
Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential Q9 – NCLEX-RN®

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 The nurse has been given report on four clients.

    00:04 Which client is at greatest risk for decreased oxygenation? Okay, short question but big implications.

    00:12 So let's walk through this.

    00:14 I'm getting four clients, this just tells me, I have a priority question.

    00:19 Which question is at greatest risk for what? Yes, decreased oxygenation.

    00:25 So, I know you have your answer sheet right there, and you have just the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 visible.

    00:31 Now what I want you to do is to pick anywhere to start, and then take that client as your baseline and then say, another answer choice, do they have a greater risk for decreased oxygenation than the one I picked? Use that similar strategy all the way through And when you're eliminating the answer, make sure you say why.

    00:52 That's going to help you ensure to get the best answer.

    00:55 So go ahead, press pause.

    00:57 Work through this question on your own, then come back, and we'll walk through it together.

    01:09 Hey, welcome back.

    01:10 I want to keep encouraging you.

    01:12 Thank you for doing the work.

    01:14 This is the kind of stuff that makes new connections in your brain and raises your test scores.

    01:20 So I'm looking for someone who's at greatest risk for decreased oxygenation.

    01:25 I'm going to start with number three, just feeling like it today.

    01:28 Okay, so an adolescent who smokes several cigarettes a day.

    01:32 Well, that's no bueno.

    01:34 That is going to affect your oxygenation.

    01:37 So I'm going to keep that one in.

    01:39 But keep in mind, anytime an age is included in the stem of a question or in the answers, it probably matters.

    01:48 So this is an adolescent who smokes several cigarettes a day.

    01:52 That's my starting point.

    01:53 So I'm going to compare number three to I don't know number two, okay.

    01:58 So a middle age client, who has a past history of leukemia.

    02:04 Okay, I'm looking for decreased oxygenation.

    02:07 That would be more of a red cell issue.

    02:10 Leukemia patient had a white cell issue.

    02:12 So, no.

    02:14 Number two is not a bigger risk for decreased oxygenation than where I started number three.

    02:21 So I can cross off number two. Number three, still in the running.

    02:25 Let me look at number one.

    02:27 An older adult, Okay, that gets my attention, Who takes hydrocodone twice a day.

    02:35 Okay. So that's a medication.

    02:37 Does it have any impact on oxygenation? An older person who's taking a medication? Does it have impact on respirations? Yeah, it does.

    02:48 It can suppress them.

    02:50 They take it twice a day.

    02:52 Now, if this was an adolescent taking this medication, I wouldn't be as concerned.

    02:57 But because they're an older adult, they're taking it twice a day.

    03:01 And I know that medications like this tend to hang around and an older client longer than they would a young person.

    03:07 I think number one, is a higher risk for decreased oxygenation than number three.

    03:14 Yeah, I get it.

    03:15 They're smoking several cigarettes a day, but they're still much younger.

    03:19 They're an adolescent.

    03:21 So number one is a higher risk.

    03:23 I've eliminated number two and number three.

    03:26 And we gave the rationale why.

    03:28 Now I got to compare number one to number four.

    03:32 Number four, is a middle aged client.

    03:35 So a little younger than the older adult, who has vomited three times in the last hour.

    03:40 I'm looking for greatest risk for decreased oxygenation.

    03:45 Well, don't make a movie.

    03:47 Number four is middle age, they have vomited, but nothing there tells us they've aspirated or they're unconscious.

    03:53 So those would be the types of things of problems with oxygenation, that vomiting could cause.

    03:59 Nothing tells us that it's there.

    04:02 So number four, I'm going to eliminate you.

    04:05 And number one is the best answer for the client who's at greatest risk for decreased oxygenation.

    04:12 Run through your answer choices one more time? Yep, that makes sense that number one is the most correct answer.

    04:18 We compared it to two, three, and four.

    04:20 Number one is the clear winner.

    04:22 So I'm going to submit my answer and move along, right? Don't waller.

    04:27 Don't try and talk yourself into another answer.

    04:29 As long as you're consistent through the same steps every time, you can trust your answer.

    04:35 Remember, you are never going to get every question, right.

    04:39 No one does on the NCLEX.

    04:41 But it's okay.

    04:42 Just do your best.

    04:44 Now reflect on this question.

    04:46 Did you get it right or wrong? What needs to go into your notebook? Is there some knowledge that needs to go in there? Is there a strategy that needs to go in there? Is there something you need to work on in answering priority questions that you're struggling with.

    05:01 Note that in your notebooks.

    05:02 so you can remind yourself because all of us are working together to make sure you have a better testing experience.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential Q9 – NCLEX-RN® by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course NCLEX-RN® Question Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Opioids decrease respiratory rate and depth.
    2. Opioids cause drowsiness.
    3. Opioids decrease lung function.
    4. Opioids cause pneumonia.

    Author of lecture Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential Q9 – NCLEX-RN®

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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