
Enhancing Communication Skills for Telehealth (Nursing)

by Amber Vanderburg

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    00:01 Patient Centered Communication is at the heart of quality health care interactions.

    00:06 In telehealth patients may have unique concerns related to the virtual medium, or the nature of their medical condition.

    00:14 The nature and content of some of your telehealth care may differ from in person care.

    00:21 One way that you can serve your patients is through technical support.

    00:26 I know, you're not an IT expert.

    00:29 But you can offer guidance on some aspects of using this newer medium of care.

    00:36 Here are a few ways that you can offer support to your team.

    00:41 You might guide your patient on using telehealth platforms, and be prepared to address technical issues patients might encounter.

    00:50 This might be something that your healthcare system provides guidance on prior to the visit.

    00:56 If not, a quick five minute overview of the platform, let's say on your video platform, or on your patient documentation or communication system can enhance the competence of your patient experience.

    01:10 You should also be prepared to offer simple guidance on the use of the video platform.

    01:16 This might be through simple assistance and guidance of lighting, mute and unmute, and camera angles.

    01:24 Help your patient be set up for success and communicating more effectively through proper video and audio setup.

    01:33 Lastly, there are basic ways that we can be prepared to help enhance the patient experience virtually, but it is not expected for you to be a tech wizard.

    01:44 If you do not have the technical knowledge to offer support, have a support contact on hand to provide quick assistance.

    01:54 Helping patients become more familiar with the technology can increase comfort and competence and care.

    02:01 This is an aspect of bedside manner that is more specific to telehealth and plays a big factor in its success.

    02:10 So, here's what I want you to do.

    02:12 Be prepared to give some guidance and guide the technical challenges in your bedside practice.

    02:22 Also, in the telehealth environment, there may be some ambiguity about the new and virtual environment.

    02:31 Addressing and clarifying the nature of the telehealth ecosystem can help advocate for this medium of care and enhance patient confidence.

    02:42 Here are a few aspects of telehealth that you can advocate for in your practice.

    02:48 First, security and privacy may be a concern from your patients in your telehealth practice.

    02:56 Reassure patients about the privacy and security measures in place to protect their personal information during telehealth consultations.

    03:06 Take a moment to clarify the measures taken to protect the patient's privacy and security measures within the practice.

    03:15 Also, intentionally actively involve patients in decision making, and check for understanding and their role in their healthcare journey.

    03:26 Make sure that they understand clearly what next steps are in their patient care during the meeting.

    03:34 Lastly, follow up practices might be confusing for first time telehealth patients.

    03:39 Communicate how patients can reach out to you or your team for additional support.

    03:46 Clarify follow up care and action steps.

    03:51 Check for understanding so that the person knows what actions you will take, if any.

    03:57 And what actions they are expected to take, if any.

    04:02 And where they can go for questions.

    04:05 So, here's what I want you to do.

    04:08 Be prepared to communicate context and content within your telehealth practice to enhance the patient experience.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Enhancing Communication Skills for Telehealth (Nursing) by Amber Vanderburg is from the course Telehealth Bedside Manner (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. The provider should be able to show the client how to mute or unmute their microphone
    2. The provider should have a technological support person they can call for issues during the virtual appointment
    3. The provider should be able to provide a brief overview of how to navigate the virtual appointment to their client
    4. The provider should be able to fix any internet connection issues that arise during the call
    5. The provider should be able to instruct the client on how to install any relevant software onto their computer prior to the call
    1. That the client understands what is being said during the meeting
    2. That the client understands how their privacy is being protected
    3. That the client knows how to reach out for additional support
    4. That the client is aware of the follow-up care required
    5. That the client knows how to resolve any technological issues independently

    Author of lecture Enhancing Communication Skills for Telehealth (Nursing)

     Amber Vanderburg

    Amber Vanderburg

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