
Use Your Network for Jobs (LPN)

by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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    00:01 With the nursing shortage, it seems like obtaining a job would be easy, but that doesn't mean you can get a job in the area you want to work.

    00:11 A good piece of advice is to use your network around you to land the job you want.

    00:18 I always tell my students that anytime they're in the clinical, you are on a potential job interview.

    00:26 Because it's not uncommon that a nursing student gets a job offer while they're fulfilling their clinical rotation.

    00:33 Many times, managers may approach you during your clinical rotation because of your character and your work ethic while you are on the unit.

    00:42 So, if you're interested in this unit, keep that manager's contact information close.

    00:48 Or, hit up your nursing preceptor and let them know that, "Hey, I really like this unit. I want to work here someday." And if you're assertive in a professional way, this could definitely pay off for you.

    01:02 Also, if you're a nurse aide, hey guys, this experience helps a lot especially if you already work in the healthcare facility and are obtaining your nursing license.

    01:13 They may hire you on as a nurse when you graduate, so be sure to talk to your manager and let them know that you're interested in staying on the unit when you complete your studies.

    01:25 This particular instance, I had the same thing come up for me.

    01:29 I was a nurse aide on a medical telemetry unit for years and when I obtained my LPN license, they hired me on as a nurse.

    01:38 Guys, this helped a lot.

    01:40 It was helpful because I already knew kind of the flow of the unit where everything was - the supply room, the medication room, the staff, the doctors, the nurses already; and honestly, just the overall environment of the floor.

    01:56 I knew the logistics and this helped me to focus more on my learning of my new scope of practice as a nurse.

    02:03 Let anyone and everyone know you're looking for a job.

    02:08 If you have a friend who is working somewhere you want to work, ask them to put in a good word for you.

    02:14 This is actually more helpful than you might think.

    02:17 If the manager knows whose application to look for, it can definitely expedite the hiring process, because Human Resources gets a lot of applicants.

    02:27 Funny story about how I got my first healthcare job, I was just actually just talking to my friend from high school on the phone and she knew I was looking to start in the hospital.

    02:38 So, she called her aunt and she - her aunt was a nurse in the local hospital, and shortly after, I got a call from the manager of her aunt's unit to interview for the job.

    02:49 And, that's how I started.

    02:51 So, just to recap, let anyone and everyone know you're looking for a job as a nurse.

    02:58 You'll be surprised who knows who, who may be a nurse or someone that works in the healthcare facility.

    03:04 And when you're in clinical, ask the manager, the nursing preceptor if the unit's hiring.

    03:09 And do you know any friends or family connected with the local institution where you want to work.

    03:16 If you're already working in the hospital, reach out to those who may be able to facilitate your transition to your ideal job.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Use Your Network for Jobs (LPN) by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN is from the course Applying for Your First Nursing Job (LPN).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Make the nurse manager aware that you are interested in working on that unit.
    2. Treat your clinical like a job interview.
    3. Discuss it with your nurse preceptor.
    4. Ask the nurse manager for contact information.
    5. Show up late to clinical, appear disheveled and unengaged.
    1. Peers
    2. Nursing instructor
    3. Nurse preceptor
    4. Unit manager
    5. Submitting a resume to human resources and not networking.

    Author of lecture Use Your Network for Jobs (LPN)

     Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

    Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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