
Bones and Joints of the Gluteal Region (Nursing)

by Darren Salmi, MD, MS

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    00:01 Now let's move on to the lower limb.

    00:03 And start with the gluteal region and thigh.

    00:06 And we're gonna start by looking at the bony anatomy in this area.

    00:12 If we go back to where we talked in the back lecture about the inferior end of these fused vertebra that we call the sacrum, we see that the sacrum is really the junction between the back and what we're going to call the bony pelvis.

    00:27 And the sacrum wasn't the only part of the vertebral column that had these weird fused vertebra.

    00:32 Just beyond that, at the very tail end, we had the tailbone, which was called the coccyx also made up of three to five-ish fused vertebra.

    00:43 Now we're going to complete that story by talking about the other bones they attach to.

    00:48 And these two bones, these two halves of the pelvis are going to be joined anteriorly at something called a pubic symphysis.

    00:58 We briefly mentioned the idea of a symphysis being a type of not very movable joint more of a union than a typical movable joint.

    01:06 And it's got this tough sort of fibrocartilaginous composition to make sure that the two halves are stuck together anteriorly.

    01:15 Posteriorly, we have a joint called the sacroiliac joint joining the sacrum to the ilium.

    01:23 The first of the pelvic bones we're going to point out.

    01:26 The ilium is very broad, very wide, and it has a rim along the top that we call the iliac crest.

    01:35 And it has these projections anteriorly called the anterior superior iliac spine, which is usually the most easily palpatable portion of the bony pelvis because it is so far anterior.

    01:48 And then also has an anterior inferior iliac spine.

    01:53 And a lot of ligaments and muscles are going to be found in this area, as well as the next portion of the pelvis that's called the pubis.

    02:02 And the pubis has some bumps called the pubic tubercle.

    02:06 As we've said before, tubercles and tuberosities tend to have muscles and other things attaching to them there.

    02:13 Then finally, the posterior inferior portion.

    02:16 Actually, the portion you kind of sit on when you sit down is the ischium.

    02:21 And you can see that there's a little hole formed between the ischium and pubis bones that we call the obturator foramen.

    02:28 Keeping in mind foramen is just our word for hole.

    02:32 And where the three pelvis bones come together laterally is a special socket called the acetabulum.

    02:39 It's going to be very important for the hip joint.

    02:43 So let's look at the hip joint.

    02:46 First by pulling out the lower limb so we can see that acetabulum a little bit better.

    02:52 So we have the bony pelvis here.

    02:55 And those three bones that come together form this shallow depression called the acetabulum.

    03:02 And then the first bone of the lower limb we're going to see is the femur.

    03:06 This is the lower limb equivalent, basically of the humerus.

    03:09 And if you looked at the humerus, and the scapula, especially the glenoid cavity, this might look pretty familiar because it's again, another ball and socket type joint.

    03:20 And again, we have a femoral head.

    03:23 And that's going to be what articulates it this joint.

    03:26 Then we have some other bumps here, this time, a lot bigger ones, we call this the greater trochanter.

    03:32 And on the other side, we have a lesser trochanter, quite a bit bigger than the tuberosities we saw on the humerus.

    03:40 And between the head and the trochanter, we have the femoral neck.

    03:46 So what kind of movements can we have at the hip joint? Well, it's a little hard to show with the person standing still, so we're going to lean a little bit before we show them.

    03:56 But it's the same that we would expect at the shoulder joint really, bringing the lower limb close to the midline will be adduction, moving it away will be abduction.

    04:08 We'll swing around to a lateral view.

    04:11 And here we can see the same idea with flexion at the hip and extension at the hip, following the same rules we saw in the shoulder joint.

    04:24 We also have medial or internal rotation, and lateral or external rotation.

    04:30 Again, same thing as a shoulder joint.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Bones and Joints of the Gluteal Region (Nursing) by Darren Salmi, MD, MS is from the course Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Sacrum
    2. Coccyx
    3. Pubic symphysis
    4. Ilium
    5. Anterior superior iliac spine
    1. Acetabulum
    2. Ischium
    3. Obturator foramen
    4. Iliac wing
    5. Pubic symphysis

    Author of lecture Bones and Joints of the Gluteal Region (Nursing)

     Darren Salmi, MD, MS

    Darren Salmi, MD, MS

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