
Sphenoid Bone

by Darren Salmi, MD, MS

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    00:01 The sphenoid bone is very complicated and has lots of different parts.

    00:06 We'll start with the centrally located body.

    00:10 To which we have small projections called the lesser wings.

    00:15 And then larger projections called the greater wings.

    00:19 Running more inferiorly are these processes called the pterygoid processes.

    00:26 If we look at the body, especially its anterior surface, we can see a little sphenoid crest in the midline.

    00:33 And apertures for the sphenoid sinus.

    00:36 The spheroid sinus being one of the pair of nasal sinuses that exists within the sphenoid bone.

    00:43 We also see the inferior surface and lateral surfaces here.

    00:50 And if we swing around, we see the posterior surface.

    00:54 And this is going to interact with the occipital bone.

    00:59 Here we see the superior surface.

    01:02 And it has structures such as the jugum sphenoidale.

    01:06 And part of the clivus, the smooth part that's going towards the occipital bone.

    01:12 And then there's a little groove called the chiasmatic groove.

    01:16 Where we have the optic chiasm.

    01:18 And this is where the optic nerves sort of crossover before becoming the optic tracts.

    01:25 And this region is known as the sella turcica, because of its resemblance to a Turkish horse saddle.

    01:32 And it has a little depression called the tuberculum sellae.

    01:37 And the dorsum sellae.

    01:39 And together they're going to form this hypophysial fossa.

    01:43 Which is going to be the space in which the pituitary gland sits.

    01:50 Now we see the larger projections the greater wings sticking out laterally.

    01:56 And here we have the various surfaces.

    02:00 And openings of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.

    02:04 First we see the foramen rotundum.

    02:08 And the more oval shaped foramen ovale.

    02:12 We also have a smaller one called the foramen spinosum.

    02:19 Here we see laterally the temporal portion or the temporal surface of the sphenoid bone.

    02:27 And in here we see the orbital surface from an anterior point of view.

    02:33 And from this point of view, we can see another opening and this is the optic canal.

    02:38 Which is the opening for the optic nerves.

    02:41 Between the lesser and greater wings is a much larger opening called the superior orbital fissure.

    02:46 Through which multiple cranial nerves are going to pass.

    02:53 Hanging down inferiorly from the sphenoid bone are the pterygoid processes or plates.

    03:01 We have a medial plate.

    03:03 And a lateral plate.

    03:05 And in between is the pterygoid fossa.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Sphenoid Bone by Darren Salmi, MD, MS is from the course Skull.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Pterygoid process
    2. Body
    3. Lesser wing
    4. Greater wing
    5. Middle wing
    1. Occipital bone
    2. Parietal bone
    3. Frontal bone
    4. Maxilla
    5. Nasal bone

    Author of lecture Sphenoid Bone

     Darren Salmi, MD, MS

    Darren Salmi, MD, MS

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