
Lymphadenopathy: Burkitt Lymphoma – White Blood Cell Pathology

by Carlo Raj, MD

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    00:01 Another type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma brings us to Burkitt.

    00:06 The Burkitt lymphoma, here, you have endemic or non-endemic type.

    00:11 The endemic type would be of the African, non-endemic type is then called the sporadic.

    00:17 And associated with latent EBV more so with endemic.

    00:23 Here, the translocation will be 8;14 and the gene here will be C-myc.

    00:28 The 14 again to you should mean immunoglobulin heavy chain.

    00:33 These translocations lead to upregulation to C-myc in which there's going to be increased promotion of growth and division.

    00:42 Now, with Burkitt lymphoma, the endemic type, this African boy that you probably have seen the picture of and I'll show you further, is almost always involving the mandible.

    00:52 And if it's a sporadic type, you're thinking about either the abdominal or the pelvic region.

    00:58 That will be the non-endemic type.

    01:00 Histologic picture, once again, remember this is a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma affecting the lymph node and of B-cell origin.

    01:09 Diffuse infiltrate of medium-sized cells.

    01:13 You might have heard of the term starry sky appearance.

    01:17 A large number of mitotic and apoptotic cells and scattered benign macrophages that you're seeing here then represents or create a picture of what's called starry sky.

    01:28 By that we mean, that if you take a look at the overall picture here, in the middle, do you see the twinkling stars? Yeah.

    01:37 That would be your scattered macrophages.

    01:40 Clinically, Burkitt lymphoma, all forms occur at extranodal sites.

    01:47 Remember, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma can commonly be involved with extranodal.

    01:53 The different types and their demographics, endemic African, please observe the jaw and the mandible in this child who's suffering from Burkitt lymphoma.

    02:06 Endemic. Non-endemic, known as sporadic.

    02:11 Pelvic abdominal region and you can have non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with HIV association.

    02:20 Here, very aggressive.

    02:22 Remember with HIV status, it is important that you pay attention to your non-Hodgkin's lymphoma including your diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

    02:31 Endemic and sporadic type, most common, frequently seen in children and young adults.

    02:39 HIV can occur at any age as you can imagine and generally very aggressive, responds well with short-term and high-dose chemotherapy with management.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Lymphadenopathy: Burkitt Lymphoma – White Blood Cell Pathology by Carlo Raj, MD is from the course Lymphadenopathy – White Blood Cell Pathology (WBC).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Epstein-Barr virus
    2. Echovirus
    3. Ebola virus
    4. Aichi virus
    5. Coxsackievirus
    1. c-Myc gene
    2. XPD gene
    3. BRCA1 gene
    4. HFE gene
    5. ABL1 gene
    1. Starry sky
    2. Pappenheimer bodies
    3. Reed-Sternberg cells
    4. Cartwheel appearance
    5. Rosette pattern

    Author of lecture Lymphadenopathy: Burkitt Lymphoma – White Blood Cell Pathology

     Carlo Raj, MD

    Carlo Raj, MD

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    Really Good Summary
    By Andrés N. on 21. October 2021 for Lymphadenopathy: Burkitt Lymphoma – White Blood Cell Pathology

    Very concise lecture, it is a very good summary and really helps you to understand the topic. May not be exhaustive but you can't cover everything in one video. Thank you very much.

    By S C. on 31. July 2021 for Lymphadenopathy: Burkitt Lymphoma – White Blood Cell Pathology

    excellent topic covered in right depth and detail. So well taught. thanks

    There is no clear concept.
    By Oksana P. on 25. February 2018 for Lymphadenopathy: Burkitt Lymphoma – White Blood Cell Pathology

    Not much relevant information for the exam: too many details. It is like reading the book, not a lecture. Very complicated and not interesting.