research.
So are you paying enough
attention to the protocol
and their safety,
monitoring things closely?
Or you're more concerned
about getting the study done
because you've got these
personal interests at stake?
And then lastly,
there might be concerns of,
you know, how closely
you're adhering to
collecting and storing
data with integrity.
Are you actually
generating valid results?
Are you cutting corners?
Are you misrepresenting
data in order
to have your
personal interests met?
So all of these things
become a concern when you're
a clinician investigator
involving human subjects,
you want to make sure
that these conflicts of interest
are not prejudicing or biasing
how you conduct the research
or how you analyze the results
once the research is done.