because of the smoking on the background of
asthma. So, asthma is the commonest chronic
lung disease. In fact, it’s one of the commonest
chronic diseases full stopped. A significant
portion of the population have asthma about
5% in the U.K. And what this reflects is
chronic inflammation and what we call is
hyper-reactivity of the airways.
The airways are twitchy. They will respond
by bronchoconstriction tightening up to a
variety of different end results and when they
bronchoconstrict, that’s when you have airways
obstruction and the patient will present with
symptoms. Over decades, if somebody has poorly
controlled asthma with this bronchoconstriction
occurring frequently, they’ll end up with
a degree of irreversible disease. So the bronchoconstriction
of a treatment doesn’t fully reverse to
normal bronchi diameters, but there is a degree
of chronic airways obstruction present as well.
Predisposing factors for asthma,
well, a family history.
Genetics, there are certain genes that I've
mentioned as polymorphisms has been associated,
ADAM33, for example. A history of atopy, eczema
and/or hay fever in combination of nasal parts
would suggest somebody’s more chance of getting
asthma. Childhood infection, specifically,
respiratory syncytial virus infection bronchiolitis
is closely associated with developed asthma
in later life. Other associations are prematurity,
low birth weight, obesity, exposure to passive
smoking especially as a child, active smoking
in itself would stimulate an asthmatic type
situation or make asthma more likely to develop,
as does, inhaling recreational drugs.
Crack cocaine is a very good stimulant for creating
asthma in patients.
The pathogenesis of asthma is complicated.
It has probably no single pathology and it
causes the end result of asthma. It’s largely
a cell-mediated immune response, either Th2,
allergic response to inhaled antigen such
as pollen, house dust mite faeces, various
moulds, animal hair, cat hair, for example,
or a Th17 CD4 cell-mediated immunity which
is independent of allergy. That will lead
to airway information. In asthma, it could
be eosinophilic which tends to be a Th2 dependent
or a neutrophilic which tends to be a Th17 dependent.
And that airways information tends
to stimulate smooth muscle constriction as
well, and there are quite a number of key
mediators of that process, IL4, IL5, IL13,
leukotrienes, etc. The end result of these
airways information
is bronchoconstriction. Tight bronchi, smaller
bronchi should be impairing airflow on expiration.
In addition, you get mucous hypersecretion
with the mucous glands producing more mucous.
And there will be swelling of the airway,
airways oedema. And eventually, over time,
you get airway remodelling with some fibrosis
forming around the airways leading in to the
irreversible components of asthma that may
develop in patients over long periods of time
that I described earlier. So, who gets
asthma? Well, essentially, it
could be anybody, all ages; children, young
adults, middle-aged adults, and even the elderly.
New asthma in the elderly perhaps is less
common. But patients, when they have asthma,
it lasts potentially for their lifetime. So
there are many people who’ve had asthma
for 20, 30 years who are now in their 80’s.
It often starts in childhood, fades in later
childhood, early adulthood, and then returns
later in life. But there’s a second peak
of diagnosis of asthma for the first time
in people aged around 60. Women tend to be
more affected than men, although that’s
only a mild predominance.
The history of asthma, again, is also very
variable. The key is episodic symptoms.
So, if you have mild disease, the symptoms would
be cough, maybe there’s some wheeze.
If it’s more severe disease, it will be cough,
wheeze, and breathlessness with chest tightness,
and a tension that you get pretty other phlegm
production. The yellow phlegm production,
as well, But the point about that is this
episodic- bad periods, good periods, bad periods,
good periods. When you examine the patient,
they’re normally not actually having the
bad period, and therefore, you don’t hear
much in the way of abnormalities in their
chest because there’s no ongoing airways
obstruction. However, if they’re poorly
controlled, you might hear a polyphonic wheeze
throughout both lungs.
So, the sort of pattern of disease that patients
have tends to vary a lot between different
patients. So some patients have very mild
disease, no symptoms in large portions of
the time, and then something will kick off
the asthma and they’ll have symptoms for
a period of few weeks then they’ll settle
down again. Some patients have symptoms the
whole time, and actually does disrupt their life
quite a lot. They have occasional exacerbation
as well. But it’s just generally a low-level
disruption of their life by symptoms most
days. And then you can get acute
attacks that occur and they bring the patient
into the hospital. And some patients, after long
periods of asthma, can develop chronic disability
through the airflow obstruction with chronic
breathlessness, as well as the intermittent
episodes of disability due to deteriorating
asthma control as well. So there are certain
triggers that characteristically
worsen the symptom of asthma. These tend to
vary between patients. But generally speaking,
asthma has a diurnal variation. So patients
who are poorly controlled will have their
cough more at night and on waking first thing
in the morning when the asthma is worse than
they do in the evening. Exercise characteristically
induces asthma attacks in some patients.
So they’ll start to do some exercise or develop
a cough, chest tightness, unable to breath
and have to stop their exercise. Exposure to dust,
cigarette smoke, cold air
also stimulates asthma symptoms. Certain drugs,
beta blockers, and also nonsteroidals such
as aspirin can precipitate asthma attacks.
Asthma frequently, and in fact usually, may
worsen people who have a viral upper respiratory
tract infection. So a very classic history
is that when my wife gets a cold, it lasts--she coughs
for a few days but I cough for weeks.
What’s actually happening there is if the
patient has asthma, they get the cold from
their wife, they cough for a few days, but
then the asthma takes over and the cough that
persists for weeks is not due to the viral
infection. It’s because the viral infection
has kicked off the asthma inflammation and
made the asthma worse.
And people can be very allergic to very specific
allergens, and they often know this. So for
example, they know that when they go to a
friend’s house with a cat, their asthma
will get worse, or there is a thunderstorm that
releases quite a lot of moulds spores into
the atmosphere, and that can precipitate asthma
attacks, and patients get worse during the
pollen season as well because of the
allergy to pollen. And then certain patients will
have occupational asthma. That is asthma set
off by antigens that they inhale when they’re
at work. And this commonly happens in people
who work as cleaners, bakers, with animals,
or paint sprayers, et cetera. And the last, a
very, very important component
to making asthma worse is psycho-social stress.
When patients are stressed, they tend to have
worse asthma. And this is a major driver for many
patients conditions. So, we can characterize