
Systemic Vascular Resistance (Nursing)

by Corey Hardin, BSN, RN, CCRN-CMC, CV-BC

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    00:01 Our next hemodynamic concept and value is Systemic Vascular Resistance.

    00:06 We've kind of talked about this a little bit more, let's dive in a little bit deeper.

    00:10 Systemic vascular resistance normal is 800-1200 dynes.

    00:15 Remember that, 800 to 1200.

    00:18 Basically, it's the resistance to blood flow of coming out of that left ventricle.

    00:24 What's the pressure that that left ventricle has to overcome to get the blood flow to come out.

    00:30 What affects systemic vascular resistance, the diameter of our arteries, the length of our arteries, and the viscosity of our blood affect a systemic vascular resistance.

    00:42 Now, like I said, the normal is 800-1200.

    00:45 If you have a systemic vascular resistance more than 800, that means your arteries are more dilated.

    00:52 And if you have a systemic vascular resistance closer to 1200 or greater, your more vasoconstricted.

    00:58 We'll look at that with a little bit of animation here later.

    01:04 Now, increased afterload.

    01:06 What increases the pressure that your heart has to beat against to get that blood flow out? Hyperthermia, aortic stenosis, cardiogenic shock and certain medications.

    01:17 Anything that would cause your vasculature to vasoconstrict is going to increase that systemic vascular resistance.

    01:24 Hyperthermia, if you're cold, you're vasoconstricting, you're shutting all that blood to your core.

    01:29 Aortic stenosis is actually that aortic valve is really tight.

    01:32 And in order to pop that valve open, that left ventricle has to contract really hard to get the blood flow out.

    01:38 So the SVR is really high on that.

    01:40 Cardiogenic shock causes extreme vasoconstriction of your vasculature.

    01:45 And there's specific medications like Levophed, vasopressin, phenylephrine and dopamine.

    01:50 Well, they cause vasoconstriction as well increasing that afterload.

    01:54 So we talked about what increases afterload, let's talk about what decreases afterload.

    01:59 Anything that causes vasodilation of your arteries would cause a decrease in afterload.

    02:05 So anaphylactic or neurogenic shock, extremely vasodilates those arteries.

    02:10 Hyperthermia, when you're running a fever, you're going to vasodilate.

    02:15 Sepsis causes vasodilation and specific medications such as nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, nicardipine and cleviprex causes vasodilation of those arteries and decreasing that afterload.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Systemic Vascular Resistance (Nursing) by Corey Hardin, BSN, RN, CCRN-CMC, CV-BC is from the course Hemodynamic Concepts and Values (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Anaphylactic shock
    2. Sepsis
    3. Nitroglycerin
    4. Hypothermia
    5. Cardiogenic shock

    Author of lecture Systemic Vascular Resistance (Nursing)

     Corey Hardin, BSN, RN, CCRN-CMC, CV-BC

    Corey Hardin, BSN, RN, CCRN-CMC, CV-BC

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