
Behavioral Sciences Question Set 2

by Lecturio USMLE

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    About the Lecture

    The lecture Behavioral Sciences Question Set 2 by Lecturio USMLE is from the course Behavioral Sciences / Psychiatry – Board-Style Questions.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Schizoaffective disorder
    2. Major depression disorder
    3. Bipolar I disorder
    4. Brief psychotic disorder
    5. Schizophrenia
    1. Brief psychotic disorder
    2. Adjustment disorder
    3. Schizophrenia
    4. Bereavement
    5. Schizophreniform
    1. He has a fixed false belief
    2. It is amenable to cognitive behavioral therapy
    3. Would benefit from psychosurgery
    4. It is a negative symptom
    5. It falls under the disorganized thinking domain
    1. Neuroblastoma
    2. Psychomotor epilepsy
    3. Schizophrenia
    4. Hypnagogic hallucination
    5. Substance abuse
    1. Tactile hallucination
    2. Auditory hallucination
    3. Visual hallucination
    4. Olfactory hallucination
    5. Hypnagogic hallucination
    1. Non-bizarre delusion
    2. Grandiose delusions
    3. Bizarre Persecutory
    4. Erotomanic delusions
    5. Delusion of inference
    1. Symptoms must be present for at least four weeks
    2. Patient can have concurrent psychotic disorders
    3. Patient may have a contributing medical condition
    4. This disorder has a high prevalence rate
    5. The disorder must meet 2 out of the 5 core criteria
    1. Can affect two or more closely related individuals
    2. A trial separation is likely to worsen symptoms
    3. The disorder is its own disease entity in DSM-5
    4. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a good first-line
    5. Treatment can be augmented with antipsychotics
    1. Usually self-limiting memory loss
    2. Pharmacotherapy is the mainstay of treatment
    3. Least common dissociative disorder
    4. Patients are unable to recall obscure details
    5. Are more likely also to have bipolar disorder
    1. Patient must have anhedonia or depressed mood
    2. Symptoms must last at least one month
    3. May have a history of elated mood
    4. Patient may have pressured speech
    5. Preserved social and occupational functioning

    Author of lecture Behavioral Sciences Question Set 2

     Lecturio USMLE

    Lecturio USMLE

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