

by Noor Sash, PhD

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    00:00 liver and the spleen as well. I’m going to go onto auscultation. So just explain to the patient what you’re doing. I’m going to have a quick listen into your tummy as well just to check your bowels. So, I’d have to listen in. You can potentially have to listen for up to three minutes to hear bowel sounds and you just comment on whether or not they’re present on what they sound like. What’s the normal bowel sound? Gurgling. Absolutely. So it’s just normal gurgling bowel sound. If you’re hearing more than that, what might that indicate? Obstruction? Yeah, potentially. So they might have some sort of an ileus. And absent bowel sounds again, that’s another sign. Absolutely, fine.

    00:46 Okay. What I’d like to do now is I’ll cover the patient over. Thank you very much for letting me examine you. I’m going to the examiner and I’d present my findings so I’d say, on general inspection, there was nothing to find. On the examination of the abdomen, there were no signs of scarring or distention. There was no tenderness when I palpated both on light and deep palpations. There was a normal percussion with no fluid demonstrated and an auscultation bowel sounds are present and normal. To complete my examination,

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Auscultation by Noor Sash, PhD is from the course The Physical Exam (MRCS).

    Author of lecture Auscultation

     Noor Sash, PhD

    Noor Sash, PhD

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