Does it become a neutrophil or a basophil or
an eosinophil? The next stage of this cell
then passes into is the myelocyte. In those
cells, the specific granules will emerge.
Again those specific granules relate to the
different roles of these granulocytes will
have. For instance, the specific granule in
a neutrophil contains antimicrobial substances
or enzymes like collagenase that help digest
the microbes in the bacteria that they are
going to destroy and then taking to the cell
cytoplasm. Whereas the eosinophils and the
basophils will have specific granules for
their particular role or purpose.
So these monocytes again are quite large cells and
again if you look carefully in the cytoplasm,
you see evidence of a granular structure,
but you really cannot distinguish what type
of granules they are at this early stage.
Well the cell then passes into the metamyelocyte
stage and the metamyelocyte stage is a very
important stage of development because it's
at this stage that the cell can no longer
divide. Hence a little asterisk I have put
next to the term metamyelocyte. But what happens
is that the nucleus becomes kidney shaped and sometimes
you can see that kidney shaped nucleus when
you look at these cells when they are oriented
in a way in which they appear when viewed
with a light microscope. Sometimes if that
cell was rotated around because you are looking
at smear of bone marrow, you would not see
the kidney shaped nucleus. So it would be
difficult in this instance to then identify
that cell. But that is one of the characteristic
features of the metamyelocyte and let me stress
again that this is a stage that the cell
can no longer further divide. Well in the
case of the neutrophil, that nucleus that
was originally a kidney shaped or a bean-shaped
then develops further, and we call it a band or
a stab cell. Have a look at the nucleus and
you see that it is a horseshoe shaped or a U shaped.This
is an indication that the cell nucleus is
going through this stage or it is actually
going to be polymorphonuclear appearance that
you see characteristic of the neutrophil. And
at the same time that the nucleus is going
through differentiation process. Two other
things happen. Firstly the granules start
become specific for that particular cell type
because it is no longer dividing, it is concentrating
on being the lineage to which is destined
to be. It is concentrating on creating the
factory inside the cell within the different
granules to fulfill the role of that cell
type. In this case, it is a neutrophil. And
finally that neutrophil or that nucleus will
go through a stage where it becomes as I said
before polymorphonuclear or having many forms,
many shapes. So, again I hope you have
some understanding
of the various lineages whereby the myeloblast
can give rise to granulocytes. And concentrate
again on the actual finished product of the
cell types, the neutrophil, the eosinophil
and the basophil each has specific granules
within them containing different components
that serve the role of the cells. So as the
cells develop through their lineage, first
of all they go through a process of just generally
producing granules. And it is only after the
metamyelocyte stage when they can no longer
divide that the cell then destined to become
one of those three types goes through the
process of forming the specific contents of
those granules. So now I hope you understand
a little bit about bone marrow
and thank you for listening.